Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (9): 1329-1337

Orginal Article


郑蕾12, 刘毅13, 刘卫东123

1.西北大学城市与环境学院,陕西 西安 710127
3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

The Spatio-temporal Pattern Evolution of Northeast China’s Outward Direct Investment

Zheng Lei12, Liu Yi13, Liu Weidong123

1. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, Shaanxi, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

中图分类号:  F129.9

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)09-1329-09

收稿日期: 2016-04-26

修回日期:  2016-08-5

网络出版日期:  2016-09-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(7154100063)资助






关键词: 东北三省 ; 对外直接投资 ; 时空格局 ; 影响因素 ; 发展战略


China has entered the era of rapid outward direct investment (ODI) expansion. Recently, “the Belt and Road” strategy and the Northeast Asia Economic Integration have provided boarder opportunities for outward direct investment of Northeast China. Promoting ODI is not only a necessary stage for Northeast China to build all-round opening up economy, but also a developing chance for revitalization of Northeast China. With the provincial ODI data by captical and insititutions from 2003 to 2014, this article firstly analyzes the spatio-temporal pattern of Northeast Chinese ODI. Then we used the geographically weighted regression model to detect the crucial factors that influence the development of Northeast Chinese ODI as well as its changing trend. Based on previous analysis, several suggestions were proposed to facilitate Northeast Chinese ODI. The results are as follows: 1) Northeast Chinese embraced a rapid growth after the financial crisis in 2008, but faced with downward pressure recently. The divergence of provincial ODI enlarged quickly, especially after 2008 when ODI of Liaoning province promptly surpassed ODI of Heilongjiang province. 2) Firms in Northeast China tend to invest directly near their home, thus the largest host country of Northeast Chinese ODI is Russia. Korea Peninsula and Japan are also on the list of the most attractive destinations the most attractive destinations of Northeast Chinese ODI. 3) Resource-seeking ODI is typical in Northeast China. More than 40% Northeast Chinese firms invested abroad in forestry, farming and mining industries. And most Northeast Chinese ODI aims at market and trade service. 4) GDP, export and the level of economy nationalization had positive influence with Northeast Chinese ODI from 2003 to 2013. GDP and export had relatively less impact on ODI in Northeast China than in other regions, while the level of economy nationalization played more and more important role in the expansion of Northeast Chinese ODI. In contrast, the impact of technology on ODI was not so significant in Northeast China. The gap of supply and demand of resource turned to be the most critical factor of the development of Northeast Chinese ODI from 2003 to 2013. Financial environment was supportive for firms in Northeast China to invest directly abroad in 2003, but became backward or even adverse in 2013. In the end, based on the results, we proposed that firms in Northeast provinces should enhance cooperation when investing abroad, and take a spatially differentiated investing strategy to avoid vicious competition. Heilongjiang province may aim at the market in Russia and Mongolia, while Jilin province may focus on investing in Korea and Japan. Liaoning province should strengthen ODI in North America and Europe, as well as critical coutries along the Maritime Silk Road such as Singapore, India and Indonesia. Northest China should exploit the advantages of SOEs to promote private ODI. Local governments of Northest China should further implement effective financial policies to encourage technology-seeking ODI and promote reverse technology spillover.

Keywords: Northeast China ; outward direct investment ; spatio-temporal pattern ; influencing factors ; development strategy


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郑蕾, 刘毅, 刘卫东. 东北三省对外直接投资空间格局及影响因素[J]. , 2016, 36(9): 1329-1337

Zheng Lei, Liu Yi, Liu Weidong. The Spatio-temporal Pattern Evolution of Northeast China’s Outward Direct Investment[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(9): 1329-1337

东北三省与俄罗斯、朝鲜半岛相邻,与日本隔海相望,兼顾海路开放双重优势,是中国面向东北亚开放的重要门户和核心区域,也是“一带一路”战略重要组成部分、中蒙俄经济走廊的战略支撑区,具有对外开放的地缘优势和区位优势。东北地区是中国重要的工业和农业基地,拥有一批战略性产业和有竞争力的企业,具备发展对外直接投资(Outward Direct Investment, ODI)的基础和潜力。在中国进入全面加速“走出去”阶段的背景下,东北三省积极促进ODI是大势所趋。

