以延吉市为研究对象,利用1977年、1986年1:5万地形图,1992年、2001年TM影像,2008年ALOS影像等5期多源数据,运用景观生态学原理,借助遥感和GIS技术,选取城市景观构成、平均斑块面积、斑块密度、斑块分形维数、景观分离度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数等进行分析,揭示延吉市近31 a来城市景观格局演变及其驱动力。结果表明,延吉市景观格局从1977年到2008年间发生了较大的变化,耕地、建筑用地显著增加,林地、草地显著减少;城市分形维数、景观多样性和景观均匀度都呈增加趋势,景观格局变化受人为因素影响较大。人口增加、经济发展、城镇化和工业发展是延吉市景观格局演变的主要驱动力。
The evolvement and driving forces of urban landscape pattern in Yanji City in the past three decades were explored based on the theory of landscape ecology and the technology of remote sensing and GIS, using the multi-source interpreted data of topographic maps in 1977 and 1986, Landsat TM images in 1992 and 2001, and ALOS image in 2008. The indices chosen are the structure of urban landscape, the average area of patches, patch density, fractal dimension, isolation index, landscape diversity and evenness index. Taking GIS as a platform to integrate and analyze data, the driving forces are summarized together with the development of Yanji City. The results show that, the landscape pattern in Yanji City changed greatly from 1977 to 2008. The area of cultivated land and built-up land increased, while grassland and woodland decreased. The urban landscape diversity, landscape fractal dimension and evenness index were all increased. The reason of urban landscape pattern change is mainly by human activity. The growth of population and economy together with industrialization and urbanization were main forces for urban landscape pattern evolvement in Yanji City. The results can provide scientific evidence for ecological landscape design and urban development planning in other regions.
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