地理科学  2018 , 38 (1): 11-19 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.01.002

Orginal Article


张艳1, 刘志林2


Access to Housings and Home-work Separation of Moderate to Low-income Residents in Beijing Under the Market-oriented Transition

Zhang Yan1, Liu Zhilin2

1.The Institute of Beijing Studies, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China
2.School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

中图分类号:  K901.2

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)01-0011-09

通讯作者:  通讯作者:刘志林,长聘副教授。E-mail: zhilinliu@tsinghua.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-04-18

修回日期:  2017-07-25

网络出版日期:  2018-01-10

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41771185、41571153)北京市社会科学基金项目(15JDCSB005)北京联合大学人才强校优选计划(BPHR2017DZ10)资助


作者简介:张艳(1984-),女,苗族,新疆库尔勒人,副教授,博士,主要从事城市社会地理学与行为地理学研究。E-mail: yanzhang@buu.edu.cn




关键词: 市场转型 ; 住房机会 ; 职住分离 ; 城市中低收入者 ; 北京市


In developed and developing countries alike, scholars have endeavored to theorize and test the impacts of urban spatial restructuring—from city-scale suburbanization to neighborhood-scale land use change—on individual commuting and daily travel behaviour. This article tried to provide empirical evidences of residential mobility and home-work links of the moderate to low-income urban residents in Beijing. Based on a 492 household surveys of nine typical neighborhoods which were mainly located in the traditional city centre as well as suburban districts, we compared home-work links and commuting pattern among different moderate to low-income groups, using the measurement of home-work distance and commuting time. Specifically, we used regression models to examine the impacts of institutional factors (such as access to housing, affordable housing policy, different types of work units, HUKOU, home ownership, gender etc.) on low-income residents' job accessibility. The results firstly showed that those who worked for state-owned enterprises (SOE) and these who worked for other non-SOE enterprises, compared to these worked in administrative institution and public sectors, experienced significantly longer home-work separation, which reflected the legacy of DANWEI. Secondly, as to the residential move opportunity, these who were relocated by the governmental housing program tend to endure greatest home-work separation while these who moved by personal reasons had shorter home-work distance. As we expected, those who lived in the suburban neighborhoods had significant worse job accessibility than their counterparts lived in inner city. Thirdly, these who had Beijing HUKOU, who were not household head, male commuters had longer home-work distance. Besides, we found that there was a significant positive correlation between personal monthly salary and home-work distance, which suggested that the job market began to play an important role. Finally, we pointed out special attentions should be paid to the spatial implications of low-income residents’ job accessibility and employment outcomes after passive relocation of their homes as well as their work units.

Keywords: market transition ; access to housings ; home-work link ; moderate to low-income ; Beijing


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张艳, 刘志林. 市场转型背景下北京市中低收入居民的住房机会与职住分离研究[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(1): 11-19 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.01.002

Zhang Yan, Liu Zhilin. Access to Housings and Home-work Separation of Moderate to Low-income Residents in Beijing Under the Market-oriented Transition[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(1): 11-19 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.01.002

城市转型与空间重构对城市弱势群体的生活经历带来挑战。西方研究表明,郊区化与城市空间重构背景下的空间错位现象本质上是城市空间结构性变化所导致的居住与就业机会的空间不平等,并形成 “空间障碍”,进而限制了城市弱势群体(少数族裔、女性、低收入群体等)通过就业流动与居住迁移、交通移动而克服“空间障碍”的能力,最终对其居住与就业空间机会造成负面影响,如高失业率、低工资水平及更长的通勤时间和距离等[1,2,3,4,5,6]




1 转型期中国城市中低收入者职住关系的分析框架

1.1 市场转型的制度性因素对中低收入者职住关系的影响

市场转型是指由计划体制的再分配经济向以交易为基础的市场经济转变[16,17]。转型期,尽管“国家(政府)”与“单位”、“单位”与“家庭(个人)”之间的强依附性开始削弱,而影响住房市场和就业市场中开发商与家庭、企业与雇主之间的自由选择和偏好的市场因素(如房价、工资、年龄、学历等)开始凸显[7];但是,计划经济时期的制度性因素仍然持续发挥作用[8,18]。城市中低收入群体在住房条件、产权、搬迁机会等面临严峻的居住困境[19,20,21]。Logan等用2000年人口普查数据发现那些曾在住房福利分配中获利的居民,在转型过程中仍然是最大的利益获得者[8]。Li 通过对北京市1980~2001年的城市居民住房产权转变(即由租赁公房到获得产权)的过程分析发现,党政机关、国有企业中的干部,以及单位中资历高的人,仍然更容易实现住房产权从租到买的转变[22]。此外,单位制度等旧的再分配体制下的制度性因素依然持续作用,并以更加“隐形化”的方式影响居民的居住机会与就业机会[23]

