收稿日期: 2012-12-25
修回日期: 2013-04-05
网络出版日期: 2013-08-20
The Eco-environmental Evolution and the Character of Northeast China in Recent 10 Years
Received date: 2012-12-25
Revised date: 2013-04-05
Online published: 2013-08-20
东北地区资源环境具有人地相互作用短时限、高强度特征,生态环境问题突出。构建基于“压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型的生态环境综合评价体系,应用熵值法系统评价2003年以来东北地区生态环境演变及其特征,结果显示:① 东北振兴战略实施以来,东北地区生态环境压力呈波动减小趋势,生态环境状态逐渐趋于好转,生态环境响应得分降低,但东北地区生态环境综合得分呈波动上升趋势;② 东北地区生态环境质量总体提高,但生态环境演变的省际差异显著,同时环境改善效果与生态建设成效差距突出;③ 近10 a来东北地区生态环境演变具有显著的时间、空间、结构特征。并从重点工程实施、区域组织协调、环境治理投入、产业结构演变等方面分析了生态环境演变的成因,最后提出相应措施。
关键词: 生态环境; “压力-状态-响应”(PSR)模型; 东北振兴
李汝资, 宋玉祥, 李雨停, 陈晓红
The resources and environment in Northeast China are characterized by a kind of high tension of man-land relationship within short-term time scale. By building the eco-environmental evaluation system based on the Press-State-Response model, the article evaluated the characteristics of the eco-environment in Northeast China since 2003. The results showed that, since the implementation of the northeast revitalization strategy, the eco-environmental pressure was fluctuating decreasing, while the eco-environmental state was gradually getting better, and the eco-environmental response index was decreasing, the eco-environmental composite scores were rising; Overall, the quality of eco-environment in Northeast China was generally improved, but the differences between ecological construction and environmental protection as well as different provinces were outstanding. The eco-environment evolution in recent 10 years showed significant features of time, space, and structure. The essay analyzed the influencing factors of the eco-environment based on the key projects implementation, regional organization coordination, investment in environmental governance and industrial structure evolution, at last proposed corresponding measurements.
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