Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (12): 1802-1810



赵静1, 闫小培2, 朱莹1

1.南京晓庄学院环境科学学院, 江苏 南京 211171
2.中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广东 广州 510275

Spatial Characteristics and Evolution of Informal Housing in Urban Village of Shenzhen

Zhao Jing1, Yan Xiaopei2, Zhu Ying1

1. School of Environmental Science, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171, Jiangsu, China
2. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China

中图分类号:  F293.2

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)12-1802-09

收稿日期: 2015-09-20

修回日期:  2016-11-19

网络出版日期:  2016-12-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41201151,41501487)、南京晓庄学院地理学重点学科建设项目资助





基于住房普查和建筑普查资料,对深圳市城中村“非正规住房”的空间特征与演化进行研究。得出以下结论:城中村“非正规住房”的空间集聚特征明显并形成若干集聚区,且表现出明显的圈层分化,非正规住房规模比重从城市中心到边缘呈先增长后降低的发展态势。影响城中村“非正规住房”空间结构的主因子包括规模因子、住房构成因子、增长因子、建筑特征因子和使用状态因子,城中村“非正规住房”可以划分为边缘增长型、空间集聚型、相对稳定型和中心转化型等4种类型。 深圳市城中村“非正规住房”的发展演化过程包括形成阶段、快速发展阶段、高潮阶段和缓慢增长阶段,不同阶段的非正规住房具有差异化的演化背景与空间结构特征。

关键词: 非正规住房 ; 城中村 ; 空间特征 ; 演化 ; 深圳


China has been experiencing a rapid urbanization, together with a huge wave of immigrant population to cities. The housing problem of rural-urban migrants in China has become a focus of both academic and government concerns. Most of the rural-urban migrants cannot find suitable shelters through formal channels because of low-income and their Hukou registration. Due to the contradiction between housing supply and demand, the informal housing in urban village plays an important part in housing supply. Informal housing is widespread in urban village of rapid urbanization area. Scholars in western countries have established sound theoretical frameworks for studying informal housing, but the research fruits are rather limited in China. Therefore, the study on informal housing is of special importance to China's urban housing market and the healthy development of urbanization. Based on the census data, the article analyzes the spatial characteristics and evolution of informal housing in urban villages. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) Informal housing in urban villagesis appeared as spatial agglomeration and formed several concentrated area. The proportions of informal housing in different circles appear as significantly difference. 2) Taking use of the housing census data, this article divide the types of informal housing based on the method of factor analysis. The principal factors affected informal housing including the scale factors, housing constitution factors, growth factors, building characteristics and the using factors. The informal housing in urban villages is divided into four types: the fast growing informal housing, the spatial concentration informal housing, the relatively stable informal housing and the transforming informal housing. The fast growing informal housing tends to be distributed in the periphery of the city. The distribution of spatial concentration informal housing is likely along the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The main types within the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone are relatively stable and transforming informal housing. 3) The spatial types of informal housing represent the different stage of urbanization. There are different building characteristics and development patterns of informal housing at different stage of urbanization. The formation and development of informal housing reflects the interaction of structure and agency. The results reflect the interaction between strength of top-down and bottom-up in the process of the housing supply.

Keywords: informal housing ; urban village ; spatial characteristics ; evolution ; Shenzhen City


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赵静, 闫小培, 朱莹. 深圳市城中村“非正规住房”空间特征与演化研究[J]. , 2016, 36(12): 1802-1810

Zhao Jing, Yan Xiaopei, Zhu Ying. Spatial Characteristics and Evolution of Informal Housing in Urban Village of Shenzhen[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(12): 1802-1810





