Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (3): 394-399

Orginal Article


罗奎12, 方创琳1, 马海涛1

1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Dynamic Mechanism of Urbanization Based on Production Function

Luo Kui12, Fang Chuanglin1, Ma Haitao1

1.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

中图分类号:  K902

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)03-0394-06

通讯作者:  通讯作者:方创琳,研究员。

收稿日期: 2016-03-26

修回日期:  2016-06-15

网络出版日期:  2017-03-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41590840, 41590842)资助






关键词: 城镇化 ; 就业 ; 生产函数


It is of significance in theory and practice to make a thorough study on dynamic mechanism of urbanization for the construction of new urbanization. However, nowadays researchers ignored the theoretical analysis on dynamic mechanism of urbanization, but turned to put the key point of research on statistical analysis. Based on Cobb-Douglas production function, this article establishes a new dynamic model of urbanization and its main influence factors: employment, capital and per capital technological progress, and takes social and economic data of China in 1990-2011 for the empirical study. The empirical results proved the rationality of the model put forward in this article, in which 98.83% of the change in China’s urbanization can be explained by the change of employment, capital and per capital technological progress. The result shows that capital is the most influential factor on urbanization, for each 1 % increase in capital will lead to a 0.656 5% increase in urbanization level from 1990-2011, twice more than that of employment. The result also shows that the employment plays an important role in China’s urbanization, with employment output elasticity increasing, the development of China's urbanization also speed-up, which could be concluded that the impact of employment is more and more evident over time. This research indicates that the result of urbanization varies with economic development model, and an economic development model dominated by heavy industry could lead to the lag of urbanization level. Thus, it is of equal importance between changing economic growth mode and keeping economic growth rate for the sustainable development of China’s urbanization. Differentiated economic development model is needed in different stages of the urbanization process. In the eastern China, economic development should be based on knowledge, technology-intensive industries, and more attention should be paid on technical progress, which will help to improve the quality of urbanization. In the central and the western China, economic development should be based on knowledge, technology-intensive industries, and more attention should be paid on the improvement of opening up, which will help to accelerate urbanization directly. What’s more, the status of employment should be elevated in economic development. A number of measures need to be instituted in order to promote the development of people-oriented urbanization, which include bring employment increase into government official promotion evaluation mechanism, carrying out labor skill training and increasing workers’ income. More efforts need to be made in changing economic growth mode and enhancing the statue of employment in economic development in order to keep rapid and healthy development of China’s urbanization.

Keywords: Urbanization ; Employment ; Production Function


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罗奎, 方创琳, 马海涛. 基于生产函数视角的城镇化动力机制研究[J]. , 2017, 37(3): 394-399

Luo Kui, Fang Chuanglin, Ma Haitao. Dynamic Mechanism of Urbanization Based on Production Function[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(3): 394-399

自党的十八大提出新型城镇化以来,“以人为本”成为新型城镇化的核心。如何推动城镇化、经济发展与就业结构转变的协调发展,实现“产业造城”,是实现新型城镇化所面临的现实问题。因此,需对城镇化、经济发展与就业三者互动机制进行深入研究。但目前的研究集中在城镇化与经济发展、城镇化与就业结构转变方面,较少关注三者间的交互耦合关系。在城镇化与经济发展研究方面,学者通常以城镇人口比重衡量城镇化水平,以人均GDP表征经济发展水平,证实城镇化与经济发展水平呈现出显著的正相关关系[1~3]。钱纳里和赛尔奎等通过对100多个国家1950~1970年经济数据进行回归模拟,总结出经济发展与城镇化水平的一般模式,成为城镇化与经济发展水平研究的基础[4]。众多学者采用钱纳里模式针对中国城镇化水平是超前、滞后还是基本适应于经济发展水平进行了深入研究,但截止目前仍未形成统一意见[5, 6]。有学者对钱纳里模式的普适性进行了质疑[7],但较少有学者探讨经济发展模式对城镇化的影响。事实上,经济发展模式不同,譬如以资源驱动、进口替代为特色的拉美模式,以及以出口导向、产业结构逐步升级的亚洲四小龙模式,二者在城镇化的路径及结果方面表现截然不同。在城镇化与就业结构转变研究方面,既有研究大都以刘易斯的二元经济模型为基础[8],即收入差距引导人口职业转变,继而完成城镇化进程,揭示了人均收入增长和就业结构转变是城镇化的主要动力。托达罗认为预期城乡预期收入差距越大,则流入人口越多,其对部分发展中国家出现的过度城镇化现象具有较好的解释力[9, 10]。而在最近的研究中,学者们对城镇化与就业关系的研究则更为细化,研究重点在于探讨城镇化与就业恢复力[11]、高科技就业[12]、服务业就业[13] 等的关系。这类研究视角较为具体,不利于从整体上探讨城镇化与就业结构转变的关系,对于指导中国城镇化与就业协调发展作用相对有限。