不同的住房机会下,城市中低收入者的职住关系明显不同。计划体制下单位福利分房通常考虑住房与单位地点的接近。此外,政府的保障房项目往往布局在郊区,较少考虑与低收入居民就业地的关系,低收入群体由于就业机会受限,大多数居民搬迁后很难变动工作[24,25],从而使其承受长距离通勤[26,27,12]。周素红等2007年对广州市不同类型居住区进行的1996~2007年的居住与就业选择及变迁的调查研究表明,保障性住房住户职住距离从1996年搬迁前的4.97 km增长到2000年搬迁后的8.87 km,且多数居民搬迁后承受长距离通勤,只有少量通过改变工作地而缩短通勤距离[26]。北京的研究也表明居住在郊区保障性住房社区的居民职住距离和通勤成本显著高于其他类型社区居民,并远高于全市平均水平[10,28]。拆迁安置对职住关系的影响则较为复杂,包括旧城改造和城中村改造,可能是就地安置或异地安置,抑或是货币补偿[29]

1.2 城市空间重构的结构性因素对中低收入者职住关系的影响


图1   北京调查的中低收入居民通勤方向分布

Fig. 1   The commuting spatial pattern of surveyed moderate to low-income residents in Beijing



2 调查、数据与方法

本文数据来源于2010年12月至2011年2月开展的北京市中低收入居民问卷调查。根据《北京统计年鉴2011》[32],本调查将家庭月平均收入在7 000元以下的家庭定义为中低收入家庭。共调查北京城区与郊区的9个不同类型的典型中低收入社区(包括市区外围的流动人口社区、国企下岗职工居住的单位社区、保障房住户及未改造和已改造的内城老旧社区。)的492户家庭。该调查的抽样方法及案例社区的基本属性特征请参见基于本调查数据的前期研究成果[33]。问卷调查了居民的住房条件、住房来源与搬迁机会等情况,及调查家庭中所有就业人口的工作信息及日常通勤情况。本研究从中选取通勤信息及社会经济属性信息完整的通勤样本构建本研究的基础数据库,有效分析样本为600人,来自214个家庭(本调查的抽样方式为典型社区、家庭、个人三层抽样,在住房与搬迁信息方面,调查对象为家庭,回答者为家庭中的某一成员,而在就业与通勤信息方面,调查对象为个人,即家庭中所有就业者都进行了调查。)。

调查样本男性略多于女性,平均年龄为38岁,绝大多数在20~50岁之间,外来人口比例为21.8%,低学历比例高达54.8%,已婚样本占约75%,调查样本工作单位类型为行政事业单位、国有企业、非国有企业(包括私企、民企等)以及其他类型单位的样本数相对平均;月平均工资收入为2 384元,其中位数为2 000元,低于北京市2010年的人均月可支配收入(2 422.8元)(根据《北京市统计年鉴2011》,2010 年全市人均年可支配收入为29 073 元,相当于人均月可支配收入为2 422.8元,若按照户均2.8人来粗略估算,家庭月均收入约为6 784元。本文将家庭月平均收入低于7 000元作为中低收入家庭的选择标准,在问卷调查中作为样本选择的筛选条件。);人均住房面积约18.7 m2左右,住房自有率达58.7%,调查家庭总人数平均为3.23人,家中有未成年孩子的样本比例为72%,每个调查家庭中就业人口数占家庭总人口数的60%以上、调查通勤样本为家中户主的比例为34.4%;调查样本人均小汽车拥有率为0.10,意味着每10个调查样本中只有约1人拥有小汽车。

