Scientia Geographica Sinica  2015 , 35 (5): 544-550

Orginal Article


梁增贤, 保继刚

中山大学旅游学院,广东 广州 510275/中山大学旅游发展与规划研究中心,广东 广州 510275

The Impacts of Cultural Transformation on Place Becoming: A Case Study of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town

LIANG Zeng-xian, BAO Ji-gang

School of Tourism Management/Center For Tourism Planning & Research, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275,China

中图分类号:  F119.1

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2015)05-0544-07

收稿日期: 2014-01-17

修回日期:  2014-04-21

网络出版日期:  2015-05-20

版权声明:  2015 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金(41301146)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(40000-3161113)资助






关键词: 文化转型 ; 地方 ; 空间文化生产 ; 深圳华侨城


Place can serve as a template for examining the contemporary cultural dynamics of socioeconomic transformation and restructuring, and the culture has important influences on place construction and becoming. However, in the earlier studies, the culture impacts in the process of place becoming received inadequate treatment. Modern China is now undergoing a rapid and dramatic socioeconomic transformation which can be understood as cultural transformation essentially. Meanwhile, place is continue becoming due to the rapid urbanization and urban renewal in the past decade. The relationship between place becoming and cultural transformation embodies a concentrated reflection of the impact mechanism of changing cultural fashions on cultural production of place. This article aims to explore the impacts of cultural transformations on place becoming, especially focus on how cultural transformation can construct and change the cultural implications of place. This article, using Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town (OCT) as a case study, examines the changing names and advertising texts to deconstruct the transformation process and characteristic of cultural implications of place. It is oun that the changing culture fashions are the characteristic of the cultural transformation in modern China since the asynchronization and occasionality in the values and lifestyle changing, materiality redevelopment and subject consciousness representation. The local government and the developers employ the notion of spatial imagineering, and select the meanings fit to the culture fashions to construct a place, with the help of physical space (re)construction. The name, structure and form of the architecture, the landscape, the lifestyle and the social network show the new changing meanings of place. In this process: 1) Each place has one dominant culture in the cultural production of space at one time, while the non-mainstream cultures can also play roles in place becoming. The implications of place are from multiple cultures. 2) There are also many ways in culture production of place. When one way is the mainstream, the others will be non-mainstream. 3) The cultural and meanings diversity of a place make it more difference and attractive, and cater to the changing needs of mainstream social classes in different culture fashions. When an urban community can show multiple meanings from different cultures and multiple ways of culture production, it can be a mixed community where people preferring different culture fashions and from different classes can live together and harmoniously.

Keywords: cultural transformation ; place ; cultural production of space ; Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town


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梁增贤, 保继刚. 文化转型对地方意义流变的影响——以深圳华侨城空间文化生产为例[J]. , 2015, 35(5): 544-550

LIANG Zeng-xian, BAO Ji-gang. The Impacts of Cultural Transformation on Place Becoming: A Case Study of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(5): 544-550


文化的力量时刻影响着地方意义的建构。地方在提供人类生活场景的同时,又赋予人类特定的身份认同[11],而人类又不断通过实践将文化记录在地方中[12]。经年累积的文化使得地方成为“有意义的区位”(a meaningful location)[13]。这种意义包括了象征意义、思想感受、态度和价值等[14]。地方因此成为文化意义的载体[15~17]、社会与权力关系的媒介[18],并形成地方感[19]。地方经由多重社会建构过程而来[20],而社会建构了地方的意义和物质性[13]。Massey指出,地方是一个动态、开放且具有内部多样性的,一个地方可能存在多种认同[21]。人们应该积极地承认地方意义的多样性和动态性[21, 22]。地方总是处于“流变”(becoming)之中[23]。正是地方的意义的流变使得其社会建构必然受到外部环境变化的影响。资本积累和权力关系固然是重要的外部环境,但不能忽略文化力量。事实上,对文化身份的想象,就是对地方的想象[24]。社会群体自发形成的地方具有强大生命力[25]。以往研究也表明,宗族文化[26]、饮食文化[27]等对地方意义的形成起到关键作用,而融入具体地方的文化也可以被重新诠释[28],并生产出新的意义[29]。因此,文化影响着地方意义的建构和流变。文化是多元的,地方的意义也可能是多样的。

