地理科学  2017 , 37 (9): 1318-1325 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.09.004

Orginal Article


张延吉1, 秦波2, 唐杰2

1.福州大学建筑学院城乡规划系,福建 福州350116

The Influence of Urban Built-up Environment on Sense of Residential Security:Based on the Empirical Research of 278 Communities in Urban China

Zhang Yanji1, Qin Bo2, Tang Jie2

1. Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350116, China
2. Department of Urban Planning and Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China

中图分类号:  TU984

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)09-1318-08

收稿日期: 2016-12-29

修回日期:  2017-03-8

网络出版日期:  2017-11-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41371007)资助






关键词: 建成环境 ; 居住安全感 ; 多层线性模型


In the discipline of criminal geography, there always exists opposite theoretical views of the impact of urban built-up environment on sense of residential security. James Jocabs proposed the concept of ‘street eyes’ and appreciated its surveillance role in enhancing the sense of security, while the defensible space theory proposed by Newman regarded large flow of human traffic as public safety risk. This conflicting theoretical explanation incurred hesitation and confusion between aggregated design approach and segregated design approach. The different empirical findings and planning ideas stemmed from significant divergent built environment and social environment in various regions throughout the world. Owing to the existing research only carried out in European and American cities, it needs to be reexamined which theory has more explanatory power in Chinese context. Via Chinese General Social Survey data in the year of 2010, point of interest and road network data, this article analyzed the influence of urban built environment and its interaction role with social environment on sense of residential security in 278 Chinese urban communities through hierarchical linear modeling for the first time. This research demonstrated that mixed-used land measured by entropy index of POI functional types, compact road network measured by road density or proportion of secondary and slip road area, and high utilizing density measured by population density or POI density had a significant negative effect on sense of residential security overall. On the contrary, when built environment was relatively sparse, and had single land use and large block size, people would have a higher sense of security. It should be noted that the impact of urban built environment on sense of security is not invariable, and the ‘street eyes’ would not spontaneously play their defending roles until the community had strong cohesion, abundant social capital or homogenously composed. With the increase of community cohesion and population homogeneity, the positive role of "narrow road, dense network and open block" would gradually play on minimizing the resident’s sense of fear. However, according to the critical value in model, compact, permeable and diverse space still had negative effect on sense of security in most case communities in 2010. In other words, the theory of defense space is more applicable to most of sample communities in our country, and the function of street eyes is only played in a small number of sample communities with strong social cohesion and demographic homogeneity. To sum up, we should gradually and conditionally promote the planning work of "narrow road, dense network and open block", understand residents’ concerns about the sense of security, and avoid adopting a one-size-fits-all approach. Simultaneously, planners should combine the guiding ideology of urban design and the process of community development together in order to reach street eyes’ full potential and construct safe communities.

Keywords: built-up environment ; sense of security ; hierarchical linear modeling


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张延吉, 秦波, 唐杰. 城市建成环境对居住安全感的影响——基于全国278个城市社区的实证分析[J]. 地理科学, 2017, 37(9): 1318-1325 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.09.004

Zhang Yanji, Qin Bo, Tang Jie. The Influence of Urban Built-up Environment on Sense of Residential Security:Based on the Empirical Research of 278 Communities in Urban China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(9): 1318-1325 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.09.004





1 研究设计

1.1 数据来源

本文使用的数据来源于中国人民大学数据调查中心组织的2010年中国社会综合调查。该项目采取分层3阶段概率抽样方式,对内地31个省、自治区、直辖市的480个居(村)委会开展入户调查 有关CGSS的信息可参见http://www.chinagss.org/。(不包括港澳台地区)。在剔除村委会和存在缺失变量的样本后,共获得278个社区中的2 165个样本。