目前东北振兴在中国经济进入新常态的背景下进入第二个20 a,面临着打破恶性循环减轻经济下行压力、加快技术升级实现产业结构优化调整、化解体制沉疴转变治理模式等亟待解决的问题,ODI可以成为关键的突破口之一。发展ODI不仅是东北三省建立全方位开放型经济体制的必经阶段,也是实现全面经济振兴的重要契机。通过ODI不仅可以进一步扩大并深入国际市场,提升本国企业的技术水平、经营能力和盈利空间;更可以利用生产要素价格差异在全球配置资源进行生产,从而促进国内产业结构的优化和升级。中共中央国务院出台的《关于全面振兴东北地区等老工业基地的若干意见》也指出扩大开放是振兴东北老工业基地的治本之策,要积极支持有实力的企业、优势产业、骨干产品走出去,培育开放型经济新优势。



1 东北三省对外直接投资概况

总体上看,东北三省ODI在金融危机之后步入快速发展阶段,但伴随着整体经济下行压力逐渐凸显,ODI也受到影响而明显下滑(图1)。从投资规模上看,2008年东北三省ODI出现明显转折,流量连续两年翻番、存量年增长65%以上,步入快速增长阶段。但近几年东北三省走出去步伐放缓,在全国的地位明显下降。2012年东北三省ODI流量超过35亿美元,但之后两年连续大幅下降,其中辽宁省2013年ODI流量跌落至2012年的一半以下,吉林省2014年ODI流量也较上年下降了一半以上。从存量上看,2010后东北三省开始落后于其他地区ODI的发展,在全国的存量比重由9.3%下降至6.7%(图1)。从投资主体上看,2004年前东北三省仅新设立了2个境外投资企业(机构),2005年受益于ODI政策放宽陡然新增了86个,发展速度处于全国前列。2005~2011年间境外投资企业数量的年均增速高达18.4%,仅2008年受金融危机影响有所下降,2009年后每年新增对外直接投资企业200多家。截至2014年,东北三省企业共设立了1 829个境外投资企业(机构),占全国总量的9.4%。

图1   东北三省ODI规模及在全国的比重

Fig.1   Northeast Chinese ODI and its share in China

2 东北三省对外直接投资的时空格局和发展模式

2.1 时空格局

2.1.1 内部发展差异



2.1.2 对外投资格局

采用省际境外投资企业(机构)数这一指标分析东北三省ODI境外格局的时空特征。从图2中可以看出东北三省ODI的空间特征有: 俄罗斯为东北第一大ODI目的地,对俄罗斯ODI占东北三省ODI的三分之一左右。其次为美国、日本,相应的比重分别为12.8%和6.4%。区位优势决定了东北三省以邻近国家和地区为主要直接投资目的地。黑龙江省主要的ODI目的地为俄罗斯,对俄罗斯的直接投资占黑龙江的75%以上;而黑龙江省也是中国对俄罗斯直接投资最多的省份,占中国对俄罗斯直接投资的41%以上。吉林省对俄罗斯和朝鲜直接投资最多,分别占吉林省ODI的24.5%和18.5%。而辽宁省虽然第一大投资目的地为美国,但对朝鲜、韩国和日本的直接投资也较多。辽宁省海陆开放优势明显,ODI目的地分布广泛,远高于黑龙江省和吉林省。金融危机之后,除了俄罗斯、美国、日本这些传统的投资目的地,东北三省对东南亚和欧洲地区的ODI明显增多。

图2   东北三省对外直接投资企业(机构)空间分布

Fig.2   Spatial distribution of ODI branches and institutions of Northeast China


2.2 发展特征




3 东北三省对外直接投资发展的影响因素

3.1 模型方法

空间异质性使得对外直接投资发展的关键影响因素、影响因素的作用力大小可能因地而异。本文采用地理加权回归(Geographically Weighted Regression,GWR)对除香港、澳门、台湾和西藏之外的30个省区市进行定量分析,识别影响东北三省ODI发展的影响因素及其变化趋势。GWR模型通过引入数据的空间位置并在各空间位置上采用局部估计方法来实现对回归关系空间异质性的探索分析[27,28]。GWR模型的一般设定形式如下[27]