1 概念界定与数据来源

1.1 概念界定


表1   国外若干代表性的非正规住房定义

Table 1   Definition of representative informal housing abroad


1.2 数据来源

本文数据主要来源于《深圳市建筑普查(2000、2007年)》(① 深圳市规划局.深圳市建筑普查.2000,2007.)和《深圳市住房普查(2007年)》(② 深圳市流动人口与出租屋管理办公室.深圳市住房普查.2007.),数据库之间通过建筑物编号进行关联。评估非正规住房大多与某种形式的产权合法证明相联系,本文将城中村中未经主管部门审核批准、不具正规文件认定的住房判断为非正规住房,从城中村私宅中筛选“未批已建”(未报建且未办理产权登记)的部分。这种强调了非正规住房缺乏合法产权这一核心特征,但其弊端在于将产权分为合法和不合法两种类型,忽视了二者之间的模糊地带,如符合报建或产权登记条件而未办理手续的部分。

2 深圳市城中村“非正规”住房空间特征与类型

2.1 城中村“非正规住房”空间分布特征

1) 空间集聚显著。利用ArcGIS空间分析的Kernel插值方法计算深圳市城中村“非正规住房”的密度分布,发现非正规住房的空间集聚特征明显并形成若干集聚区(图1)。特区内城中村“非正规住房”的规模相对较小;邻近特区的二线关附近区位条件较好,是承接中心城区功能扩散的主要区域,形成了包括宝安中心城、布吉街道、坂田街道、龙华街道等在内的规模较大的非正规住房集聚区。特区外的工业和商业服务业中心也形成了城中村非正规住房的空间集聚。

图1   2007年城中村“非正规住房”密度分布

Fig.1   The density distribution of informal housing in 2007

2) 圈层分化突出。以福田中心区为圆心,以2 km为半径作缓冲区分析,结果表明深圳市城中村“非正规住房”的圈层分异明显。就各圈层非正规住房的规模分布而言,峰值出现在第10圈层(20~22 km),占城中村“非正规住房”总建筑面积的11.13%。此外,第8、11和17圈层的非正规住房比重也较高(图2)。非正规住房的规模分布从城市中心到边缘呈先增长后降低的态势,在1~10圈层内规模比重呈波动式上升,第10圈层以外则呈波动式下降。随着城市化的纵深发展,中心区的城中村非正规住房建设已得到有效控制;城市边缘地区的经济发展相对滞后,住房需求量较小,非正规住房的规模比重也相对较低。而处于中间圈层的二线关以及特区外的次中心地区,正处于快速发展阶段且区位条件优越,外来人口集中且住房需求旺盛,非正规住房较为集中。

图2   2007年城中村“非正规住房”圈层分布

Fig.2   The circle-layer analysis of informal housing in 2007

2.2 深圳市城中村“非正规住房”类型划分


1) 主因子提取。构建深圳市城中村“非正规住房”数据库,通过对原始指标进行取舍及合并计算,最终得到7类25项指标(表2),并与379个具有城中村“非正规住房”的居委会构成25×379矩阵。对原始数据矩阵作相关分析并进行KMO测度,发现数据矩阵的大部分相关系数大于0.3,KMO值为0.566,显著性水平为0,表明适宜作因子分析。提取特征值大于1的因子作为主因子,并进一步观察主因子碎石图,主因子5以后的特征值变化很小。共提取5个主因子,累计方差贡献率达64.96%。

表2   城中村非正规住房空间结构载荷矩阵

Table 2   Loading matrix of spatial structure of informal housing



2) 主因子空间特征。第1主因子的特征值为6.257,方差贡献率25.03%。该主因子与地均非正规住房栋数、地均非正规住房建筑面积、地均非正规住房占地面积、7~9层非正规住房比重等指标呈正相关(表2),主要反映城中村“非正规住房”的规模特征,命名为规模因子。因子得分高,则表明城中村“非正规住房”的建筑规模和建筑强度较高。第1主因子得分较高的区域主要分布在特区内的部分地区、特区内外交界地区以及特区外的区域中心和工业集中区;得分较低的区域主要分布在城市边缘(图3a)。