3 城市中低收入者职住分离的特征及其影响因素

3.1 城市中低收入者职住分离的特征

本调查表明,中低收入居民职住距离的平均值为6.3 km,平均通勤时间为44.5 min,总体上与北京市居民的平均职住距离和通勤时间持平或略高。2007年北京居民平均职住距离为6.4 km、平均通勤时间为37.1 min[28];2010年北京城市居民平均通勤时间为43.6 min[34]。从调查居民的通勤方向来看(图1),调查中郊区社区中低收入者通勤方向以“向心通勤”为主,但也存在一定比例的从郊区向其他郊区的“侧向通勤”以及从近郊区向更远的郊区通勤。而调查中市中心社区的中低收入者主要通勤方向是从市中心向外通勤,而且绝大多数通勤者就业地在四环以内的中心城区,同时也存在少数样本工作地在远郊区而发生长距离的“逆通勤”。

进一步分析居住机会与就业机会对调查中低收入居民职住距离的影响。发现在企业单位上班的中低收入者职住距离明显长于行政事业单位及其他单位;自有住房产权的中低收入居民,职住距离明显长于租房者。由于政府保障性住房而发生搬迁的中低收入者平均职住距离最长,高达10.89 km,由于单位福利分房而搬迁的中低收入者平均职住距离最短,仅为1.73 km,因为拆迁安置而发生搬迁的中低收入者平均职住距离为4.29 km,由于个人原因而发生主动搬迁的中低收入者平均职住距离为3.93 km,1988年以来未搬迁的中低收入者平均职住距离为2.42 km(表1)。

表1   北京中低收入者职住距离的主要影响变量及样本分布

Table 1   The main influential variables and the sample distribution of Beijing moderate to low-income residents



3.2 城市中低收入者职住分离的影响因素

3.2.1 变量与模型


表2   北京中低收入者职住距离的多元线性回归模型

Table 2   The multivariable linear regression model of the home-work distance of moderate to low-income residents in Beijing





另一方面,不同的住房搬迁机会也代表了住房市场化的不同阶段。如图2所示,因单位福利分房发生的搬迁,主要发生在1993~2002年间;因拆迁安置发生的搬迁在1997~2003年稳步增长、2003~2006年间加速增长;由于保障性住房项目发生的搬迁主要发生在2007年以后 本调查中的保障性住房社区中主要以两限房与廉租房住户为主。);由于个人原因发生的搬迁主要在2008年以前稳步增长、在2008年以来加速增长。总之,因单位福利分房发生的搬迁代表着“单位住房福利分配制度”的残留、拆迁安置代表了选择性的旧城改造与城市再开发,是土地与住房市场化的体现。保障性住房项目搬迁是市场化过程中政府对市场力量分选作用的再调节。个人原因搬迁是成熟的住房市场下个人与家庭需求及偏好的反映。

图2   北京中低收入者住房搬迁机会

Fig.2   The residential move opportunity and move time of moderate to low-income residents in Beijing

3.2.2 单位制度残留及空间重构的结构性因素的影响




3.2.3 住房搬迁机会的影响


3.2.4 制度性因素对中低收入者职住分离的影响更为重要




4 结论与讨论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Abstract Housing reform in China has proceeded on two tracks: privatization of public housing and development of a new private housing sector. During this period of transition, rents have remained relatively low in the remaining public housing, and purchase prices offered to occupants of public housing have been well below market prices. Although these rents and prices are partly based on known formulas, there is considerable variability in how much people pay for similar apartments. This study uses 2000 Census data to estimate the housing subsidy received by the remaining renters in the public sector and purchasers of public housing, based on private sector prices for housing of comparable quality and size. The paper also analyzes variation in the estimated discount from market prices that these people receive. The findings show that the biggest winners in China's transition from socialist housing allocation are those who were favored in the previous system, based on such factors as residence status, education and occupation.
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[J]. Habitat International,2016, 58:1-11.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.08.003      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Accompanying rapid urbanization and economic transformation, the reconstruction of inner city in urban China has been taking place during recent decades. However, the social and geographic inequality resulted from such reconstruction and experienced by minority groups has received less attention to date. To address this, a case study using individual-level data based on a survey of a relocated state-owned enterprise (SOE) in Guangzhou was conducted. The study shows that similar to other cities in the world, the spatial mismatch that results in long and time-consuming commuting as well as lower quality of life exists. It has considerable adverse impact on the low- and middle-income employees of the relocated enterprise. However, it was not social or racial segregation but institutional transformation that brought about the spatial mismatch in China. Based on the dual economic system in China, both the planned and market systems played important roles in the enterprise's relocation and their employees' daily lives. Institutional barriers associated with the welfare system had a great impact on the geographic immobility of its employees. These include the retirement and medical insurance systems inherited from the planned economy and the supply of work unit buses, which rendered employees more attached to and dependent on their enterprise. However, these provisions were big burdens to the enterprise which reduced their profit and led to lower spatial mobility of its lower-income employees.
[14] 刘志林,张艳,柴彦威.