其中,βip(ui,vi)为第i个采样点上的第p个自变量的回归参数,它是采样点空间位置的函数。在估计参数时引入权重wij进行局部拟合,距采样点i越近的观测值赋予越大的权重,越远的权重越小。本文采用固定高斯函数(Fixed Gaussian)为权重函数,Akaike信息准则法确定带宽,运用GWR4.0软件进行GWR参数的估计。

3.2 影响因素



3.3 结果分析


表 1   影响ODI发展的指标

Table 1   The determinants of ODI



表 2   GWR模型参数估计及检验结果

Table 2   Parameter estimation and test result of GWR model

GWR调整R2OLS调整R2标准化残差范围残差Moran’s I残差Z-score




表 3   东北三省GWR模型局部参数估计结果

Table 3   Chinese Northeast local parameter estimation of GWR model

Local R20.8270.8240.8180.8410.8410.842



图3   2003年和2013年东北三省ODI影响因素GWR回归结果与中国其他地区对比

Fig.3   The spatial difference between Northeast China's and other provinces' GWR of ODI on its determinants in 2003 and 2013

4 结论与建议





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The internationalization of Chinese enterprises is a subject that is receiving increasing attention in international business research. This paper analyzes the influence of political risk and cultural distance on the location patterns of large Chinese companies. Our results show some characteristics that differ from the conventional wisdom. A high political risk in the host country does not discourage Chinese multinationals. However, from a more conventional point of view, the presence of overseas Chinese in the host country is positively associated with Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI). In addition, firm size and the volume of Chinese exports to the host country have a positive influence. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
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This article is about China鈥檚 outward foreign direct investment, a relatively new but fast-growing feature of the global economy. It is causing concern and uncertainty in many recipient countries that, more generally, happily welcome foreign direct investment. The author explores some of the reasons why. The article examines, in particular, the state ownership and management of major Chinese corporations, state influence over their policy direction and the impact of funding through state-owned financial institutions. The author concludes that Chinese outward foreign direct investment is very different from the norm of a conventional, capitalist, market economy and inescapably carries political overtones.
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The important phenomenon that the internationalization of Chinese firms (ICF) represents has attracted increasing interest from scholars from multiple fields over the past 20 years (1991鈥2010). Although this proliferation of research has the potential to significantly improve understanding of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs), the necessary step of consolidating and integrating extant knowledge is absent. This paper reviews the scholarship on the ICF and offers insights into the specific areas in critical need of further development. By focusing on articles published in major scholarly journals during the period 1991鈥2010, the authors develop a coherent framework to organize and review conceptual and empirical findings from disciplines as far ranging as management, international business, cross-culture and area studies. Within the reviewed literature, three primary streams of enquiry are identified which focus on the antecedents, processes and outcomes of the ICF. Achievements within each of the three research streams are carefully reviewed using content analysis, whereby a number of important issues are identified which have remained consistently untouched, and recommendations are provided for future research, aimed at developing a more integrated research agenda on the ICF for management and international business scholars.
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Chinese outward foreign direct investment (COFDI) has captured the imagination of international business academics, journalists, and analysts of Chinese foreign economic policy. While these students of COFDI have added greatly to our knowledge, they have not adequately considered the politico-economy of COFDI. Specifically, they have not sufficiently evaluated the degree to which COFDI is driven by political versus economic considerations, the extent to which political considerations influence the overseas operations of Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs), or the political ramifications of COFDI for host countries, international institutions, or China's interactions with third parties. Reviewing the Western literature, this article provides useful background information about COFDI, distills two general schools of thought about the politico-economy of COFDI-i.e., the 'Beijing as Puppeteer' camp and the 'Business of Business is Business' camp, and highlights a number of shortcomings with each. As well, it suggests a number of ways in which the extant literature can move forward and makes clear the importance of tracking the development of Chinese MNCs.
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Recent years have seen an increase in outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) from emerging markets and post-communist economies alike. Given the specific institutional fabric of these countries, the question is whether mainstream theory can explain the drivers of foreign direct investment outflows or whether new theories are needed to explain this phenomenon. This paper aims to investigate the home country determinants of OFDI from post-communist economies. We augment the Investment Development Path (IDP) with explanations derived from institutional theory and explain the effects of home country institutional factors on the level of OFDI. We test our hypotheses using random effects estimations on a comprehensive panel dataset comprising of OFDI from 20 Central- and Eastern European countries. Our results support the IDP's main propositions but also highlight the importance of accounting for home country institutional factors when investigating the determinants of OFDI. In particular, we find that the inclusion of institutional variables increases the explanatory power of our models and that competition policy and overall institutional reforms play a crucial role in explaining OFDI from CEE countries with important implications for FDI theory.
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Foreign direct investment with Chinese characteristics: a middle path between Ownership-Location-Internalization model and Linkage-Leverage-Learning model