图3   各主因子得分的空间分布

Fig.3   Spatial distribution of the factor scores





3) 城中村“非正规住房”类型划分。在主因子提取的基础上,运用聚类分析方法划分城中村“非正规住房”的空间类型。采用层次聚类法,并以平方欧氏距离为测度,选取社会科学研究中常用的Ward法计算类间距离。分析发现将城中村“非正规住房”划分成4类比较适宜。计算各类非正规住房的主因子得分平均值及平方和均值(表3),判断各类的特征并进行命名。

表3   城中村“非正规住房”空间类型特征判别

Table 3   Discriminant of types of informal housing in urban village







图4   深圳市城中村“非正规住房”空间类型

Fig.4   Spatial types of informal housing in urban village of Shenzhen City

3 城中村“非正规住房”演化阶段与特征

3.1 城中村“非正规住房”演化阶段


表4   深圳市城中村“非正规住房”演化阶段

Table 4   Evolution of informal housing in urban village

特区内城市化开始城市空间扩张主要集中在特区内,尤其是罗湖、蛇口等区位优越地区《深圳经济特区农村社员建房用地的暂行规定(1982)》;《关于严禁在特区内乱建和私建房屋的规定(1982)》;《关于严禁在特区内乱建和私建房屋的补充规定(1983)》;《关于进一步加强深圳特区农村规划工作的通知(1986)》;《关于严格制止超标准建造私房和占用土地等违法违章现象的通知(1988)》初期非正规住房已具有明确的涵义,即在特区内自行私建的房屋。后期,非正规住房具有了量化的指标,240 m2成为判断的重要标准


3.2 城中村“非正规住房”演化特征





图5   深圳市城中村“非正规住房”空间结构演化

Fig.5   Evolution of spatial structure of informal housing in urban village in Shenzhen

4 结论

1) 深圳市城中村“非正规住房”空间集聚特征明显并形成若干集聚区,在邻近特区的“二线关”以及特区外次中心地区尤为集聚。城中村“非正规住房”圈层分化突出,中间圈层的非正规住房规模比重较高,从城市中心到边缘呈先增长后降低的发展态势。

2) 影响城中村“非正规住房”空间结构的主因子包括规模因子、住房构成因子、增长因子、建筑特征因子和使用状态因子。城中村“非正规住房”可划分为边缘增长型、空间集聚型、相对稳定型和中心转化型等4种类型。不同类型城中村“非正规住房”具有不同的区位特征、建设特征和空间表现,应实施差异化的管治模式与方法。