1 城镇化动力机制模型构建


为深入分析城镇化、就业与经济发展关系,引入城镇化与经济发展水平一般关系模型。目前用于刻画城镇化与经济发展水平关系的模型主要有对数模型、幂指数模型和Logistic模型[16],其中对数模型认可度最高。周一星、梁进社等均论证了对数模型的普适性[17, 18],本文沿用其结论,即城镇化与人均GDP之间存在对数关系,如式(1):











2 城镇化动力机制模型实证

本文以中国1990~2011年城镇化率、非农产业增加值、非农产业从业人数、二三产业固定资产投资额、总人口数据对(5)式进行实证,数据均来自于各年份《中国统计年鉴》[20]。选择1990年为起始年份是由于1990年中国就业统计方式进行了较大调整,1990年以前的数据按经常性统计,而1990年以后各年统计的从业人员数是依据1990年全国人口普查资料推算[21]。经常性统计以16岁作为就业人口的初始年龄,而人口普查则采用国际通行的15岁作为起始年龄,即比经常性统计多一个年龄岁,从而导致1989~1990年中国非农产业从业人数由22 105万人增加到25 835万人,增加了3 730万人(20世纪90年代中国非农就业年均增长为1 088万人),若不考虑这一变化将其代入计算,必将使得测算出现偏差,因而本文研究区间选择为1990~2011年。







式中,Ktt年的实际资本存量,Kt-1t-1年的实际资本存量,Pt为固定资产投资价格指数,Itt年的名义投资,δtt年的固定资产折旧率。在确定了资本存量的初值以及实际净投资后,便可以利用上式计算各年的实际资本存量。对于资本折旧水平,理论界的认识比较一致,无论根据统计年鉴上列出的国有企业固定资产折旧率,还是根据中国实际情况进行的理论判断,基本都以5%作为折旧水平进行估算[22, 23]。至于资本存量初值,不同学者对资本存量的估算结果差别较大,本文采用贺菊煌的估算值 64 850亿元(1990年价格)[24],由于资本存量初值的选择可能影响回归结果,但这种影响随着时间减弱,因而,在分阶段回归中选择时间段为1992~2001年和2001~2011年。此外,中国自1996年以后进入快速城镇化阶段,年均城镇化率增长均在1%以上,因而将1996~2011阶段单独进行回归。将产出及固定资产投资数据利用价格指数进行平减后,利用OLS进行估算。


表1   要素产出弹性估计结果

Table 1   Estimation results of output elasticity of factors





表2   城镇化动力机制模型估计结果

Table 2   Estimation results of urbanization dynamic mechanism model










3 结论与讨论


1) 采用区域差别化的发展战略。各地区应合理选择主导产业,科学确定发展重点。对东部地区而言,应积极发展知识、技术密集型产业,并将经济发展的重点为提升居民消费,以消费推动地区经济与城镇化的协调发展;而对中西部地区尤其是西部地区而言,应大力发展劳动、资本密集型产业,并主动结合“一带一路”战略,积极提升对外开放程度,以出口和投资拉动地区经济快速发展与城镇化水平提升。东中西地区突出重点,分工协作,共同推动新型城镇化的顺利发展。

2) 将就业作为考核目标。纠正地方政府“唯GDP论英雄”的考核方式,将就业总量和劳动者收入增加纳入考核体系,以此促进地方经济发展模式转变,通过就业总量增加与劳动者收入提升推动城镇化水平提升与质量改善,从而推动新型城镇化目标的实现。

3) 大力提升人力资本。各地区尤其是对东部地区而言,应通过积极发展教育、卫生及技能培训,提升劳动者素质,促进经济结构改善和劳动者收入增加,从而推动城镇化发展质量的提升。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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本文通过国际比较和实证分析 ,认为中国的城市化并没有严重滞后于工业化。城市化率的上升与工业产值比重上升的相关性较低 ,而与非农产业就业比重变化的相关性较强 ,中国的问题在于工业化的偏差而不在于城市化的偏差。从理论上说 ,应当以非农产业的就业比重来衡量工业化与城市化的关系 ,并以加快服务业发展和就业结构升级作为工业化与城市化协调发展的中心内容。从宏观政策看 ,需要实现农村工业化向城市工业化的战略性转变 ,在改革、开放和开发中促进工业化与城市化的协调发展