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2013, 23(5):594-606.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The majority of multinational enterprises (MNEs) traditionally originate from developed countries. In the last ten years, however, there has been dramatic growth in foreign direct investment (FDI) from China. It is a comparatively new phenomenon that challenges the classic FDI theories. In this paper, we review the pros and cons of two important theories, known as the Ownership-Location-Internalization (OLI) model and Linkage-Leverage-Learning (LLL) model, and use the statistical data and company case studies from China to test the plausibility of these two models. We believe that neither of them suits totally: the OLI model is quite useful for understanding FDI from China to developing economies, while the LLL model is more powerful for explaining the FDI to developed economies. We argue that the companies from China attain a very advantageous position as intermediates in the global economy. They may catch up with the first movers if they integrate OLI-led and LLL-led FDI within one firm. This combination can bring together the most advanced knowledge acquired in developed economies with the knowledge about adaptation needs and the needs for cost reduction in production as expressed in developing economies. It may also accelerate the knowledge transfer globally. We thus fill a gap in research into the geographical pattern of Chinese FDI and offer a deeper understanding of the internationalization of Chinese MNEs and revolving knowledge transfer.
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Two economic geographers survey the changing trends of China's outward foreign direct investment. Based on materials derived from original field work as well as published studies, they shed light on the major mechanisms through which mainland China's leading firms have successfully ventured abroad, as evidenced by proposed or realized acquisitions of significant corporate entities in the United States, Africa, Europe, and elsewhere in Asia. The authors argue for a political-economy approach to understanding "globalizing China," a complex phenomenon whereby the Chinese state is strategically and intricately enmeshed with the corporate interests of its leading business firms.
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Infection control for hospital pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) often takes the form of a package of interventions, including the use of patient isolation and decolonization treatment. Such interventions, though widely used, have generated controversy because of their significant resource implications and the lack of robust evidence with regard to their effectiveness at reducing transmission. The aim of this study was to estimate the effectiveness of isolation and decolonization measures in reducing MRSA transmission in hospital general wards. Prospectively collected MRSA surveillance data from 10 general wards at Guy's and St. Thomas' hospitals, London, United Kingdom, in 2006-2007 were used, comprising 14,035 patient episodes. Data were analyzed with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to model transmission dynamics. The combined effect of isolation and decolonization was estimated to reduce transmission by 64% (95% confidence interval: 37, 79). Undetected MRSA-positive patients were estimated to be the source of 75% (95% confidence interval: 67, 86) of total transmission events. Isolation measures combined with decolonization treatment were strongly associated with a reduction in MRSA transmission in hospital general wards. These findings provide support for active methods of MRSA control, but further research is needed to determine the relative importance of isolation and decolonization in preventing transmission.
[25] Gallagher K P, Irwin A.

Exporting national champions: China's outward foreign direct investment finance in comparative perspective

[J]. China & World Economy, 2014, 22(6):1-21.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We examine the extent to which Chinese development banks have financed the globalization of China's "national champion"firms:specifically,through outward foreign direct investment(OFDI).We create a database of Chinese finance for OFDI and compare our results to the existing literature and available data on Japan,Korea and other Asian nations.We estimate the total value of China 's OFDI finance from 2002 to 2012 at US$140bn.As a percentage of total OFDI,China's lending is roughly three times higher than Japan 's,the previous global leader in OFDI finance.We identify two major reasons for China 's high(31 percent)ratio of OFDI lending to total OFDI.First,China has a greater incentive to give OFDI loans than Japan or Korea ever did because its borrowers are state-owned so it can more easily channel funds to targeted areas.Second,China has a greater capacity to give OFDI loans because it has significantly higher savings and foreign exchange reserves than Japan and Korea.
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Spatial pattern of Chinese outward direct investment in the Belt and Road Initiative area.