3) 深圳市城中村“非正规住房”的发展演化可分为形成阶段、快速发展阶段、高潮阶段和缓慢增长阶段。处于不同发展阶段的城中村“非正规住房”具有不同的城市化背景、城市空间扩张背景与内涵特征。现阶段深圳市城中村“非正规住房”基本呈不连续的跳跃式分布。最外围是边缘增长型非正规住房;空间集聚型非正规住房密集分布于特区外围,沿特区边界呈不连续的环带状分布;特区内则以相对稳定型和中心转化型非正规住房为主。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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It is argued that for an unforeseeable future, organic urban growth is likely to remain an indispensable reality depicting urban land development in resource starved situations such as Tanzania because of the severe resource constraints facing local and central governments, the nature of the subsisting land tenure structure in most peri-urban areas, poor national economic performance and looming poverty in rural and urban areas. Therefore, planners and policy makers have little choice but to ensconce and consolidate the emerging form. Decentralised land management anchored on the subsisting local government administrative structures, introduction of user-friendly and pro-poor land regularisation systems, and embarking on land banking by local authorities are some of the key and immediate policy action areas of concern.
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<p id="">This paper examines the demographic process of spontaneous settlements expansion, the income and employment characteristics of the households, and the dominant land and housing tenure types of spontaneous settlements on the Tehran metropolitan fringe. The study finds that intra-metropolitan and not rural-to-urban migration is dominant. The majority of the households surveyed are low-income, long-term urban dwellers who could not acquire land or housing within the formal markets and are forced to move to informal settlements on the fringe. Most had only one income earner, the vast majority of them male. Workers are mostly engaged in informal economic activities. Land and housing ownership, under an informal arrangement called the &ldquo;Promissory Note&rdquo;, is the predominant tenure type. The study concludes that public policies, including the urban planning system, land and housing policies are the main causes for the formation and expansion of the spontaneous settlements on the fringe.</p>
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The objectives of public urban land management, namely the provision of affordable buildable urban land in sufficient quantities and guidance of the growth of cities and ensuring their efficient functioning are, on the whole, not being achieved in Sub-Saharan Africa. The main reasons for this are outdated and restrictive land-use control and regulatory standards and unreformed tenure arrangements. The informal sector, unacknowledged and illegal, at best tolerated, has been making up for the inefficiencies of public land management. The informal sector has proven adaptive and responsive and has been providing the bulk of the urban population with buildable urban land. Public housing programs, sites and services and upgrading have all been attempted as ways of meeting the housing needs of the population with limited success. Yet over time, informal settlements do improve in quality, providing satisfactory living conditions for a large proportion of the urban population. A number of examples of this are examined in the paper. There are lessons to be learned from these cases which have implication for urban development policy. This paper examines these implications.
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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper reviews the experience of an action research project that aimed to improve the living conditions and lives of urban poor communities in three slums in Kitale, Kenya. The project set out to test whether a participatory planning approach and the creation of partnerships between slum communities and the public, private and NGO sectors could build local capacity to assess and address the needs of slum dwellers through slum upgrading, which has a known potential link to employment creation. Drawing on the experience of the project, the paper examines how far this potential was realized and makes recommendations for coordinated policies and action on employment creation through participatory urban planning, partnership building and working, and slum upgrading.</p>
[8] Achamyeleh G A.

Informal settlements in the peri-urban areas of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia: An institutional analysis

[J]. Habitat International, 2014, 38(1): 90-97.      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT Peri-urban land which has been used predominantly for agricultural purposes and held by local farmers is a target area for informal settlements in Ethiopia. An increasing number of people try to solve their housing needs by getting a plot of land informally in the transitional peri-urban areas. The purpose of this study is to explore the principal actors involved in the informal conversion of peri-urban agricultural land into urban built-up property. This study is also aimed at demonstrating the role of non-state institutions in facilitating informal acquisition and development of peri-urban plots. Both questionnaire and document analysis were the main sources of data for this study. The result of this study indicated that traditional social institutions played a significant role in processing peri-urban informal settlements and stabilizing land related conflicts by social sanction measures. The study has also found out that the process of acquiring a plot of land from peri-urban areas passes through its own stages which mainly start with identifying a plot for sale and ends with the confirmation of traditional letter of agreement signed by transacting parties without legal ground to do so.
[9] Wekesa B W, Steyn G S.

A review of physical and socio-economic characteristics and intervention approaches of informal settlements

[J]. Habitat International,2011, 35(2): 238-245.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Informal settlements provide shelter to millions of poor urban dwellers in developing countries. Using a literature survey, this paper reviews physical and socio-economic characteristics and the factors attributed to proliferation of the informal settlements and intervention approaches. The main objective was to establish how such settlements could be improved and hence the quality of life of majority of the urban population.<br/>Physical and socio-economic conditions found in informal settlements are generally hazardous to health and tend to exacerbate the severe socio-economic conditions of the urban poor as well as environmental pollution and degradation of the local ecosystems. Proliferation of the informal settlements, particularly in most cities of developing countries is as a result of market and public policy failure for a significant segment of the urban poor population.<br/>The intervention approaches starting back in the 1950s include strengthening of public institutions and creation of policies and legislations to address the living environments of the urban poor, reforming building codes and standards, involvement of the private sector in housing provisions and programmes targeting both rural and urban development. Critical examination of these measures suggests the need for self-determination. In addition to these programmes, particularly informal settlement upgrading, this paper advocates the need for building technologies that are responsive to the urban poor and their environment. These are technologies that empowers the urban poor communities to make their own contribution to the process of improving their living conditions and hence the quality of life. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[10] Jones G, Ward P.