中国的文化转型是一个长期而隐蔽的过程[2],是当代人类的共同问题[30],也是地方意义流变最重要的外部环境,表现为世界观念、价值观念、生活方式和主体意识的转变[31]。由于上述转变的非同步性和偶然性,文化转型产生多股相互重叠的“文化时尚”。从改革开放初期社会主义工人文化到1989年社会思潮影响下的传统民族文化,再到全球化浪潮下的西方文化,以及逐渐兴起的地方怀旧主义。每一种文化时尚代表了社会主流阶层的时代偏好,反映在地方中就表现为主流社会阶层对城市空间的文化生产与再生产。这种现象在西方被称为“绅士化”(gentrification)[32, 33]。而绅士化社区的文化多样性又成为吸引中产阶层回归,构建文化身份认同的重要因素[34, 35]


1 文化转型与深圳华侨城地方意义的流变

命名是使空间转变为地方的途径之一[13, 36],通过命名赋予地方意义,宣示权力,获取认同,彰显身份地位[36]。广告文本中呈现了开发商对地方的主题化叙事,也反映了地方的意义。本文所采用的命名以深圳华侨城各个楼盘、旅游项目的现实命名为基准,而广告文本主要来自《华侨城报道》与《华侨城》2个企业官方的宣传平台。

深圳是中国快速城市化的典型[37~39]。快速城市化引发剧烈的文化转型,文化时尚在较短的时期内快速变迁。深圳华侨城(简称华侨城,后文同)所创造的“旅游+地产”的快速城市化模式极具文化意义,集中反映了各个时期的文化时尚。华侨城占地5.665 km2②图1),发展具有阶段性[40, 41],从早期的“以轻型工业为主,兼有商业旅游、文化、居住功能的外向型城市组团”,转变为“代表21 世纪中国人居环境特色和水平的人文生态示范区”和“具有国际水准的旅游城”。1989年以前,华侨城地方的构建主要以物质性建设为主,开发商并未赋予地方过多的“意义”。这一时期社区大多没有特定的命名,也无文化意义,如光华街、光侨街。1989年,“锦绣中华”开业。旅游业的发展开始对地方的构建产生重要影响。1990年始,华侨城相继开发东方花园、海景花园、湖滨花园、中旅广场、汇文·荔海楼、锦绣花园和波托菲诺等一系列楼盘(表1)。这一时期,华侨城从命名到建筑环境,从居住楼盘到旅游项目,空间文化生产广泛应用,地方意义开始出现流变。【① 《华侨城报道》是报刊,于1989年创刊,目前为周报;《华侨城》是期刊,于2007年创刊,目前为月刊. ② 深圳华侨城原为4.800 km2,后逐渐扩大用地,现为5.665 km2. ③ 深圳华侨城经济发展总公司.深圳华侨城区总体规划,1986. ④ 深圳华侨城集团公司.华侨城区总体规划,2005~2015. ⑤ 深圳华侨城所在地原属于光明畜牧场沙河分场,光华街和光侨街意为光明农场的华侨街区.】

图1   深圳华侨城功能布局平面图

Fig.1   Sketch of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town

1.1 传统中国文化与民族的地方构建


表1   深圳华侨城楼盘开发情况

Table 1   The development of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town