为测量社区的建成环境特征,爬取2012年1月某地图网站中的全国POI数据和路网底图(含道路等级、宽度等信息)。经空间校准,以278个社区居委会的所在地为圆心,以1 km为半径,获得缓冲区内的POI和路网,并将近100万个POI按功能归入31类用地性质( ② 参考城市建设用地分类标准(GB50137-2011),依据POI的小类或名称,将其归入行政办公(A1)、文化设施(A2)、教育科研(A3)、体育(A4)、医疗卫生(A5)、社会福利(A6)、文物古迹或宗教(A7、A9)、外事(A8)、零售商业(B11)、批发(B12)、餐饮(B13)、旅馆(B14)、金融保险(B21)、艺术传媒(B22)、其他商务设施(B29)、娱乐康体(B3)、加油加气(B41)、其他公用设施(B49)、其它服务设施(B9)、公园(G1)、广场(G3)、一类住宅(R11)、二三类住宅(R21、R31)、服务设施(R12、R22、R32)、城市道路(S1)、轨道交通(S2)、综合交通枢纽(S3)、公共交通设施(S41)、社会停车场(S42)、工业(M)、物流仓储(W)等31类用地性质。

1.2 变量选择

1.2.1 被解释变量


1.2.2 解释变量1:建成环境特征




表1   解释变量说明

Table 1   Independent variables’ description

设施的可达性社区内体锻场所的可达性非常充足(=5 )~ 非常不充足(=1)
经济收入水平远高于城市平均=5 ~ 远低于城市平均=1
对他人的信任感非常信任=5 ~ 非常不信任=1


1.2.3 解释变量2:社会环境特征


为此,本文以“会阻止破坏社区公物现象”“能方便从邻居处借到工具”“邻里之间互相关心” “邻里之间互相帮助”等4方面的认同程度构建评价社区凝聚力的李克特5点量表在测量时,根据被调查者是否认同这4方面表述符合实际情况进行评价,分别将“完全同意”“同意”“既不同意也不反对”“不同意”“完全不同意”赋值为5、4、3、2、1。)。上述4题的Cronbach α系数为0.823,说明信度水平较好。由于外来人口大多与暂住地缺乏共同价值观,被认为对社区的安全感起着负面影响[23],本文还以外来人口占常住人口比重体现社会结构的异质性[19]


1.2.4 解释变量3:个体特征因素


1.3 回归模型

分析数据涉及微观个体和宏观社区两个层面,而针对嵌套数据结构,OLS回归难以满足残差独立、随机等假设,将导致无效有偏估计[25]。因此,研究采用多层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling),形式如下:

微观个体层面: Yjk=β0j+1mβmjXmjk+rjk


宏观社区层面: β0j=γ00+1nγ0nWnj+u0j



式中, Yjkj社区 k市民的居住安全感。由于各社区平均居住安全感的截距 β0j存在显著差异,本文在以 β0j为因变量的宏观层面模型中引入随机误差项 u0j,而 γ00为总体平均安全感的截距项,固定效应项 γm0γ0n分别反映m个微观层面解释变量 Xn个宏观层面解释变量 W对居住安全感的影响。由于本研究并非重点关注微观层面解释变量在不同社区中的影响差异,因此微观层面自变量的斜率 βmj未包含随机效应。

出于稳健考虑,对利用POI和道路网获得的宏观层面变量采用500 m和1 km两种搜索口径。同时将解释变量的标准分数(Z值)纳入模型,以反映其相对影响大小。

2 实证发现

2.1 建成环境对居住安全感的影响


表2   多层线性模型回归结果

Table 2   Regression results of HLM

500 m1 km500 m1 km-500 m1 km-500 m1 km






2.2 社会环境及其与建成环境交互作用的影响




表3   多层线性模型回归结果

Table 3   Regression results of HLM

500 m1 km500 m1 km500 m1 km-500 m1 km
500 m1 km500 m1 km500 m1 km-500 m1 km




例如,当社区凝聚力的标准分数小于0.61(=0.056÷0.092,见模型7)时,社区周边500 m范围内的道路网密度对居住安全感具有显著负向影响;而在社区凝聚力超过样本均值0.61个标准差后,道路网密度对居住安全感的正向影响将逐步显。与之相似,当社区外来人口比重的标准分数大于-0.71(=-0.069÷0.097,见模型14)时,POI类型的熵指数对居住安全感具有显著负向影响;而在外来人口比重低于样本均值0.71个标准差后,混合用地开始发挥出对居住安全感的正面作用。不过,由临界值可知,目前高密度、混合型、密路网的城市建成环境只对少数社区的居住安全感具有正向影响。



2.3 个体特征对居住安全感的影响


3 结论与讨论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The Death and Life of the American City

[M].New York:Vintage,1961.