Privatizing the commons: Reforming the ejido and urban development in Mexico

[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1998, 22(1):76-93.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Few studies worldwide have analysed how to manage equitably the process whereby 'customary' or 'common' land can be incorporated into future urban development, particularly in so far as this might be achieved through privatization and deregulation. This paper focuses upon Mexico and the 1991-2 reforms of Article 27 which dramatically changed the tenure codes and political relations covering the widespread customary land sector - called "ejidos". It is argued that, in effect, the reforms constitute deregulation of former tenure relations rather than outright privatization, and that rather than being radical in content, the reforms are subtle redefinitions of past practices in which the balance of administrative power over ejidal land has shifted significantly, away from the Agrarian Reform Ministry towards the Social Development Ministry and local (city) government. Deregulation appears to offer three principal scenarios for public and private sector ejido land development: Urban Development Companies, Joint Ventures and Extension to the 'Urban Zone', yet to date there is little evidence that any one has proven sufficiently attractive to be pursued intensively, and the paper suggests that illegal alienation of ejido land is likely to continue and may get worse. However, the latest Urban Development Program 1995-2000 identifies ejido land deregulation and urban development as one of its principal strategies, tied to President Zedillo's New Federalism project, which seeks to strengthen municipal and state government capacity and effectiveness. This profound shift in the structure of political managerial authority and responsibility offers the increased likelihood that land regularization practices and urban planning of the now deregulated ejidos will become more significant in the future. Copyright Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1998.
[11] Lemanski C.

Augmented informality: South Africa’s backyard dwellings as a by-product of formal housing policies

[J]. Habitat International, 2009, 33(3):472-484.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Insufficient and inadequate housing for the urban poor has a long history in South Africa, as in other African cities. Nearly one-fifth of urban households in South Africa reside in an informal dwelling. While most live in informal settlements, significant proportions have erected informal structures (essentially &lsquo;shacks&rsquo;) in the backyard of another property, a distinctly South African phenomenon. Backyard dwellings have historically been overlooked by housing policies that focus on upgrading and/or eradicating informal settlements. Previously, backyard dwellers were perceived as marginalised, living in appalling conditions and exploited by cavalier landlords. However, the post-apartheid provision of state-funded housing for the poor has altered the nature of backyard housing, creating a new class of cash-poor homeowners who are dependent on income from backyard dwellers' rent, thus ensuring a more equitable power pendulum between landlord and tenant. This paper uses research conducted in a low-income state-subsidised housing settlement in Cape Town to explore the new dimensions of informal backyard housing, both for landlords and tenants, as a consequence of South Africa's formal housing policies.
[12] Turner J F C.

Tools for building community: An examination of 13 hypotheses

[J]. Habitat International, 1996,20(3):339-347.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The move toward defining “best practice” in urban development, a search which is central to the preparations for the Habitat II conference, is encouraging and represents a new paradigm in the quest for improvement. This paper examines a number of propositions, hypotheses if you will, related to that change. These propositions focus particularly on the implications of the shift on the meaning of community, the need for transferable tools, the limitation of state-based and market-based housing solutions within this context, the essential nature of networks, particularly the overlapping networks of neighbours, relatives and friends with networks of locally-based production and trading, labour and service providers, and the implications of all of these elements on sustainability.
[13] Lochner M, John N.

