The term Industrial “wave” used in this article is taken from the phenome-non of urban industry extending gradually in a “wave” pattern from the city center toward all directions.That is to say,industry in a large-or medium-sized cityextends all around in a wave-like distribution;or,once there is a large-or medium sized enterprise established at a certain location,then there will be related factories to be setup around it one by one;or,when there is a mine being opened up,there will be a series of enterprises to be setup in same manner. There should be two basic factors or the formation of Industrial “wave”;The energy source of wave generation and the conditions for wave formation.Industrial “wave” emerges and develops along with urban industrilization.The whole progress of Industrial “wave” from its emergence through its evolution consists of four stages: stage of wave accumulation,stage of near-wave,stageof distant-wave and stage of regenrated wave.Referring to the nature of wave formation,Industrial “wave” can be divided into three categories: Large-or medium-sized city,mining industry city and layout of large industry city,The evolution of industry in Naniing shows all the four stages of Industrial “wave”.
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