[J]. 城市发展研究,2009,16(9):110-117.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2009.09.020      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以北京为案例城市,基于2007年对北京市内600户家庭的问卷调查数据,以居住地和就业地之间的直线距离——职住距离(job-housing distance)作为职住分离程度的测度指标,描述了北京市职住分离格局,除社会经济属性外,重点比较了不同居住社区类型、住房产权属性、居住搬迁年份的居民的职住分离程度,以期反映影响居民就业可达性的制度性和结构性因素。

[Liu Zhilin,Zhang Yan,Chai Yanwei.

Home-Work Separation in the Context of Institutional and Spatial Transformation in Urban China

. Evidence from Beijing Household Survey Data.Urban Studies,2009,16(9):110-117.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2009.09.020      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以北京为案例城市,基于2007年对北京市内600户家庭的问卷调查数据,以居住地和就业地之间的直线距离——职住距离(job-housing distance)作为职住分离程度的测度指标,描述了北京市职住分离格局,除社会经济属性外,重点比较了不同居住社区类型、住房产权属性、居住搬迁年份的居民的职住分离程度,以期反映影响居民就业可达性的制度性和结构性因素。
[15] Hanson S, Pratt G.

Reconceptualizing the links between home and work in urban geography

[J]. Economic Geography,1988, 64(4), 299-321.

https://doi.org/10.2307/144230      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The link between home and work is one of the cornerstones of urban geography. We argue that this link has been conceptualized in a limited and limiting way, and yet this overly simplified view of the home-work linkage has remained at the heart of research. Drawing upon recent literature as well as upon our own study in Worcester, Massachusetts, we propose a reconceptualization of the link between work and home090000a reconceptualization that emphasizes the interdependencies between these two realms, that demonstrates the futility of trying to study one in isolation from the other, and that suggests new ways of integrating the analysis of production and reproduction. We focus first on the effects of home on work, pointing to the ways in which the home environment affects the work decision and suggesting the need to redefine what we mean by 090008home090009 and 090008work.090009 We then examine the effects of work on home, focusing on the ways in which variations in people''s labor force role and commitment affect residential location and neighborhood functioning. Finally, we discuss the importance of local context in mediating the home-work link.
[16] Nee V.

Social Inequalities in Reforming State Socialism-between Redistribution and Markets in China

[J]. American Sociological Review,1991, 56(3): 267-282.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2096103      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article extends market transition theory to an analysis of inequality under the conditions of partial reform in China. Logit regression analysis indicates cadres (officials) have no greater odds than other households of being among the privileged or avoiding poverty. Entrepreneurs and former team cadres, however, are advantaged. Despite the rise of a hybrid elite of entrepreneurs who are currently cadres that capitalizes on redistributive power to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace, increases in income inequality are modest. When market reform stimulates improved economic performance, the poor appear to benefit and experience comparable improvements in household income. As a result, there is only a slight increase in inequality, at least in the early stages of market reform. The empirical analysis is based on survey data collected in rural China in 1985.
[17] Nee V.

The Emergence of a Market Society: Changing Mechanisms of Stratification in China

[J]. American Journal of Sociology,1996, 101(4): 908-949.

https://doi.org/10.1086/230784      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article examines the effect of institutional change-the shift from redistribution to markets-in altering the mechanisms of stratification. New institutionalists maintain that interests are embedded in institutional arrangements and change as institutions change. China has undergone rapid and extensive household income mobility, incrementally altering the stratification order based on socialist redistribution. The shift to markets causes a decline in the significance of positional power based on redistribution relative to the gains of producers and entrepreneurs. Comparative institutional analysis is employed to examine the effect of regional variation in the extent of institutional change.
[18] Bian Y, Logan J R.