社区使用时间当前售价房屋类型说 明
光华、光侨街1979年光华街为27 778~31 482 元/m2;光侨街为27 778~29 630 元/m2多层公寓/集体宿舍有编号无命名
西组团1981年佛山街为25 950~28 125 元/m2;芳华苑为25 204~26 761 元/m2;
中新街约26 731 元/m2;荔枝苑为24 097~31 461 元/m2
东组团1988年老东组团29 190~31 112 元/m2;松山村约28 985 元/m2;香山
东方花园1987年79 167~162 500 元/m2别墅、多层和高层公寓有编号,部分有命名
海景花园1990年均价约33 974 元/m2高层公寓有编号有命名
湖滨花园1993年25 828~36 258 元/m2高层公寓有编号有命名
中旅广场1995年27 660~35 124 元/m2多层和高层公寓有编号有命名
汇文·荔海楼1997年均价约31 147 元/m2高层公寓有编号有命名
锦绣花园1998年一期均价33 239元/m2;二期38 967元/m2;三期56 994 元/m2多层和高层公寓有编号,部分有命名
波托菲诺2001年天鹅堡一期均价48 715 元/m2,二期均价56 814 元/m2,三期
96 343 元/m2;香山里32 544~49 019 元/m2;纯水岸多层和高
层61 818~110 552 元/m2,别墅公寓价格超过12 万元/m2



表2   深圳华侨城部分居住社区的传统文化意义

Table 2   The meanings of buildings names in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town

小 区楼盘名称文化含义


1.2 西方文化时尚与全球化地方构建



1.3 地方怀旧主义与自己的地方构建



2 文化转型对地方意义流变的影响机制

街道、建筑物及店铺等均具有特定的意义,其意义的广泛流传就形成符号体系[43]。社会群体通过一套符号体系建构地方意义,从而取得身份认同[44]。政府和开发商将特定时期的文化时尚,通过空间想象化[45]打造一个类似奇幻城市[46]的主题空间。在华侨城,相继上演传统中国文化、西方文化时尚和地方怀旧文化3股文化时尚。这些文化时尚元素应用在空间文化生产的主要方面,借助现代空间生产方式,透过建筑名称、形式、结构、景观等符号一直延伸到生活方式和社会网络,赋予地方新的文化意义,从而构建了民族的地方、全球化地方和自己的地方(图2)。事实上,这种影响机制广泛见于全球主要城市的更新中[10, 47]

在快速城市化背景下,急剧变换的空间文化生产引发地方意义的不同建构,加之地方意义流变的相对迟滞,华侨城同时呈现多重意义。这种影响机制呈现为:① 地方意义的流变并不是地方意义和物质性彻底的历史割裂,而是在某一时期以某种文化时尚为主流,其他文化共同参与。当新的文化时尚到来时,原有文化失去主导地位,但依然发挥作用。时至今日,中国传统文化时尚仍展现强大魅力,不再限于命名、建筑和环境的文化生产,还包括文化演艺、服务体验、商业活动、营销宣传、生活方式、社会网络等诸多方面整体构建。西方文化时尚蕴含全球化浪潮下的世界大同思想,始终有其追随者。人们可以同时认同多种地方意义,对于他们而言,意义背后所反映是何种文化时尚并不重要,重要的是地方要有他们认同的意义。② 空间文化生产与再生产方式具有多样性,在某一时期某种生产方式占主导,其他方式共同发挥作用,导致地方意义呈现多种形式。西式洋楼里装饰着中式经典(如波托菲诺),历史的外墙包裹着西班牙风情(如深圳华侨城洲际大酒店),衰落的工业厂房内是创意的灵感(如华侨城创意产业园)[48]。③ 不同时期空间的文化生产所构建的地方意义主要迎合时代菁英的偏好,而同一时期地方意义所呈现的复合性和多种形式满足了不同时代精英多元的文化需求。因此,当一个社区积累多种被主流社会阶层认同的地方意义时,这个社区的就会被多种社会群体认同,就具有强大吸引力。

图2   深圳华侨城文化转型与地方意义流变的影响机制

Fig.2   The relationship between cultural transformation and meaning becoming of place in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town