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[2] Hong J,Chen C.

The role of the built environment on perceived safety from crime and walking: examining direct and indirect impacts


https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-014-9535-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines the connection between the built environment, perceived safety from crime and walking behaviour by conducting a travel survey in King County, Washington State, U.S. and employing a two-stage least squares model. We seek to answer two research questions: how does the built environment affect perceived safety from crime and walking behaviour; and how does one’s perception of safety from crime affect his/her walking behaviour. Our results show that the built environment is not only significantly related to walking behaviour, as previous research has identified, but also correlated with people’s perception of safety. In addition, a significant association between perceived safety from crime and walking behaviour is found, revealing possible indirect impacts of the built environment on walking. In specific, people living in neighborhoods with good accessibility and pedestrian facilities tend to perceive their neighborhoods safer while density has an opposite impact. Moreover, residents in safe and high-density areas are more likely to walk.
[3] Bracy N L,Millstein R A,Carlson J A et al.

Is the relationship between the built environment and physical activity moderated by perceptions of crime and safety?

[J].International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity,2014,11(1):1-13.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1479-5868-11-24      URL      PMID: 24564971      摘要

Background Direct relationships between safety concerns and physical activity have been inconsistently patterned in the literature. To tease out these relationships, crime, pedestrian, and traffic safety were examined as moderators of built environment associations with physical activity. Methods Exploratory analyses used two cross-sectional studies of 2068 adults ages 20???65 and 718 seniors ages 66+ with similar designs and measures. The studies were conducted in the Baltimore, Maryland-Washington, DC and Seattle-King County, Washington regions during 2001???2005 (adults) and 2005???2008 (seniors). Participants were recruited from areas selected to sample high- and low- income and walkability. Independent variables perceived crime, traffic, and pedestrian safety were measured using scales from validated instruments. A GIS-based walkability index was calculated for a street-network buffer around each participant???s home address. Outcomes were total physical activity measured using accelerometers and transportation and leisure walking measured with validated self-reports (IPAQ-long). Mixed effects regression models were conducted separately for each sample. Results Of 36 interactions evaluated across both studies, only 5 were significant (p???<???.05). Significant interactions did not consistently support a pattern of highest physical activity when safety was rated high and environments were favorable. There was not consistent evidence that safety concerns reduced the beneficial effects of favorable environments on physical activity. Only pedestrian safety showed evidence of a consistent main effect with physical activity outcomes, possibly because pedestrian safety items (e.g., crosswalks, sidewalks) were not as subjective as those on the crime and traffic safety scales. Conclusions Clear relationships between crime, pedestrian, and traffic safety with physical activity levels remain elusive. The development of more precise safety variables and the use of neighborhood-specific physical activity outcomes may help to elucidate these relationships.
[4] Foster S,Wood L,Francis J et al.

Suspicious minds: Can features of the local neighborhood ease parents' fears about stranger danger?

[J].Journal of Environmental Psychology,2015,42:48-56.