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[6] Wei Y R, Zheng N, Liu X H et al.

Expanding to outward foreign direct investment or not? a multi-dimensional analysis of entry mode transformation of Chinese private exporting firms

[J]. International Business Review, 2014, 23(2):356-370.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This research examines the factors determining whether or not exporting firms expand to outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) as part of their internationalisation strategy, using a recent survey of Chinese private-owned enterprises. We carry out a multi-dimensional analysis to investigate the impact of firm productivity, internal resources and the external environment on OFDI decisions, including both the decision to undertake OFDI and the volume of OFDI flows. It is found that productivity, technology-based capability, export experience, industry entry barriers, subnational institutions and intermediary institutional support affect firms鈥 OFDI decisions. The findings have important policy and managerial implications.
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[7] Deng P.

Outward investment by Chinese MNCs: motivations and implications

[J]. Business Horizons, 2004, 47(3):8-16.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Since 1978, when it opened its doors to the world, China has achieved spectacular success in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). In 2002, it surpassed the U.S. as the largest recipient of FDI in the world. However, investment has not been flowing in just one direction. According to the World Bank, in the mid-1990s China was the largest outward investor among developing countries and the eighth largest supplier of outward investment among all countries. Multinational companies (MNC) from China cumulatively invested more than $36 billion worldwide between 1982 and 2001. Despite the growing importance of FDI outflows from Chinese MNCs, little or no research has been done on this significant issue from a business perspective. Most researchers are interested primarily in public policy issues. This article attempts to fill this gap by focusing on a critical business issue 09” factors that motivate Chinese MNCs to engage in so much FDI. This article presents a study of aggregate data, both macro and micro, from the FDI/TNC database of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development that describe the overall patterns and destinations of China's outward FDI.
[8] He C F, Xie X Z, Zhu S J.

Going global: understanding China’s outward foreign direct investment from motivational and institutional perspectives

[J]. Post Communist Economies, 2015, 27(4):448-471.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Using recent Chinese data on outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) (2003鈥11), this study shows that Chinese OFDI has expanded in both distant developing and developed countries. Statistical analysis suggests that Chinese investors are attracted to countries with large market size, rich resources and strategic assets, and demand a sound legal system but avoid countries with the best rule of law. Chinese investors do not directly respond to political risk and corruption. However, they favour politically stable locations when seeking markets and care about political stability and corruption control when seeking resources. Institutional factors play a more significant role in the investment decision making prior to the actual investments, but the moderating role of institutions is influential for the actual investments. Chinese investors are more likely to seek markets and resources in developing countries, with careful evaluation of institutional quality.
[28] 庞瑞秋,腾飞,魏冶.


[J]. 地理科学,2014, 34(10):1210-1217.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Pang Ruiqiu,

TengFei, Wei Ye. A GWR-based study on dynamic mechanism of population urbanization in Jilin Province.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2014, 34(10):1210-1217.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[9] 王钢,张朝国.


[J]. 世界地理研究,2013, 22(2):97-107.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Gang, Zhang Chaoguo.

Research on the location of FDI of Chinese privateenterprises.

World Regional Studies, 2013, 22(2):97-107.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[29] Andreff W.

The new multinational corporations from transition countries

[J]. Economic Systems, 2002, 25(4):371-379.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[30] 杨恺钧, 胡树丽.


[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2013, (11):63-71.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 贺灿飞,郭琪,邹沛思.


[J]. 世界地理研究,2013, 22(4):1-12.      URL      摘要


[He Canfei, Guo Qi, Zou Peisi.

Spatialdistribution of China’s foreign direct investment: aperspective of relationship (Guanxi) between China and its host countries.

World Regional Studies, 2013, 22(4):1-12.]      URL      摘要

[30] [Yang Kaijun, Hu Shuli.