Market Transition and the Persistence of Power: The Changing Stratification System in Urban China

[J]. American Sociological Review,1996, 61(5):739-758.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2096451      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Research on transitional socialist societies has explored trends in income inequality and issues concerning who gains and who loses during market reforms. We find that income inequality in a major Chinese city declined only slightly during the first decade of reform policies; it then increased dramatically in the subsequent five years. Strategic position in the stare bureaucracy continues to be an important determinant of income, although connections to the market system are becoming alternate sources of advantage. We interpret these findings in light of the historical and institutional context of urban China.
[19] 魏立华,李志刚.


[J]. 城市规划学刊,2006(2):53-58.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wei Lihua,Li Zhigang.Housing dilemma of urban poor in China and its problem-solving pattern. Urban Planning Forum, 2006(2):53-58.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 柳林,杨刚斌,何深静.


[J]. 地理科学,2014,34(8):897-906.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201402015      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>基于2007 年在广州、武汉、西安3 个大城市的低收入社区开展的大型入户调查数据,在社区尺度探究了中国大城市低收入社区中不同社会经济群体间的住房分异情况,并分析了在社会经济转型背景下的制度因素(如户口、邻里类型、雇主类型等)和市场因素(如社会群体、年龄、受教育程度、家庭收入、职业等)对住房产权和居住条件的影响。通过计算泰尔指数发现,大城市低收入社区中不同群体间和群体内的住房分异情况都较显著,但群体内部的差异较群体间的差异更为明显。对住房条件的多元回归分析结果表明,低收入社区不同社会群体的住房条件在不同程度上受到制度因素和市场因素的影响。制度因素对住房面积等难以在短时间内改变的住房条件的作用较市场因素更显著,而市场因素对于住房设施等较易改变的住房条件的影响要比制度因素明显。</p>

[Liu Lin,Yang Gangbin,He Shenjing.

Housing differentiation in low-income neighborhoods in large Chinese cities under market transition

.Scientia Geographica Sinica,2014,34(8):897-906.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201402015      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>基于2007 年在广州、武汉、西安3 个大城市的低收入社区开展的大型入户调查数据,在社区尺度探究了中国大城市低收入社区中不同社会经济群体间的住房分异情况,并分析了在社会经济转型背景下的制度因素(如户口、邻里类型、雇主类型等)和市场因素(如社会群体、年龄、受教育程度、家庭收入、职业等)对住房产权和居住条件的影响。通过计算泰尔指数发现,大城市低收入社区中不同群体间和群体内的住房分异情况都较显著,但群体内部的差异较群体间的差异更为明显。对住房条件的多元回归分析结果表明,低收入社区不同社会群体的住房条件在不同程度上受到制度因素和市场因素的影响。制度因素对住房面积等难以在短时间内改变的住房条件的作用较市场因素更显著,而市场因素对于住房设施等较易改变的住房条件的影响要比制度因素明显。</p>
[21] Huang Y Q, Jiang L W.

Housing Inequality in Transitional Beijing

[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,2009, 33(4): 936-956.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00890.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Top of page Abstract Introduction A conceptual framework and hypotheses Empirical analysis Conclusions and discussion References Appendix Abstract The market transition in China has resulted in significant social inequality, including housing inequality, in a formerly egalitarian society. This article provides both a conceptual framework and an empirical analysis of housing inequality in transitional urban China. Using the 1995 1% Population Survey and the 2000 Census data for Beijing, it shows that there was significant housing inequality between different socio-economic and institutional groups, and that the reforms in the late 1990s aggravated it. While emerging market mechanisms began to contribute to housing inequality, socialist institutions such as the household registration ( hukou ) system continued to be significant in the late 1990s, although there is evidence of the declining importance of other institutional factors such as political status. This study contributes to the market transition debate by arguing that different elements of the socialist institutions follow different paths in the reform and thus have different impacts on social inequality. Résumé En Chine, le marché de transition s’est traduit par une inégalité sociale considérable, y compris en matière de logement, dans une société autrefois égalitaire. Cet article fournit un cadre conceptuel et une analyse empirique de l’inégalité du logement dans la Chine urbaine en transition. Exploitant les données de l’enquête sur 1% de la population nationale de 1995 et celles du recensement de 2000 pour Beijing, il montre qu’il existait une nette inégalité de logement entre différents groupes socio-économiques et institutionnels, laquelle a été aggravée par les réformes de la fin des années 1990. Tandis que les mécanismes d’un marchéémergent se sont mis à alimenter l’inégalité de logement, des institutions socialistes telles que le système d’enregistrement des ménages ( hukou ) ont gardé leur prépondérance, même si on peut démontrer le recul d’autres facteurs institutionnels comme la position politique. Cette étude s’inscrit dans le débat sur le marché de transition en affirmant que différents éléments des institutions socialistes suivent des trajectoires différentes dans le cadre de la réforme, ayant donc des impacts différents sur l’inégalité sociale.
[22] Li S M, Yi Z.

