作者简介:张丽君(1985-),女,河南南阳人,博士研究生,主要从事区域可持续发展研究。E-mail: zlj7happy@163.com
收稿日期: 2011-03-30
要求修回日期: 2011-11-21
网络出版日期: 2012-03-25
Evolution Mechanisms of Primary Energy-related Carbon Emissions in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Metropolitan Area
Received date: 2011-03-30
Request revised date: 2011-11-21
Online published: 2012-03-25
张丽君 , 秦耀辰 , 张金萍 , 张艳 . 郑汴都市区一次能源消费的碳排放变化及机理[J]. 地理科学, 2012 , 32(3) : 314 -321 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.03.314
Responses to the challenge of global warming include research into scope for adoption of low-carbon approaches to resource use. Urban development is faced the transition to a low carbon eco-city, and evolution mechanisms of urban primary energy-related carbon emissions are the premise and foundation for Zhengzhou-Kaifeng metropolitan area′s low carbon eco-city research. The paper estimates carbon emissions and its influencing factors in different periods by carbon emission model and LMDI method. The various influencing factors include population size, economic development level, planting structure, crop yields, crop sown area, energy intensity, energy structure and so on. Especially, evolution mechanisms of fossil fuel-related carbon emissions from 2000 to 2009, primary energy-related carbon emissions and major crops carbon sequestration from 2004 to 2007 are explored using LMDI analysis. In addition, the low-carbon development identification function is constructed to choose the further leading industry. The conclusions can be drawn as follows. 1) Carbon emissions gradually increase per year in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng metropolitan area during the study period, with great difference in amount, speed and structure. Specifically, primary energy-related carbon emissions have a great increase while major crops' carbon sequestrations increase slowly. Coal-related carbon emissions play an important role in total emissions, and biomass energy-related carbon emissions can not be ignored compared with natural gas and crude oil. Fossil fuel-related carbon emissions and primary energy-related carbon emissions of Zhengzhou are higher than that of Kaifeng, while major crops carbon sequestrations of Kaifeng are higher than that of Zhengzhou. 2) Carbon emissions change with the interaction of factors such as economic development level, energy intensity, energy structure, population size, planting structure, crop yields, crop sown area. Economic growth is the most significant effect to promote an increase in carbon emissions. Energy intensity improvement effectively promotes a decrease in carbon emissions. And crop sown area expansion and crop yields increase are significant effect in carbon sequestration with some difference in Zhengzhou and Kaifeng. Because of the data and methods selected in this article, effects of energy structure and planting structure are not very significant. 3) The industry′s complementary development is contributed to reduce carbon emissions in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng metropolitan area, but a variety of industries′ capacity and structure needs improving and adjusting. The improvement of energy utilization technology in new industries, the upgrading and adjustment of traditional industries, the update of urban functions has brought new opportunities for low-carbon development in Zheng-Bian metropolitan area. 4) Low-carbon urban complex ecosystem is an open complex giant system, and mechanisms on carbon emissions of energy-material- information flow are the direction for further study. It is of significant importance to comprehensively analysis the interactive mechanism among different factors, such as population growth and technological progress, economic development and industrial restructuring, energy intensity and land use change. The ultimate goal is to regulate Zhengzhou-Kaifeng metropolitan area into a low-carbon eco-city by exploring the carbon emission discipline in built-up areas, expansion areas, and carbon footprint area in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng complex ecosystem.
Fig.1 Various carbon emissions in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng metropolitan area in different periods图1 郑汴都市区不同类型碳排放变化态势 |
Table 1 The classification for low-carbon development of industry in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Metropolitan area表1 郑汴都市区各产业低碳发展类型 |
相对高碳型 | 绝对低碳型 | 相对低碳型 | 绝对高碳型 | |
郑州市 | 无 | 化学品制造业、电器机械器材制造业、烟草制品业、化学纤维制造业、木材加工业、专用设备制造业、石油加工业、皮毛羽绒加工业 | 其他制造业 | 仪表及办公机械制造业、纺织业 |
开封市 | 无 | 食品制造业、交通运输设备制造业 | 其他制造业 | 文体用品制造业、通信设备制造业、黑色金属冶炼加工业、服装鞋帽制造业、塑料制品业、皮毛羽绒制品业、饮料制造业、专用设备制造业、纺织业、有色金属冶炼加工业 |
Fig. 2 Additive decomposition of fossil fuel-related carbon emissions in Zhengzhou and Kaifeng图2 郑汴两市化石能源碳排放的加法分解 |
Fig.3 Multiplication decomposition of primary energy-related carbon emissions in Zhengzhou and Kaifeng图3 郑汴两市一次能源碳排放变化的乘法分解 |
Fig.4 Additive decomposition of main crops-related carbon sinks in Zhengzhou and Kaifeng图4 郑汴两市主要农作物碳吸收的加法分解 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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