作者简介:杜宗斌(1971-),男,湖北恩施人,讲师,博士研究生,主要从事乡村旅游研究。E-mail: dzb204156@126.com
收稿日期: 2011-09-28
要求修回日期: 2012-02-10
网络出版日期: 2012-03-25
Mediate Effects of Community Involvement Influence on Sense of Community in Tourism Destination: A Case Study of Anji County in Zhejiang Province
Received date: 2011-09-28
Request revised date: 2012-02-10
Online published: 2012-03-25
通过文献分析,引入旅游感知﹑旅游获益两个变量,构建旅游地社区参与—社区归属感结构模型,探讨社区参与对社区归属感的中介效应与传导机制。以浙江安吉为例,运用极大似然法进行参数估计,研究发现:① 旅游感知和旅游获益是社区参与影响社区归属感的两个中介变量,都显著引起社区参与对社区归属感的部分中介效应。② 旅游感知和旅游获益单独作为中介变量介入社区参与对社区归属感的影响时,旅游获益所起的部分中介作用显著大于旅游感知;二者同时介入时,旅游感知所起的部分中介作用显著大于旅游获益,共同引致的部分中介作用达到最大。③ 社区参与对社区归属感的影响机制存在两条途径,一条是直接影响路径,另一条是以旅游感知、旅游获益为中介变量的间接影响路径,间接路径稍低于直接路径。④ 提高旅游感知不仅要重视提高旅游地居民文化程度,还要考虑旅游地发展阶段的现实情况;改善旅游获益应尽可能满足旅游地社区居民的经济发展需要。
杜宗斌 , 苏勤 , 姜辽 . 社区参与对旅游地居民社区归属感的中介效应━━以浙江安吉为例[J]. 地理科学, 2012 , 32(3) : 329 -335 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.03.329
While community is one of central research issues in the field of recreation geography, community involvement is essential premise of sustainable tourism development, and sense of community has been important for the existence and healthy development of tourism community. Properly understanding driving mechanism of community involvement influence on the sense of community is favorable to provide alternative measures in achieving the goal of residents' active support for tourism development in China. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) approach and introducing the two key variables of perceived tourism impacts and personal benefit from tourism, the article builds the conceptual model of community involvement-the sense of community (CI-SC), aiming at exploring the mediate effects of community involvement influence on the sense of community and their transmission mechanism. To test the conceptual model of CI-SC, an empirical survey was performed in several tourism destinations in Anji County in Zhejiang Province by use of stratified sample method. A total of 558 valid questionnaires were obtained. Employing AMOS 7.0, the conceptual model of CI-SC fitted better with the data collected. Furthermore, all the five path coefficients of the conceptual models are proved to be statistically significant at p<0.05 or p<0.001. To be specific, the results indicated that: 1) Perceived tourism impacts and personal benefit from tourism were two mediate variables of community involvement influence on the sense of community, and such of the mediate variables brought significantly partial mediate effects. 2) When perceived tourism impacts or personal benefit from tourism is alone mediate variables between community involvement and sense of community, the partial mediate effect caused by personal benefit from tourism is significantly higher than perceived tourism impacts. When they are simultaneously mediate variables, the partial mediate effect caused by perceived tourism impacts is significantly higher than personal benefit from tourism, and the partial mediate effects caused by them is the maximum. 3) Two paths existed in impact mechanism between community involvement and sense of community, one is direct while the other is indirect mediated by perceived tourism impacts and personal benefit from tourism, and the indirect is slightly lower than the direct. 4) Increase of perceived tourism impacts is not only the importance of improvement the educational level of local residents, but also considerating the situation with the stage of tourism destination development; To improve personal benefit from tourism should meet tourism community residents' desire for economic development aspects as much as possible
Fig. 1 Conceptual model of the research图1 研究概念模型 |
Table 1 The summary of samples表1 样本基本情况 |
基本情况 | 分类 | 样本比例(%) | 基本情况 | 分类 | 样本比例(%) |
年龄 | ≤20 | 1.1 | 职业 | 村干部 | 5.9 |
21~30 | 29.0 | 旅游公司员工 | 8.6 | ||
31~50 | 60.2 | 个体旅游经营 | 35.5 | ||
51~60 | 6.5 | 务农 | 30.6 | ||
≥61 | 3.2 | 其他 | 19.4 | ||
性别 | 男 | 53.8 | 居住时间 | <10 a | 10.2 |
女 | 46.2 | 10~20 a | 5.4 | ||
文化程度 | 小学以下 | 7.5 | >20 a | 84.4 | |
初中 | 43.0 | 家庭月收 入(元) | ≤1000 | 10.2 | |
高中 | 35.5 | 1001~3000 | 37.6 | ||
大专 | 9.1 | 3001~5000 | 26.3 | ||
本科以上 | 4.8 | 5001~10000 | 18.3 | ||
>10001 | 7.5 |
Table 2 Tourism development of Anji County in 2008-2010表2 2008~2010年安吉县旅游发展概况 |
年份 | 接待游客量 (万人次) | 旅游总收入 (万元) | 旅游收入占全县 当年GDP比重(%) |
2008年 | 501 | 190700 | 13.39 |
2009年 | 544 | 220500 | 13.83 |
2010年 | 648 | 351800 | 18.51 |
资料来源:安吉统计网(http://www.ajtj.gov.cn/)数据整理[27]。 |
Table 3 Reliability and validity of model表 3 模型信度与效度 |
变 量 | 因子载荷 | a系数 |
社区参与(CI) | 0.84 | |
所在社区自主管理(CI1) | 0.59 | |
所在社区居民的参与意识 (CI2) | 0.88 | |
所在社区居民参与决策(CI3) | 0.88 | |
所在社区居民与投资者利益共享(CI4) | 0.72 | |
旅游感知(PTI) | 0.85 | |
正面感知(PPTI) | 0.93 | |
负面感知(PNTI) | 0.52 | |
旅游获益(PBT) | 0.81 | |
个人职业与旅游业的关系(PBT1) | 0.89 | |
家庭成员职业与旅游业的关系(PBT2) | 0.77 | |
社区归属感(SC) | 0.79 | |
喜欢这个社区 (SC1) | 0.81 | |
和社区中很多人是好朋友(SC2) | 0.85 | |
如果条件允许,希望长期住在本地(SC3) | 0.70 | |
非常关心社区日常事务(SC4) | 0.67 | |
如果搬离该居住社区会感到很留恋(SC5) | 0.64 |
Table 4 Correlation coefficient of four latent variables in structure model表4 结构模型4个潜变量的相关系数 |
社区参与 | 旅游获益 | 旅游感知 | 社区归属感 | |
社区参与 | 1 | |||
旅游获益 | 0.390*** | 1 | ||
旅游感知 | 0.480*** | 0.187 | 1 | |
社区归属感 | 0.604*** | 0.315*** | 0.617*** | 1 |
注:***表示p<0.001检验通过。 |
Fig. 2 Basic model: structure model of community involvement & sense of community图2 基准模型:社区参与和社区归属感结构模型 |
Fig. 3 Model 2: structure model of perceived tourism impacts as a mediator图3 模型2:旅游感知为中介变量的结构模型 |
Fig. 4 Model 3: structure model of personal benefit from tourism as a mediator图4 模型3:旅游获益为中介变量的结构模型 |
Fig.5 Model 4: structure model of perceived tourism impacts & personal benefit from tourism as mediators图5 模型4:旅游感知和旅游获益为中介变量的结构模型 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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