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61Parents' fear of strangers is implicated in children's declining independent mobility.61There is limited awareness of the factors that shape parents' fears about strangers.61We examined the correlates of parents' fear of strangers and perceptions of risk.61Built environments that encouraged ‘eyes on the street’ correlated with lower fear.61More walkable neighbourhoods may help alleviate parents' fears about strangers.
[5] Foster S,

Giles-corti B,Knuiman M.Neighbourhood design and fear of crime: A social-ecological examination of the correlates of residents’ fear in new suburban housing developments

[J].Health & Place,2010,16(6):1156-1165.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2010.07.007      URL      PMID: 20719555      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study explored the relationship between neighbourhood design and residents’ fear of crime in new suburban housing developments. Self-report and objective data were collected as part of the RESIDential Environments (RESIDE) Project. A neighbourhood form index based on the planning and land-use characteristics that draw people into public space, facilitate pedestrian movement and ensure the presence of ‘territorial guardians’ was developed for each participant ( n=1059) from objective environmental data. With each additional index attribute, the odds of being fearful reduced (trend test p value=0.001), and this persisted even after progressive adjustment for demographics, victimisation, collective efficacy and perceived problems. The findings support the notion that a more walkable neighbourhood is also a place, where residents feel safer, and provides further evidence endorsing a shift away from low density, curvilinear suburban developments towards more walkable communities with access to shops, parks and transit.
[6] Newman O.

Defensible Space

[M].New York:Macmillan,1972.

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[7] Wood L,Shannon T,Bulsara M et al.

The anatomy of the safe and social suburb: An exploratory study of the built environment, social capital and residents’ perceptions of safety

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2007.04.004      URL      PMID: 17576088      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

This study explored the relationship between social capital and aspects of the built environment, focusing in particular on the walkability of suburbs as determined by street network design and the mix of land uses. We measured social capital and feelings of personal safety in 335 residents of three suburbs in metropolitan Perth, WA, and collected objective and perceived data on the built environment. After adjustment for demographic factors, the built environment was found to have a significant but small effect on social capital and feelings of safety, particularly in relation to the number and perceived adequacy of destinations. A high level of neighbourhood upkeep was associated with both higher social capital and feelings of safety.
[8] Kytta M,Kuoppa J,Hirvonen J et al.

Perceived safety of the retrofit neighborhood: A location-based approach

[J].Urban Design International,2014,19(4):311-328.

https://doi.org/10.1057/udi.2013.31      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including perceived safety. Using a location-based public participation geographic information system approach, this study offers insights on how to avoid too simplistic or deterministic thinking in safety planning through a case study of a neighborhood representing urban retrofit in Espoo, Finland. This article concludes that more comprehensive safety strategies are most likely to succeed in breaking the negative development of fear and a spiral of neighborhood decay especially in retrofit neighborhoods.
[9] Wilcox P,Quisenberry N,Jones S.

The built environment and community crime risk interpretation

[J].Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,2003,40(3):322-345.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427803253801      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

In this article, the authors examine whether subjective perceptions of community safety are informed by the built environment. They posit that the built environment serves as a heuristic device, providing cues about likely levels of neighborhood crime, independent of the effects of neighborhood crime itself. Using data on 4,456individuals nested within 100 census tracts, the authors estimate hierarchical logistic models of perceived community crime risk. They focus on the role of the neighborhood built environment in the form of aggregated perceptions of nonresidential land use, while controlling for individual-level criminal opportunity, community-level social structural antecedents, and community-level objective crime. The findings indicate that the neighborhood-level presence of businesses and parks and playgrounds increases individual perceptions of community danger, but these effects disappear once neighborhood crime rates are controlled. The presence of schools has no effect on subjective interpretations of community crime, regardless of whether actual area crime is considered.
[10] Schweitzer J H,Kim J W,Mackin J R.

The impact of the built environment on crime and fear of crime in urban neighborhoods

[J].Journal of Urban Technology,1999,6(3):59-73.

https://doi.org/10.1080/10630739983588      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Alpha peaks are used as part of servo systems to stabilize NaI-photomultiplier gamma detectors against drift. However alpha peaks shift with temperature change differently than do gamma peaks, thus spoiling what would otherwise be a workable scheme for stabilizing against probably the most serious source of NaI-p.m. detector drift, namely thermal effects. It was found possible to accurately compensate for the difference in the shift with temperature versus gamma peaks using the signal derived from a thermistor in thermal contact with the NaI crystal to control the bias of a discriminator in the servo circuit. The servo circuit utilizing this principle are used in commercial multichannel analyzers of the type intended for field use under adverse ambient conditions.
[11] Foster S, Giles-Corti B.