Economicdevelopment, institutional characteristics and determinants of ODI: an empirical study based on panel data of BRICs.

Journal of International Trade,2013, (11):63-71.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[31] 唐心智. 对外直接投资与对外贸易相互关系[M]. 北京: 北京理工大学出版社, 2013: 15-21.

[本文引用: 1]     

[11] 余官胜,林俐.


[J]. 地理研究,2015, 34(2):364-372.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yu Guansheng, Lin Li.

Enterprises overseas cluster and foreign direct investment locationchoice of new entrants:an empirical research based on microenterprises data in Zhejiang province.

Geographical Research, 2015, 34(2):364-372.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[31] [Tang Xinzhi.Study on the relationship between outward direct investment and foreign trade. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2013: 15-21.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] Wang C, Wright M.

Exploring the role of government involvement in outward FDI from emerging Economies

[J]. Journal of International Business Studies, 2012, 43(7):655-676(22).      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We explain the mechanisms through which government impacts the internationalization of emerging-market enterprises (EMEs). Rather than merely viewing internationalization as the result of differences in resource positions, we demonstrate that an important source of variation is the idiosyncratic manner in which EMEs are affiliated with government agencies. Although government involvement has a strong effect on international expansion, this effect is contingent upon the level at which the firm is affiliated with government and the degree of state ownership. Different types and levels of governments have different objectives, exert different institutional pressures on EMEs, and impact their willingness and ability to internationalize differently. Government involvement influences the level of overseas investment, its location (developed vs developing countries) and its type (resource- vs market-seeking). These effects depend on firms鈥 own resources and capabilities, suggesting that not all firms possess equal ability to internalize government-related advantages and respond to institutional pressures. By demonstrating that resource-based and institutional constructs are highly dependent on one another, we enhance understanding of how EMEs succeed in expanding overseas, and why governments matter.
[12] Buckley P J, Clegg L J,

Cross A et al. The determinants of Chinese outward foreign direct investment

[J]. Journal of International Business Studies, 2009, 40(4):353-354.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper investigates the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) by Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) over the period 1984 to 2001. 1 The process of China’s deepening re-integration with the global economy began, in the modern era, with the ‘Open Door’ policies of the late 1970s, and accelerated with accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001. Studies of this process generally examine China in terms of its position in global trade flows (e.g., Lall and Albaladejo, 2004); its comparative advantage as a manufacturing location (e.g., Chen et ah , 2002; Rowen, 2003); and in the volume, distribution and impacts of inbound FDI (e.g., Buckley et ah , 2002; Buckley, 2004b). 2 In contrast, understanding of a further dimension to this process — namely, the rise in Chinese outward direct investment (ODI) — remains very incomplete. One reason is the paucity of sufficiently disaggregated data to permit formal analysis of the forces shaping Chinese ODI. The result has been a preponderance of descriptive research on FDI trends (e.g., Taylor, 2002; Deng, 2003, 2004; Wong and Chan, 2003; Buckley et ah , 2006) coupled with in-depth case studies on a small number of high-profile Chinese MNEs (e.g., Liu and Li, 2002; Warner et ah , 2004).
[33] Cui L, Jiang F.

State ownership effect on firms' FDI ownership decisions under institutional pressure: a study of Chinese outward investing firms

[J]. Journal of International Business Studies, 2012, 43(3):264-284.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study investigates the effect of state ownership on Chinese firms’ foreign direct investment (FDI) ownership decisions. It adopts a political perspective to extend the application of institutional theory in international business research. Specifically, it examines firms’ heterogeneous responses to external institutional processes during foreign market entry, while taking into consideration the political affiliation of firms with the external institutions. We argue that state ownership creates the political affiliation of a firm with its home-country government, which increases the firm's resource dependence on home-country institutions, while at the same time influencing its image as perceived by host-country institutional constituents. Such resource dependence and political perception increase firms’ tendency to conform to, rather than resist, isomorphic institutional pressures. We tested our hypotheses using primary data for 132 FDI entries made by Chinese firms during 2000–2006, and we found that the effects of home regulatory, host regulatory and host normative pressures on a firm to choose a joint ownership structure were stronger when the share of equity held by state entities in the firm was high.