3 结论与讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Place and the Paradox of Modernity

[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1997,87(3):509-531.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The concept of place has, over the past decade, been invigorated theoretically by geographers emphasizing the unboundedness, historical dynamism, and multiple identities inherent in places. This work is often characterized as a new way of conceiving place, enabled in part by the rise of postmodern cultural and social theory and the related demise of modernism in academia. Modernism, it has been claimed, devalued place as a relevant vehicle for understanding social change. This paper, however, contends that in fact place has been a particularly significant terrain for representing the experience of modernity, and that the conception of place envisioned in contemporary cultural geography has important humanistic roots in much nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature. The paper examines the intersections between this literary tradition of place representation and academic geography, examining the work of Goethe and Hardy, and the fiction of Raymond Williams. These writers articulated a vision of place not as the site of by-gone traditions and knowable communities, but as the landscape of modernity's paradoxes and contradictions. While there have been echoes of this distinctly modern approach to place in cultural geography, it is often obscured by a focus on the oppositional geopolitics of resistance. I argue that the vision of place derived from the literature discussed can serve as a template for examining the contemporary cultural dynamics of socioeconomic transformation and restructuring, and is advocated here as a basis for evaluating the cultural politics of place in terms of the contradiction and paradox鈥攁s opposed to a narrower conception of progressive politics鈥攚ith which people continue to engage the changes swirling around them.
[2] 周大鸣.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

对于中国大部分地区来说,现阶段是一个从乡村社会向都市社会转变 的时期,这个转变的过程也成为从农业文明向都市文明转化的文化转型过程,相较于社会转型,文化转型是一个长期、隐蔽的过程.从人类学角度看待都市化过程中 发生的文化转型现象,从家庭、社会关系以及社会整合模式等较为典型的方面进行阐释,将对文化转型的研究、都市化研究及中国社会的研究带来启发.
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Place:an experiential perspective

[J].Geographical Review, 1975,65(2):151-165.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

INTEREST in place and in the meaning of place is universal. The academic discipline that studies place is geography. Geographers have approached the study of place from two main perspectives: place as location, a unit within a hierarchy of units in space; and place as a
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[J].人文地理, 2013,28(6):86~91.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

空间的生产理论是当前解释中国 城市空间开发现象的重要理论工具,也是目前学术界相关研究的热点。中国对于空间生产理论的研究当前主要着眼于宏观的制度、资本等要素,而本文以广州市瑞宝 村为例,探讨了由流动人口推动的城乡结合部"弱"空间生产过程。研究发现,城乡结合部流动人口聚居区的空间生产是流动人口在当前的户籍、土地、政府监管与 城市更新制度之下,通过积极的区位选择、社会网络关系带动实现了对空间的占据、巩固和空间的持续占有,其空间生产的结果是形成一个以流动人口为主体、以社 会网络关系维系的稳定、孤立的同质生产社区。在当前的制度体制之下,此类社区并非个例,而对此类社区的管治,需要从一个更为综合的社会—空间视角进行考 量。
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[7] Harvey D.

Between space and time:reflections on the geographical imaginations

[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1990,80(3):418-434.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Although concepts of space and time are socially constructed, they operate with the full force of objective fact and play a key role in processes of social reproduction. Conceptions of space and time are inevitably, therefore, contested as part and parcel of processes of social change, no matter whether that change is superimposed from without (as in imperialist domination) or generated from within (as in the conflict between environmentalist and economic standards of decision making). A study of the historical geography of concepts of space and time suggests that the roots of the social construction of these concepts lie in the mode of production and its characteristic social relations. In particular, the revolutionary qualities of a capitalistic mode of production, marked by strong currents of technological change and rapid economic growth and development, have been associated with powerful revolutions in the social conceptions of space and time. The implications of these revolutions, implying as they do the 鈥渁nnihilation of space by time'鈥檃nd the general speed-up and acceleration of turnover time of capital, are traced in the fields of culture and politics, aesthetic theory and, finally, brought home within the discipline of geography as both a problem and a stimulus for rethinking the role of the geographical imagination in contemporary social life.
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From space to place and back again

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[9] 钱俊希,钱丽芸,朱竑.