The built environment, neighborhood crime and constrained physical activity: An exploration of inconsistent findings

[J].Preventive Medicine,2008,47(3):241-251.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.03.017      URL      PMID: 18499242      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

Further research is required to tease out associations between real and perceived crime-related safety and physical activity, ideally employing behaviour and crime-specific measures, and addressing the moderating role of the social and built environments.
[12] 刘大千,修春亮.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Daqian,Xiu Chunliang.

Review of Studies on Criminal Geography.

Human Geography,2012,27(2):38-44.]

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[13] 王发曾.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Fazeng.

A Review of Urban Spatial Anti-crime Study in China from 1980 to 2000.

Human Geography,2010,25(4):25-30.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[14] Lorenc T,Clayton S,Neary D et al.

Crime, fear of crime, environment, and mental health and wellbeing: Mapping review of theories and causal pathways

[J].Health & Place,2012,18(4):757-765.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.04.001      URL      PMID: 22542441      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

78 We explore links between crime, fear of crime, environment and health and wellbeing. 78 Fear of crime may mediate some impacts of environmental factors on wellbeing. 78 The environmental determinants and population-level impacts of crime are less clear. 78 Theory-informed reviews of pathways can be valuable in synthesising complex evidence.
[15] Cervero R,Kockelman K.

Travel demand and the 3Ds: Density, diversity, and design

[J].Transportation Research D,1997,2(3):199-219.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S1361-9209(97)00009-6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The built environment is thought to influence travel demand along three principal dimensions —density, diversity, and design. This paper tests this proposition by examining how the ‘3Ds’ affect trip rates and mode choice of residents in the San Francisco Bay Area. Using 1990 travel diary data and land-use records obtained from the U.S. census, regional inventories, and field surveys, models are estimated that relate features of the built environment to variations in vehicle miles traveled per household and mode choice, mainly for non-work trips. Factor analysis is used to linearly combine variables into the density and design dimensions of the built environment. The research finds that density, land-use diversity, and pedestrian-oriented designs generally reduce trip rates and encourage non-auto travel in statistically significant ways, though their influences appear to be fairly marginal. Elasticities between variables and factors that capture the 3Ds and various measures of travel demand are generally in the 0.06 to 0.18 range, expressed in absolute terms. Compact development was found to exert the strongest influence on personal business trips. Within-neighborhood retail shops, on the other hand, were most strongly associated with mode choice for work trips. And while a factor capturing ‘walking quality’ was only moderately related to mode choice for non-work trips, those living in neighborhoods with grid-iron street designs and restricted commercial parking were nonetheless found to average significantly less vehicle miles of travel and rely less on single-occupant vehicles for non-work trips. Overall, this research shows that the elasticities between each dimension of the built environment and travel demand are modest to moderate, though certainly not inconsequential. Thus it supports the contention of new urbanists and others that creating more compact, diverse, and pedestrian-orientated neighborhoods, in combination, can meaningfully influence how Americans travel.
[16] Ewing R,Cervero R.

Travel and the Built Environment: A Meta-Analysis

[J].Journal of the American Planning Association,2010,76(3):265-294.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944361003766766      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[17] Sung H,Lee S,Cheon S.

Operationalizing Jane Jacobs’s Urban Design Theory: Empirical Verification from the Great City of Seoul, Korea

[J].Journal of Planning Education and Research,2015,35(2):117-130.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X14568021      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[18] Joh K,Nguyen M T,Boarnet M G.

Can Built and Social Environmental Factors Encourage Walking among Individuals with Negative Walking Attitudes?