The Road to Homeownership under Market Transition - Beijing, 1980-2001

[J]. Urban Affairs Review,2007, 42(3): 342-368.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1078087406292523      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[23] 侯懿珊,柴彦威.


[J]. 人文地理,2014,29(5):19-24.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Hou Yishan, Chai Yanwei.

Research for the Invisible Action of Danwei and its Housing Manifestation in China’s Housing Reform: Cases from Several College Staff Neighborhoods in Beijing

. Human Geography,2014, 29(5):19-24.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[24] 李梦玄,周义,胡培.


[J]. 城市发展研究,2013,10:63-68.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2013.10.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Mengxuan,Zhou Yi, Hu Pei.

Welfare Loss Study of the Jobs-Housing Spatial Mismatch of Residents in Ensuring Housing Communities

.Urban Development Studies,2013,10:63-68.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2013.10.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] 党云晓, 张文忠, 刘志林.


[J]. 地理研究,2014, 33(5): 876-886.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Dang Yunxiao, Zhang Wenzhong, Liu Zhilin.

Spatial distribution and analysis of land-based influencing factors of economical housing projects in Beijing

.Geographical Research,2014, 33(5): 876-886.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[26] 周素红,程璐萍,吴志东.


[J]. 地理研究,2010,29(10):1735-1745.

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[Zhou Suhong,Chen Luping,Wu Zhidong.

The Jobs-Housing Relocation and Spatial Matching of Residents in Alleviatory Housing Neighborhoods in Guangzhou

. Geographical Research,2010,29(10):1735-1745.]

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[27] 易成栋,高萌,张纯.


[J]. 城市发展研究,2015,12:31-37.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yi Chendong,Gao Meng,Zhang Chun.

Job accessibility of economic and comfortable housing in Beijing from the perspectives of project, individual and family

. Urban Development Studies,2015,12:31-37.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[28] 张艳,柴彦威.


[J]. 地理研究,2009,28(5):1327-1340.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Zhang Yan,Chai Yanwei.

Characteristics of commuting pattern in Beijing: Based on the comparison of different urban residential areas

. Geographical Research,2009, 28(5):1327-1340.]

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[29] 于迪,王德,朱玮.


[J]. 地理研究,2015,34(8):1481-1491.

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[Yu Di,Wang De,Zhu Wei.

Research on the residents’ commuting feature of large-scale residential district in suburban Shanghai: A case study on Gucun, Baoshan District

. Geographical Research,2015, 34(8):1481-1491.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] 潘海啸,王晓博,Jennifer DAY.


[J]. 城市规划学刊,2010(6):61-67.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2010.06.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以主动搬迁、选择动迁、被动安置3种不同搬迁类型的居民为研究对 象,选择莘庄、江桥、三林地区进行实证调查,分析不同的搬迁类型对人们交通出行的影响,及其对社会分异的作用.分析表明,在通勤出行方面,主动搬迁的居民 具有明显的优势,而被动安置的居民则处于绝对的劣势.并且通勤出行的不便对于被动安置居民的工作收入和交通支出有较大影响.人们动迁的目的是为了改善生活 质量,正是这种影响差异性的存在,加剧了不同类型动迁居民的社会分异.最后根据建设部制定的,对不同类型迁居居民的 宜居性进行了评价.结果表明,尽管被动安置居民的住房条件有所改善,但他们的宜居性水平反而有所下降,所以城市在制定动迁和城市住房政策时务必将如何改善 居民交通出行问题作为政策整体的一部份加以考虑.

[Pan Haixiao,Wang Xiaobo,Tennifer Day.