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[10] 吴幸玲.



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Place matters

[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,2001,91(4):681-682.      URL      摘要

Place is a process, and it is human experience and struggle that give meaning to place. Place identity is a cultural value shared by the community, a collective understanding about social identity intertwined with place meaning. The process through which place identity is constructed and internalized is poorly understood. This study analyzes the relationship between changing power relations, meanings in the built environment, and the emergence of place identity in two copper mining towns in Sonora, Mexico. I focus on how hegemony is materialized in the landscape. Hegemony can serve to create the perception of harmony between landscape meaning and material reality. If this occurs, place identity emerges. Through the course of my analysis, the focus on two mining towns in Sonora also illustrates the importance of place in political economic change, particularly for neoliberal adjustments in Mexico.
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[18] 朱竑,钱俊希,陈晓亮.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

地方是现代人文地理学研究的重 要视角之一。以人本主义地理学为代表,现代欧美人文地理学界对地方性意义以及地方在建构个人与社会的文化身份认同的作用进行了深入的探讨与研究。地方对于 个人与社会来说,不啻是一个意义的中心,同时也是构建社会关系与权力关系的媒介。因此,地方意义在身份认同的建构过程中有着十分重要的作用。本文从地方— 空间的关系、地方认同的多样性与动态性、地方认同与权力的关系以及全球化背景下的地方认同四个方面对欧美人文地理学关于地方与认同之间辩证关系的研究进行 系统的述评。
[19] 张中华,张沛,王兴中.


[J].地理科学,2009,29(1):141~146.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

地方是一个充满意义的空间,地方理论从人的感觉、心理、社会文 化、伦理道德等角度来认识人与地方之间的关系.社区是一个地方,社区意识与社区感等概念有着与地方理论概念相似性特征.本研究试图从以人文主义现象学为哲 学基础的地方理论研究取向出发,探讨地方理论的基本内容,并以阳朔西街旅游社区为典型案例区,来探讨和分析其在社区应用研究中的重要意义.而且这对当前 的"和谐社会"建设也具有重要的理论指导意义.
[20] Harvey D.Justice, Nature,

the Geography of Difference

[M].Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers,1996:261.

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] Massey D B.Space, Place,Gender[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1994:146-156.

[本文引用: 2]     

[22] Massey D B.

A place called home?

[J].New Formations,1992,17:3-15.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Presents a photo essay with text of a 17th-century rambling Somerset County home in southwest England. How it was converted from three connected cottages into a single structure in 1720; Efforts of present owner Tom Hickman to renovate and update the house without removing any of its historical features; Decoration of the interior with stencils and trompe l'oeil creations.
[23] Pred A.

Place as historically contingent process:structuration and the time-geography of becoming places

[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1984,74(2):279-297.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This paper presents the theoretical foundation for a different type of place-centered or regional geography. The framework rests upon an integration of time-geography and the emerging theory of structuration. It also builds upon a conceptualization of place as a constantly becoming human product as well as a set of features visible upon the landscape. Place is seen as a process whereby the reproduction of social and cultural forms, the formation of biographies, and the transformation of nature ceaselessly become one another at the same time that time-space specific activities and power relations continuously become one another. It is further contended that the ways in which these phenomena are interwoven in the becoming of place or region are not subject to universal laws but vary with historical circumstances. Three empirical foci that suggest themselves from the framework are briefly discussed.
[24] Hall S.New cultures for old[M]//Massey D,Jess P.A Place in the World? Places, Cultures and Globalization.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995:175-213.

[本文引用: 1]     

[25] 张纯,王敬甯,陈平,.