[J].Journal of Planning Education and Research,2012,32(2):219-236.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X11427914      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We investigate whether the design of the built environment encourages walking above and beyond individuals' attitudes toward walking. With data from a regional travel survey, we use regression analyses to examine differences in neighborhood walking trips among residents with positive and negative attitudes toward walking. The results show that built and social environment factors have a differential impact on walking trips depending on a person's walking attitudes. Therefore, strategies to promote positive walking attitudes should be pursued in tandem with land use policies to encourage neighborhood walking.
[19] Sampson R J,Groves W B.

Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory

[J].American Journal of Sociology,1989,94(4):774-802.

https://doi.org/10.1086/229068      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Shaw and McKay's influential theory of community social disorganization has never been directly tested. To address this, a community-level theory that builds on Shaw and McKay's original model is formulated and tested. The general hypothesis is that low economic status, ethnic heterogeneity, residential mobility, and family disruption lead to community social disorganization, which, in turn, increases crime and delinquency rates. A community's level of social organization is measured in terms of local friendship networks, control of street-corner teenage peer groups, and prevalence of organizational participation. The model is first tested by analyzing data for 238 localities in Great Britain constructed from a 1982 national survey of 10,905 residents. The model is then replicated on an independent national sample of 11,030 residents of 300 British localities in 1984. Results from both surveys support the theory and show that between-community variations in social disorganization transmit much of the effect of community structural characteristics on rates of both criminal victimization and criminal offending.
[20] Lowenkamp C T,Cullen F T,Pratt T C.

Replicating Sampson and Grove’s test of social disorganization theory: revisiting a criminological classic

[J].Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,2003,40(4):351-373.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427803256077      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Using data from the British Crime Survey conducted in 1982, Sampson and Groves provided a convincing test of social disorganization theory. Although macro-level theory was in the midst of a revival when this investigation appeared, no single article did more to polish the previously tarnished image of social disorganization theory than Sampson and Groves's analysis; in fact, this work has become a criminological classic. Subsequent research, however, has not systematically replicated this study. Questions thus remain as to whether Sampson and Groves uncovered enduring empirical realities or idiosyncratic relationships reflecting the time period from which the data were drawn. In this context, the current research seeks to replicate Sampson and Groves's findings with data from the 1994 British Crime Survey. Analyses of similar models with similar measures yield results consistent with social disorganization theory and consistent with the results presented by Sampson and Groves. Our study suggests, therefore, that the findings of the initial classic study were not artifactual but illuminated an underlying empirical pattern that has persisted over time.
[21] Abdullah A,Marzbali M H,Woolley H et al.

Testing for Individual Factors for the Fear of Crime Using a Multiple Indicator-Multiple Cause Model

[J].European Journal on Criminal Policy & Research,2014,20(1):1-22.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10610-013-9208-4      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT In the extant literature, very few studies have simultaneously examined the impact of individual attributes, neighbourhood disorder and social cohesion on an individual’s fear of crime. This article addresses the use of multiple-indicator, multiple-cause (MIMIC) analysis for testing different variables related to the fear of crime based on a number of theories. Face-to-face interviews with residents of a high-crime council estate were conducted to examine the crime rate, disorder, cohesion and the fear of crime in the participants’ residential area. The results support the incivilities thesis and the vulnerability hypothesis, while the social disorganisation theory was partially supported. It was concluded that women and the elderly demonstrate higher levels of fear than men and the nonelderly and that crime, disorder and social cohesion have a direct effect on one’s level of fear, as the decreases in neighbourhood cohesion increase the individuals’ levels of fear. In addition, people who have been victimised and those who perceive higher levels of incivility were found to be more fearful of crime. By incorporating the three theories, the final model is able to account for 50 % of the variance in the fear of crime.
[22] Bjornstrom E E S, Ralston M L.

