The establishment of ecological and economic compensation mechanism of oilfield is to ease the contradiction between oilfield development and the ecological environment. Nowadays,the research on ecological compensation is the hot field. The ecological and economic compensation is an important topic. The paper took the petroleum resources as the research subject, and tried to take the research on charge policy of petroleum resources for ecological and economic compensation as the breakpoint, and then established ecological and economic compensation mechanism far-reaching in such field. The study area is Qian’an Daqingzi oil well, a representative petroleum resources region located at Jilin. Based on the data collected in the investigation,the paper estimated the eco-compensation standards that were suitable to the study areas. Based on opportunity cost, and economic theory, authors established the ecological and economic compensation model. The ecological and economic compensations are calculated, which should be 182.95 yuan(RMB)/t, accounting for 4.8% of oil prices. It can reflect the external economic cost of oilfield development in the region, which is acceptable in oilfield development, and it can almost meet the satisfaction of the local residents and the government. By comparison with other mature models, the model is flexible, scientific and reasonable compensation. In view of the systemic research on charge policy of ecological compensation in petroleum resources,this paper could provide us with some references in establishing the eco-compensation mechanism in mineral resources field.
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