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本文通过国际比较和实证分析 ,认为中国的城市化并没有严重滞后于工业化。城市化率的上升与工业产值比重上升的相关性较低 ,而与非农产业就业比重变化的相关性较强 ,中国的问题在于工业化的偏差而不在于城市化的偏差。从理论上说 ,应当以非农产业的就业比重来衡量工业化与城市化的关系 ,并以加快服务业发展和就业结构升级作为工业化与城市化协调发展的中心内容。从宏观政策看 ,需要实现农村工业化向城市工业化的战略性转变 ,在改革、开放和开发中促进工业化与城市化的协调发展
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This study examines why rural-urban labor migration persists and is even increasing in many developing nations despite the existence of positive marginal products in agriculture and significant levels of urban unemployment. Conventional economic models have difficulty reconciling rational behavioral explanations with growing levels of urban unemployment in the absence of absolute labor redundancy in the overall economy. This paper formulates a 2-sector model of rural-urban migration which recognizes the existence of a politically determined minimum urban wage at levels substantially higher than agricultural earnings. The distinguishing feature of the model is that migration proceeds in response to urban-rural differences in expected earnings with the urban employment rate acting as an equilibrating force on such migration. The overall model is used to demonstrate 1) that given the politically determined high minimum wage the continued existence of rural-urban migration in spite of substantial urban unemployment represents an economically rational choice on the part of the individual migrants and 2) that economists standard policy recommendation of generating urban employment opportunities through the use of "shadow prices" implemented by means of wage subsidies or direct government hiring may lead to a worsening of the urban unemployment problem. Welfare implications of alternative policies associated with various programs to retain rural population are assessed under the assumption that the full wage flexibility suggested by economic theory is politically unfeasible; it is concluded that in the absence of wage flexibility an optimal policy would include both partial wage subsidies or direct government employment and measures to restrict free migration. The basic model is a 2-sector internal trade model with unemployment the 2 sectors being the permanent urban sector which specializes in production of manufactured goods and the rural which either uses all available labor to produce agricultural goods or exports part of the labor to the urban sector. It is assumed that the typical migrant retains his ties to the rural sector but the assumption is not necessary for the argument.
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An economic behavioral model of rural urban migration is formulated which represents a realistic modification and extension of the simple wage differential approach commonly found in the literature and this probablistic approach is incorporated into a rigorous model of the determinants of urban labor demand and supply which when given values for the crucial parameters can be used among other things to estimate the equilibrium proportion of the urban labor force that is not absorbed by the modern industrial economy. Additionally the model will provide a convenient framework for analyzing the implications of alternative policies designed to alleviate unemployment by varying 1 or more of the principal parameters. A more realistic picture of labor migration in less developed nations would be one that views migration as a 2 stage phenomenon: in the 1st stage the unskilled rural worker migrates to an urban area and spends a certain period of time in the "urban traditional" sector; and the 2nd stage is reached with the eventual attainment of a more permanent modern sector job. This 2 stage process allows one to ask some basic questions concerning the decision to migrate the proportionate size of the urban traditional sector and the implications of accelerated industrial growth and/or alternative rural urban real income differentials on labor participation in the modern economy. In the model the decision to migrate from rural to urban areas is functionally related to 2 principal variables: the urban rural real income differential and the probability of obtaining an urban job. To understand better the nature of the supply function to be used in the overall model of the determinants of urban unemployment it is helpful to state the underlying behavioral assumptions of the model of rural urban migration: it is assumed that the percentage change in the urban labor force as a result of migration during any period is governed by the differential between the discounted streams of expected urban and rural real income expressed as percentage of the discounted stream of expected rural real income; the planning horizon for each worker is identical; the fixed costs of migration are identical for all workers; and the discount factor is constant over the planning horizon and identical for all potential migrants. The model demonstrates the overall net impact of allowing these parameters to vary over time and/or choosing alternative values. It underlines in a simple and plausible way the interdependent effects of industrial expansion productivity growth and the differential expected real earnings capacity of urban versus rural activities on the size and rate of increase in labor migration and therefore ultimately on the occupational distribution of the urban labor force. Possibly the most significant policy implication that emerged from the model is the great difficulty of substantially reducing the size of the urban traditional sector without a concentrated effort at making rural life more attractive.
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