就近30 a来中国工业经济转型过程中能源消费与碳排放的关联变化进行了分析,结果表明,工业部门能源消费的持续增长是中国能源消费总量增长与碳排放量增长的主要驱动因子;工业碳排放总量增长快速,但工业碳排放密集度持续降低;工业部门中制造业碳排放量最大,平均约占工业部门碳排放总量的60%,降低传统制造业能源消费、提高能源利用效率是推动节能减排政策实施和地方行动响应的关键环节;地区工业能源高消费地区集中分布于中国环渤海地区,能源较高消费地区主要集中于中国中部地区和东部经济发达地区,能源中等消费地区主要集中于中国西部地区,而能源低消费地区集中于西部经济落后地区;中国区域工业碳排放总量除受到本地工业能源消费量的直接影响外,还受到各地能源消费结构的影响,值得注意的是,较高碳排放地区空间布局趋于"孤岛"分布格局,低碳排放地区的数量也逐渐增加。
The correlation changes between energy consumption and carbon emissions in the process of Chinese industrial economy transformation within the recent thirty years were analyzed in the paper. The results indicate that the growth of energy consumption and the rapid growth of carbon emissions have been affected predominantly by the energy consumption in industry production. In contrast with fast growth of industrial carbon emission, the carbon intensity has declined steadily. Among all the industrial sectors, the manufacturing has been the largest emitter of carbon emissions, which makes up 60% of the total emissions. Thus, reducing the traditional manufacturing's energy consumption and improving energy efficiency are the key links in the process of promoting the implementation of energy conservation and pollution reduction policy and the response of local government. The regions of high energy consumption are concentrated in the provinces around Bohai area; the regions of relatively high energy consumption are mainly located in central and eastern provinces of China; the regions of moderate energy consumption are largely centered in western provinces; the regions of low energy consumption are located in undeveloped provinces. The industrial carbon emission is affected not only by the regional industry consumption directly, but also by the energy consumption structure to some extent. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the areas of relatively high carbon emissions gradually formed "island" distribution pattern and the number of areas with low carbon emissions is going up.
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