The upgrading of an informal settlement in South Africa:Two decades onwards

[J]. Habitat International, 2013,39(1):85-95.      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT Much of the research on low-income housing and informal settlements comprises one-off case studies focussing on narrow aspects of development. In this regard, however, there is a considerable need to continue to learn from experience, and more specifically, from long-term evaluations. This study considers the upgrading of Freedom Square in Bloemfontein, South Africa, over a period of twenty years. Five aspects are considered in detail, namely: migration and mobility, targeting and poverty reduction, community building, housing consolidation and overall settlement development. Essentially, we contend that migration patterns have remained fairly natural, but that the Freedom Square case study remains a good example of spatial infilling. This spatial infilling, coupled with the provision of basic services and a range of government subsidies, has played a significant role in addressing poverty in the area. Although community-participation processes were initially orientated towards meeting the criteria of such development funds as were available, we argue that the decline of the Urban Upgrading Trust is also closely related to the government's inclination towards centralisation. The absence of a longer-term holistic development approach can also be linked to this tendency. Finally, the lack of maintenance of infrastructure in the area could potentially result in the loss of some of the health benefits that were gained through upgrading in the area.
[14] Massey R T.

Exploring counter-conduct in upgraded informal settlements: The case of women residents in Makhaza and New Rest (Cape Town)

[J]. Habitat International, 2014,44(2): 290-296.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Cape Town is one of the largest cities in South Africa. It has an estimated 193,000 households living in 204 informal settlements. Part of the attempt to meet housing and infrastructure needs has been the upgrading of these informal settlements. Numerous upgraded sites have, however, failed to meet the needs of those living in them and residents have started engaging in various forms of counter-conduct. This paper explores this counter-conduct, identifying the specific counter-conduct activities that have surfaced and establishing why this counter-conduct has manifested in these settlements. It also identifies and discusses the governmentality guiding this counter-conduct (a topic which has been neglected in the literature). Two case studies, Makhaza and New Rest (Cape Town), were used in the research. The study found that the counter-conduct most prevalent in the upgraded settlements was the construction of backyard-shacks, setting up illegal electricity and water connections and establishing informal home-based businesses. This counter-conduct has come about due to the conflicting governmentalities that exit between the residents and the local municipality. The clash in governmentalities has meant that the settlements have not met the needs of those living in them. This has spawned much of the counter-conduct. The governmentality of the counter-conduct is traditional, socially based and informal in its nature. It is grounded in the need for survival through the maintenance of access to livelihood assets and is the same governmentality that was present in the original informal settlements.
[15] 仝德,李文钢,李贵才.


[J].城市发展研究, 2014,21(3):72-77.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Tong De, Li Wengang, Li Guicai.

A Comparative study on the development of informal housing in China and abroad

. Urban Studies,2014,21(3):72-77.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] 魏立华,闫小培.


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[Wei Lihua, Yan Xiaopei.

Informal migrants neighborhood in China’s developed area—The formation and evolution of urban village

. Management World,2005,(8):48-57.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] 薛德升,黄耿志.



Magsci      摘要


[Xue Desheng, Huang Gengzhi.

Regulation beyond formal regulation: Spatial gathering and surviving situation of the informal sectors in urban village-case study in Xiadu Village of Guangzhou City

.Geographical Research,2008,27(6):1390-1398.]

Magsci      摘要

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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<P><FONT face=Verdana>以人类学主位研究为视角,厦门城中村实地调查为基础,对私房建筑(违章建筑)的投资行为进行深入描述和分析,发掘城中村强建、乱建以及建筑物异化、相互模仿等社会现象背后的理性逻辑,从而加深我们对违章建筑形成的理解,反思以往对违章建筑研究的片面性。<BR></FONT></P>

[Pan Feng.

The rationality behind violation constructions: Thoughts from an anthropological study of Chengzhongcun in the city of Xiamen

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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<P><FONT face=Verdana>以人类学主位研究为视角,厦门城中村实地调查为基础,对私房建筑(违章建筑)的投资行为进行深入描述和分析,发掘城中村强建、乱建以及建筑物异化、相互模仿等社会现象背后的理性逻辑,从而加深我们对违章建筑形成的理解,反思以往对违章建筑研究的片面性。<BR></FONT></P>
[19] 阎小培,魏立华,周锐波.


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[Yan Xiaopei, Wei Lihua, Zhou Ruibo.

Research on the coordination between urban and rural area in the rapid urbanization with the redevelopment of Guangzhou Village-amid—The city as a case

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[Zhang Jianrong.