[J].地理研究,2008,27(2):439~448.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[26] 李凡,朱竑,黄维.


[J]. 地理科学,2009,29(6):929~937.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[27] 蔡晓梅,朱竑,刘晨.


[J].地理学报,2012,67(2):239~252.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[28] 曾国军,孙树芝,朱竑,.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[29] Cook I,Hobson K,Hallett L,et al.

Geographies of food:'Afters'

[J].Progress in Human Geography,2010,35(1):104-120.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This third and final ‘Geographies of food’ review is based on an online blog conversation provoked by the first and second reviews in the series (Cook et al., 2006; 2008a). Authors of the work featured in these reviews – plus others whose work was not but should have been featured – were invited to respond to them, to talk about their own and other people’s work, and to enter into conversations about – and in the process review – other/new work within and beyond what could be called ‘food geographies’. These conversations were coded, edited, arranged, discussed and rearranged to produce a fragmentary, multi-authored text aiming to convey the rich and multi-stranded content, breadth and character of ongoing food studies research within and beyond geography.
[30] 费孝通. 关于文化自觉的一些自白[M].//费孝通文集(第16集).北京:群言出版社,2004:55~64.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] 赵旭东.



Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[32] Hamnett C.

The blind men and the elephant: the explanation of gentrification

[J].Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,1991,16(2):173-189.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

【Key Words】:
[33] Smith N.

New globalism, new urbanism: gentrification as global urban strategy

[J].Antipode,2002,34(3):427-450.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper uses several events in New York in the late 1990s to launch two central arguments about the changing relationship between neoliberal urbanism and so-called globalization. First, much as the neoliberal state becomes a consummate agent of鈥攔ather than a regulator of鈥攖he market, the new revanchist urbanism that replaces liberal urban policy in cities of the advanced capitalist world increasingly expresses the impulses of capitalist production rather than social reproduction. As globalization bespeaks a rescaling of the global, the scale of the urban is recast. The true global cities may be the rapidly growing metropolitan economies of Asia, Latin America, and (to a lesser extent) Africa, as much as the command centers of Europe, North America and Japan. Second, the process of gentrification, which initially emerged as a sporadic, quaint, and local anomaly in the housing markets of some cities, is now thoroughly generalized as an urban strategy that takes over from liberal urban policy. No longer isolated or restricted to Europe, North America, or Oceania, the impulse behind gentrification is now generalized; its incidence is global, and it is densely connected into the circuits of global capital and cultural circulation. What connects these two arguments is the shift from an urban scale defined according to the conditions of social reproduction to one in which the investment of productive capital holds definitive precedence.
[34] Ley D.

Alternative explanations for inner-city gentrification: a Canadian assessment

[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1986,76(4):521-535.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Within the rapidly expanding literature on inner-city revitalization (or gentrification), there has been no attempt to assess in a comparative and systematic manner a range of explanations that have emerged from studies of single cities or even single neighborhoods. Four major explanations of gentrification are reviewed here and then made operational in a correlation and regression analysis of inner-city gentrification in the Canadian urban system between 1971 and 1981. Several of the posited explanations are not supported. Economic and urban amenity factors perform most strongly in the analysis, but demographic and housing factors have less effect. I develop an integrated model and discuss its theoretical implications, including its consistency with staple theory and the interrelatedness demonstrated between housing and labor markets.
[35] Ley D, Dobson C.

Are there limits to gentrification? the contexts of impeded gentrification in Vancouver

[J].Urban Studies,2008,45(12):2471-2498.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines conditions that impede inner-city gentrification. Several factors emerge from review of a scattered literature, including the role of public policy, neighbourhood political mobilisation and various combinations of population and land use characteristics that are normally unattractive to gentrifiers. In a first phase of analysis, some of these expectations are tested with census tract attributes against the map of gentrification in the City of Vancouver from 1971 to 2001. More detailed qualitative field work in the Downtown Eastside and Grandview-Woodland, two inner-city neighbourhoods with unexpectedly low indicators of gentrification, provides a fuller interpretation and reveals the intersection of local poverty cultures, industrial land use, neighbourhood political mobilisation and public policy, especially the policy of social housing provision, in blocking or stalling gentrification.
[36] Herman R D K.