Travel characteristics and its impact on social segregation and urban livability

. Urban Planning Forum,2010, (6):61-67.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2010.06.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以主动搬迁、选择动迁、被动安置3种不同搬迁类型的居民为研究对 象,选择莘庄、江桥、三林地区进行实证调查,分析不同的搬迁类型对人们交通出行的影响,及其对社会分异的作用.分析表明,在通勤出行方面,主动搬迁的居民 具有明显的优势,而被动安置的居民则处于绝对的劣势.并且通勤出行的不便对于被动安置居民的工作收入和交通支出有较大影响.人们动迁的目的是为了改善生活 质量,正是这种影响差异性的存在,加剧了不同类型动迁居民的社会分异.最后根据建设部制定的,对不同类型迁居居民的 宜居性进行了评价.结果表明,尽管被动安置居民的住房条件有所改善,但他们的宜居性水平反而有所下降,所以城市在制定动迁和城市住房政策时务必将如何改善 居民交通出行问题作为政策整体的一部份加以考虑.
[31] 张艳,柴彦威.


[J]. 地理科学,2011,29(9):1056-1064.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Yan,Chai Yanwei.

The Spatio-temporal Activity Pattern of the Middle and the Low-income Residents in Beijing,China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica,2011, 29(9):1056-1064.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[32] 国家统计局.北京市统计年鉴2011[M].北京: 中国统计出版社, 2012.

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[National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China.

Beijing Statistical Yearbook 2011

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[本文引用: 1]     

[33] 刘志林,廖露,钮晨琳.


[J]. 人文地理,2015, 30(3):21-27.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Liu Zhilin,Liao Lu,Niu Chenlin.

Residential satisfaction of community social capital: An empirical study of middle and low income residents in urban Beijing

. Human Geography,2015, 30(3):21-27.]

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[34] 孟斌,郑丽敏,于慧丽.


[J]. 地理科学进展,2011,31(10):1218-1224.

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[Meng Bin,Zheng Limin, Yu Huili.

Commuting time change and its influencing factors in Beijing

. Progress in Geography,2011,31(10):1218-1224.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[35] 张纯,柴彦威.


[J]. 国际城市规划,2009,24(5):15-19.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9493.2009.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

运用定量研究方法,基于问卷调查的第一手数据,本文从微观层面研究与中国城市单位居民迁居相 伴的残留现象,定量分析影响居民残留的各种因素。在中国住房福利分配制度结束后,单位社区居民开始面,晦着多样化的住房市场选择;但在迁居日益活跃的同 时,仍然存在众多“残留”在单位社区中的居民。多元回归分析显示,以进住单位社区居住时间衡量的残留水平受到性别、家庭收入、教育程度和家庭规模等个体因 素,以及单位相关因素如单位性质和住房产权等因素的共同影响。在解读转型期重塑中国城市社会空间的力量时,除了对迁出者及其推动郊区化的机制予以关注,也 应重视残留在单位社区的居民对于内城社区转型和再生的重要意义。

[Zhang Chun,Chai Yanwei.

The residential residual in Danwei community and its impact factor

.International Urban Plan,2009, 24(5):15-19.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9493.2009.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

运用定量研究方法,基于问卷调查的第一手数据,本文从微观层面研究与中国城市单位居民迁居相 伴的残留现象,定量分析影响居民残留的各种因素。在中国住房福利分配制度结束后,单位社区居民开始面,晦着多样化的住房市场选择;但在迁居日益活跃的同 时,仍然存在众多“残留”在单位社区中的居民。多元回归分析显示,以进住单位社区居住时间衡量的残留水平受到性别、家庭收入、教育程度和家庭规模等个体因 素,以及单位相关因素如单位性质和住房产权等因素的共同影响。在解读转型期重塑中国城市社会空间的力量时,除了对迁出者及其推动郊区化的机制予以关注,也 应重视残留在单位社区的居民对于内城社区转型和再生的重要意义。
[36] 塔娜,柴彦威,刘志林.


[J]. 人文地理,2012,27(3):39-43.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Ta Na,Chai Yanwei,Liu Zhilin.

Hybridization of Danwei neighborhood and the emergence of urbanism

. Human Geography,2012,27(3):39-43.]

[本文引用: 1]     