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[Zhang Jingxiang, Zhao Wei.

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[22] 仝德,冯长春,邓金杰.


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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Tong De,Feng Changchun,Deng Jinjie.

Spatial evolution and cause analysis of urban villages: A case study of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[23] 吴晓.


[J]. 城市规划,2001,25(12):25-31.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

流动人口聚居区 ,作为改革开放之后在我国经济发达地区形成的一种新型“农村社区” ,已经给城市的政治、经济、社会、文化等带来了不可低估的影响。有鉴于此 ,专门从形成背景、现状特征、问题影响和建设整合四个方面入手 ,对该现象展开了较为全面和系统的分析与研究 ,以期为我国的城市建设早日纳入到健康化轨道提供一定的参照和指导。

[Wu Xiao.

A rural community in urban area—The study on the settlements of the floating population

. City Planning Review,2001,25(12):25-31.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

流动人口聚居区 ,作为改革开放之后在我国经济发达地区形成的一种新型“农村社区” ,已经给城市的政治、经济、社会、文化等带来了不可低估的影响。有鉴于此 ,专门从形成背景、现状特征、问题影响和建设整合四个方面入手 ,对该现象展开了较为全面和系统的分析与研究 ,以期为我国的城市建设早日纳入到健康化轨道提供一定的参照和指导。
[24] 吴晓.


[J]. 城市规划,2003,27(7):40-45.      URL      摘要

首先指出,所谓流动人口聚居区,即是以自发在社会经济部门从事经 济和业务活动的城市暂住人口为居民主体、以房屋租赁为主导建构方式、以城乡结合部为区位选择的自发型集中居住区.在对京、宁、深三市典型的边缘性聚居区进 行调研的基础上,着重从区位分布、居民构成、土地使用、空间布局、居住环境等方面入手,分析和归纳了各类聚居区不同的类型差别和特征分异,从而为其进一步 的整合提供客观的依据.

[Wu Xiao.

An investigation into marginal community

. City Planning Review,2003,27(7):40-45.]      URL      摘要

首先指出,所谓流动人口聚居区,即是以自发在社会经济部门从事经 济和业务活动的城市暂住人口为居民主体、以房屋租赁为主导建构方式、以城乡结合部为区位选择的自发型集中居住区.在对京、宁、深三市典型的边缘性聚居区进 行调研的基础上,着重从区位分布、居民构成、土地使用、空间布局、居住环境等方面入手,分析和归纳了各类聚居区不同的类型差别和特征分异,从而为其进一步 的整合提供客观的依据.
[25] 蓝宇蕴.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Lan Yuyun.

Causes of “slum-like”dwelling places in China: The floating population community in the “village in city”

. Jilin University Journal Social Science Edition, 2007,(5):63-69.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[26] 刘玉亭,何深静.


[J].国际城市规划,2008,23(4):19-23.      URL      摘要

农村移民在中国大城市的居住问题,作为反映其在城市生存状态的一个重要方面,成为国外学者研 究的主要领域之一。应该注意到,迄今为止政府对农村移民的住房问题关注很少,投入的精力十分有限。同时,中国大城市也并没有出现许多其他发展中国家城市因 大量移民而发生的大规模贫民窟现象。国外学者有关中国大城市农村移民居住问题的研究主要涉及以下几个方面:农村移民的住房状况,农村移民的住房选择和约 束,农村移民的居住空间分布,农村移民聚居区等。本文将从这几个方面对相关研究进行概述和总结,并在结束部分给出简短的总结和讨论。

[Liu Yuting, He Shenjing.

Research progress on rural migrants’ housing situation in China’s large cities

. Urban Planning International, 2008,23(4):19-23.]      URL      摘要

农村移民在中国大城市的居住问题,作为反映其在城市生存状态的一个重要方面,成为国外学者研 究的主要领域之一。应该注意到,迄今为止政府对农村移民的住房问题关注很少,投入的精力十分有限。同时,中国大城市也并没有出现许多其他发展中国家城市因 大量移民而发生的大规模贫民窟现象。国外学者有关中国大城市农村移民居住问题的研究主要涉及以下几个方面:农村移民的住房状况,农村移民的住房选择和约 束,农村移民的居住空间分布,农村移民聚居区等。本文将从这几个方面对相关研究进行概述和总结,并在结束部分给出简短的总结和讨论。
[27] 汪明峰,林小玲,宁越敏.