Neighborhood Built Environment, Perceived Danger, and Perceived Social Cohesion

[J].Environment and Behavior,2014,46(6):718-744.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916513503833      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We examined whether the prevalence of commercial diversity, heavy traffic, sidewalks, and trees is associated with perceived social cohesion in Los Angeles County neighborhoods, and how concentrated disadvantage and perceived danger shape these relationships. Consistent with theoretical expectations, concentrated disadvantage and danger were associated with lower cohesion. The effects of built characteristics on cohesion were moderated by disadvantage and/or perceived danger. Danger moderated the effect of commercial diversity, sidewalks, and trees, and concentrated disadvantage moderated the coefficients on built variables (excepting trees) such that the magnitude of their effects were stronger in high-disadvantage neighborhoods. We conclude that built characteristics appear to matter more for cohesion in high-disadvantage neighborhoods and also that approaches to promoting cohesion through the built environment should focus on bolstering residents' perceptions of safety.
[23] Rollwagen H.

Constructing Renters as a Threat to Neighbourhood Safety

[J].Housing Studies,2014,30(1):1-21.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2014.925099      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The physical and social organization of the urban environment plays a central role in the formation of individual perceptions of crime. This paper examines how the presence of rental housing is constructed as a risk to neighbourhood safety by urban homeowners. The presence of the ideology of homeownership fosters a social context in which renters are constructed as disinvested and irresponsible individuals. As a result, renters are perceived to pose both an indirect and direct threat to the safety of a neighbourhood. Data from 23 semi-structured interviews with urban homeowners are used to illustrate this process. The paper concludes by considering how these perceptions adversely affect tenants and perpetuate spatial patterns of inequality.
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[Department of Population and Employment Statistics National Bureau of Statistics. Tabulation on the 2010 Population Census of the People’s Republic of China by Township. Beijing:China Statistics Press,2012.]

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Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods (Second Edition)

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[26] 徐冲,柳林,周素红,.



https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201312011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Xu Chong,Liu Lin,

Zhou Suhong et al.The Spatio-temporal Patterns of Street Robbery in DP Peninsula.

Acta Geographica Sinica,2013,68(12):1714-1723.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201312011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[27] 刘大千,修春亮,于嘉.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于长春市公安局提供的警区层面的犯罪数据,分析了长春市2008 年财产犯罪率的空间分布特征。研究发现长春市财产犯罪率呈现出城市中心高而外围低的圈层式空间模式。通过对犯罪高发区域的用地性质和功能的分析发现,长春市主要商业区和主要客运交通枢纽所在警区均具有较高的财产犯罪率。利用空间分析的方法,判定出长春市财产犯罪的热点地区,从统计学意义上验证了犯罪活动的空间集聚性,进而推测这些区域可能存在犯罪扩散和溢出效应。借鉴国外相关理论及实证研究,结合长春市实际情况,通过回归建模分析,探讨了长春市财产犯罪率同人口、社会经济、土地利用等各因子可能存在的相互关系,发现长春市财产犯罪率受到人口密度、就业活跃度、商业区、服务业活跃度、客运枢纽和年轻人口比例的显著影响,在一定程度上支持了日常活动理论的基本观点,但需结合长春市实际情况做具体分析与解释。

[Liu Daqian,Xiu Chunliang,Yu Jia.

Spatial Analysis of Property Crimes in Changchun.

Scientia Geographica Sinica,2012,32(4):477-484.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于长春市公安局提供的警区层面的犯罪数据,分析了长春市2008 年财产犯罪率的空间分布特征。研究发现长春市财产犯罪率呈现出城市中心高而外围低的圈层式空间模式。通过对犯罪高发区域的用地性质和功能的分析发现,长春市主要商业区和主要客运交通枢纽所在警区均具有较高的财产犯罪率。利用空间分析的方法,判定出长春市财产犯罪的热点地区,从统计学意义上验证了犯罪活动的空间集聚性,进而推测这些区域可能存在犯罪扩散和溢出效应。借鉴国外相关理论及实证研究,结合长春市实际情况,通过回归建模分析,探讨了长春市财产犯罪率同人口、社会经济、土地利用等各因子可能存在的相互关系,发现长春市财产犯罪率受到人口密度、就业活跃度、商业区、服务业活跃度、客运枢纽和年轻人口比例的显著影响,在一定程度上支持了日常活动理论的基本观点,但需结合长春市实际情况做具体分析与解释。