The Aloha State place names and the anti-conquest of Hawaii

[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1999,89(1):76-102.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The islands of Hawaii differ greatly from the other 49 states. Formed by volcanic activity in the North Pacific, they burst with rain forests, waterfalls, and beaches. In this colorful title, students will discover the natural...
[37] 刘宣.


[J].地理研究,2010,29(4):693~702.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城中村在土地利用、建设景观、规划管理、社区文化等方面均表现出 强烈的城乡差异及矛盾.近年来,我国部分地区采取了"转制"的措施来消除"城中村"的城乡二元结构,形成了兼具城市与乡村社区特征的"转型社区",-人口 由农民转为市民、土地由集体所有转为国有、经济由集体经济转为股份公司、管理由村委会转居委会-其空间改造也提上日程.从"转型社区"的土地利用问题出 发,介绍目前常用的"转型社区"改造模式,并分别从"转型社区"内土地产权和使用主体分析转制后依然存在甚至加剧的改造障碍.研究认为,土地的伪国有化定 义下的不完全产权、土地非法与合法混杂导致的用地破碎化和现有利益格局下各土地利用主体的成本与收益失衡导致"转型社区"内公共设施缺乏、土地价值过低且 被过度利用的状态难以改变.以此为基础,提出了对"转型社区"改造的建议.
[38] 尹晓颖,闫小培,薛德升.


[J].现代城市研究,2009(3):44~53.      URL      摘要

本文分析了"城中村"非正规部 门的特征和形成原因,指出快速工业化和城市化、正规供给渠道不畅、规划的缺失、管理的不到位等因素是目前深圳非正规部门主要集中在"城中村"的主要原因, 由此引发对蔡屋围的综合整治和渔民村的全面改造两种改造模式的反思。从宏观看,现有改造多是从实施规划的角度考虑,而规划往往注重物质规划、轻社会因素, 这种重物质景观的改造模式过于简单化;从房地产开发的角度看,"城中村"村民出租房屋的非正规经济活动是一种房地产开发行为,渔民村的全面改造还不能满足 低收入群体的住房需求,蔡屋围的综合整治模式应是主体改造模式,不同改造模式可以同步推进;从社区的角度看,"城中村"属于一种类型的社区,"城中村"改 造应在社区规划的指导下进行。最后,对如何通过"城中村"改造使非正规部门正规化和社区规划等问题进行了思考,提出"城中村"改造可以将村民视为房地产开 发的主体之一,将其纳入正规房地产市场体系,将社区规划纳入城市规划体系。
[39] 吕晓芳,王仰麟,彭建,.


[J].地理学报, 2008,63(8):845~855.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以2005年深圳市主要公路沿 线6类城市建设用地为研究对象,基于景观格局指数和空间数据挖掘(SDM)中的空间关联规则,研究不同缓冲带内其建设用地单一类型、相邻类型及组合类型的 空间聚集特征。结果表明:主要公路两侧以工业用地为主,"三来一补"、"三资"企业为主体的外向型乡镇企业加快了特区外的农村城市化进程;城市公共设施、 教育和医疗卫生用地缺乏,一定程度上妨碍了城市经济功能的协调;单一类型建设用地景观分异特征趋向于距公路越远,出现频率越小,且随着逐渐远离公路线出现 了若干次级集中区,距公路500-1000m可作为识别该次级中心的特征带;两类建设用地之间的空间邻近分布特征表明,以各类建设用地为中心与其他类建设 用地在公路线附近均表现邻近,沿线附近和较远距离上随工业用地出现峰值,同时出现其周围住宅用地的聚集,特区外该类现象尤为明显;土地利用组合特征表明各 类建设用地均呈很强的空间自相关性,其中以各类建设用地与工业用地的组合尤为普遍,体现了研究区尤其是特区外主要工业承载区中经济活动空间以工业区为中心 的集群效应。
[40] 魏小安等. 优质生活的创想家:华侨城发展轨迹的观察[M].北京:中信出版社,2010:3.