[J]. 城市规划,2012,36(7):73-80.

URL      摘要


[Wang Mingfeng, Lin Xiaoling, Ning Yuemin.

Migrant populations, temporary residence, and urban village renovation: A survey of migrant settlements in Shanghai

. City Planning Review,2012,36(7):73-80.]

URL      摘要

[28] 罗仁朝,王德.


[J].城市规划,2009,33(2):31-37.      URL      摘要

以聚居区形成机制为切入点,将流动人口聚居区划分为自发聚居、简易安置、集中安置5个类型。 通过现场察看以及对典型的流动人口聚居区调查数据的分析发现,流动人口自发聚居区居住环境恶劣、公共服务缺乏,聚居者之间沟通较少,社会矛盾突出;简易安 置的流动人口聚居区,尽管物质条件简陋,但管理规范、配套有基本生活服务设施,居住群体之间有较强的认同感,聚居区治安状况、邻里融洽度均较好;而集中安 置的聚居区居住环境较好,服务设施完善,且聚居人员文化背景趋同,较易形成认同感,该类聚居区已成为未来改善流动人口在城市居住状况的重要发展方向。

[Luo Renchao, Wang De.

Types and characteristics of migrant communities in Shanghai

.City Planning Review,2009,33(2):31-37.]      URL      摘要

以聚居区形成机制为切入点,将流动人口聚居区划分为自发聚居、简易安置、集中安置5个类型。 通过现场察看以及对典型的流动人口聚居区调查数据的分析发现,流动人口自发聚居区居住环境恶劣、公共服务缺乏,聚居者之间沟通较少,社会矛盾突出;简易安 置的流动人口聚居区,尽管物质条件简陋,但管理规范、配套有基本生活服务设施,居住群体之间有较强的认同感,聚居区治安状况、邻里融洽度均较好;而集中安 置的聚居区居住环境较好,服务设施完善,且聚居人员文化背景趋同,较易形成认同感,该类聚居区已成为未来改善流动人口在城市居住状况的重要发展方向。
[29] 李志刚,刘晔,陈宏胜.


[J].地理研究,2011,30(10):1910-1920.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Zhigang, Liu Ye, Chen Hongsheng.

Characteristics, mechanism, and spatiality of neo-migrants’ homeplace ba-sed communities in China: A case study of Hubei Village, Guangzhou

. Geographical Research,2011,30(10):1910-1920.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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[31] 林雄斌,马学广,李贵才.


[J]. 经济地理,2014,34(6):162-168.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Lin Xiongbin, Ma Xueguang, Li Guicai.

Formation and governance of informality in urban village under rapid urbanization process

. Economic Geography,2014,34(6):162-168.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[32] 周凌,赵民.


[J].城市规划,2008,32(9):28-37.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhou Ling, Zhao Min.

Towards a multi-layer housing provision system: A case study of Xiamen

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Informal settlements are home to a substantial, and growing, proportion of the urban population of developing cities. In the majority of these countries, it is recognised that the only way of improving the quality of life of residents in these areas is through a process of in situ upgrading. However, the focus of this upgrading tends to be directed at the level of the individual settlement; rarely is the impact on the wider metropolitan area considered. This article addresses that wider perspective. It describes a longitudinal study of informal settlements in Cape Town over a five-year period. This study showed that informal settlements in the city will grow faster than new housing can be provided, thereby necessitating a radical shift in the current housing policy. The study then demonstrated that it is possible to determine discernible trends in the growth pattern of informal settlements, which will enable such settlements to be brought into the integrated development planning process for the city.