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[41] 董观志,张颖.旅游+地产:华侨城的商业模式[M].广州:中山大学出版社,2008:36~39.

[本文引用: 1]     


潘陶. 深圳两会提案建议:上海宾馆要不要拆

[N/OL].深圳晚报.2004-02-29. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[43] 王鸿楷,陈坤宏.




,13, 43~63.

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[44] 林耿.


[J].地理科学,2009,29(3):353~359.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以广州市居住郊区化过程中出现 的消费错位现象为切入点,从消费社会学的符号消费视角对其原因进行新的解释。消费空间剧场化、消费空间时尚化以及消费空间对消费者社会身份的建构功能,使 北京路传统商业步行街作为高级商业中心地的符号功能得以建构。现代购物中心的符号表征功能,使天河区商业中心成为一个消费者自我实现的情感化消费空间。两 者重构了大城市的中心-边缘关系,使到郊区的居住空间得以拓展而消费空间受到抑制,难以发展高等级的现代业态。随着城市快速轨道交通的建设,城区商业中心 进一步加强了对消费者和经营者的吸引力,新时期的地下商业文化也加速了商业中心的符号化。城市消费空间正向城区商业中心极化力量增强的方向演化。
[45] Paul D E.

World cities as hegemonic projects:the politics of global imagineering in Montreal

[J].Political Geography,2004,23(5):571-596.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">A widespread mania for being or becoming a &ldquo;world city&rdquo; dominates urban politics today despite the fact that there is no consensus as to what such a thing is. While the economic aspect of a project to build a world city emphasizes capital accumulation, its political&ndash;cultural aspect stresses a cosmopolitan ethos and identity in the city. Through the built environment, spectacle and cosmopolitan culture, global capital &ldquo;sells&rdquo; a vision of the world city to local political constituencies towards the end of building a class alliance behind the banner of neoliberalism and free trade.</p><p id="">This article analyzes the Montreal world city project through a historical study of class relations in the city and the wider political&ndash;economic environment since the 1960s. The rise to power of a francophone capitalist class in the 1980s and the defection of Montreal&rsquo;s urban new middle class from social democracy and Qu&eacute;b&eacute;cois nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s to neoliberalism and cosmopolitanism in the 1980s and beyond are the key developments. The city&rsquo;s small business and working classes have largely been left holding the bag, paying for cost overruns and industrial incentives, suffering increased air and noise pollution and declining public services, and largely failing to benefit at all from the developing global connectivity.</p>
[46] Hannigan J.

Fantasy City:Pleasure and Profit in the Postmodern Metropolis

[M].London and New York:Routledge,1998:1-4.

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[47] Miles S,Paddison R.

Introduction:the rise and rise of culture-led urban regeneration

[J].Urban Studies,2005,42(5-6):833-839.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The article discusses the United Nations-Habitat report :The State of the World's Cities". The report focuses on the cultural impacts of globalization. Previous reports had singled out the problems of, and opportunities for, urban economic growth and the need for improved systems of governance. The 2003 study focused on slums and the upgrading of housing. The 2004 study reflects broader concerns with multiculturalism and exclusion. While the report is concerned with the implications globalization processes have on urban cultural diversity and the problems, particularly those of inequality and governance, to which this gives rise, its concern is also to show how culture has been. Culture can be viewed not just as a challenge to the ability of cities to combine social justice with economic growth, but also the source-ground around which the amelioration of such problems can be sought.
[48] 诸武毅,刘云刚.


[J].华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2013,45(5):106~111.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

