地理科学  2018 , 38 (5): 747-754 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.05.012

Orginal Article


王勇1, 邹晴晴1, 李广斌2

1.苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院, 江苏 苏州215011
2.苏州科技大学地理与资源学系, 江苏 苏州 215009

Public Space Construction of Urban Resettlement Community Based on Analysis of Vitality Characteristics: Taking the 6 Resettlement Communities of Suzhou as Examples

Wang Yong1, Zou Qingqing1, Li Guangbin2

1.Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, Jiangsu,China
2. Department of Geography and Resources Sciences, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, Jiangsu, China

中图分类号:  TU984

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)05-0747-08

收稿日期: 2017-06-2

修回日期:  2017-09-2

网络出版日期:  2018-05-10

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金面上项目(51578352,51778387)、江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(15KJB560010)资助


作者简介:王勇(1974-),女,河南驻马店人,博士,教授,硕导,主要研究方向为城乡规划管理、乡村空间治理。E-mail:brave_king@163.com; wyong006@163.com



由“散居”到“集居”,安置社区面临社会关系重建的巨大压力。基于公共空间活力内涵,采用AHP-模糊综合评价法,构建了城市安置社区公共空间活力评价模型,以苏州市6个安置社区为例,对3种安置模式的社区公共空间活力特征进行定量评价和比较。发现:① 不同安置模式的社区公共空间活力存在明显差异。尽管异地安置社区的公共空间的设施完备、类型多样,但是其公共空间的社会活力度最低。对于公共空间活力提升,社区公共空间背后的社会属性比其物质属性更为重要。②公共空间因子活力度与关注度存在不匹配现象。基于“社会-空间”辩证互动逻辑,提出安置社区公共空间活力营造策略: 对于今后安置社区,适宜“村内小集居+跨村大聚居”的安置模式,通过最大程度维系原有“熟人社区”群体的社会边界,提升公共空间活力,减轻社区社会关系重建的压力;对于现有安置社区,可根据公共空间因子活力度和关注度的匹配关系,划分公共空间改造的优先级,采用差别化的改造策略,提升公共空间活力及其改造资金的使用效率。

关键词: 公共空间 ; 活力评价 ; 城市安置社区 ; AHP-模糊综合评价法 ; 苏州


The previous rural neighborhood is disintegrated from “diaspora” to “assembly”, making the resettlement community facing to enormous reconstruction pressure in social relation. Based on the connotation of public space vitality and by the AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the author constructed the model evaluating the community public space vitality of urban resettlement communities, conducted quantitative evaluation and comparison for the features of community public space vitality of the three resettlement modes by taking the 6 resettlement communities of Suzhou as examples and found: 1) There were obvious difference in the public space vitality of communities in different resettlement modes. Though the public space of nonlocal resettlement communities was consummated in facilities anddiversiform in types, the social vitality of the public space was the lowest of which the fundamental cause was that: most of the nonlocal resettlement communities were the assembled residential communities crossing villages and houses were distributed in lottery random mode, thus making the fragmentation degree of the social relation of nonlocal resettlement communities the highest. Such phenomenon meant that the social attribute behind the community public space was more important that its physical attribute for the improvement of public space vitality. 2) There was mismatch between the public space factors’ vitality degree and attention degree. Based on the match status between the public space factors’ vitality degree and attention degree, the author divided that public space to four categories—“high attention-low vitality”, “high attention-high vitality”, “low attention-high vitality” and “low attention-low vitality”. Based on the dialectical interactive logic of “the society-the space”, the author proposed the strategies creating the public space vitality of resettlement communities: 1) As for the future resettlement communities suiting the resettlement mode-“small assemblies inside villages plus large assemblies crossing villages”, we may minimize the fragmentation degree of community social relation in the process from “diaspora” to “assembly” by maintaining the population boundary of the previous “villages community” acquaintance society to the maximum extent in order to improve the public space vitality and abate the reconstruction pressure of community social relation. 2) As for the existing resettlement communities, we may divide the priority level of public space transformation based on the matching relation of public space factors’ vitality degree and attention degree, adopt differentiated transformation strategies to improve the public space vitality and the utilization efficiency of the transformation funds.

Keywords: public space ; vitality evaluation ; urban resettlement community ; AHP-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method ; Suzhou


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王勇, 邹晴晴, 李广斌. 基于活力特征分析的城市安置社区公共空间研究——以苏州城区6个安置社区为例[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(5): 747-754 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.05.012

Wang Yong, Zou Qingqing, Li Guangbin. Public Space Construction of Urban Resettlement Community Based on Analysis of Vitality Characteristics: Taking the 6 Resettlement Communities of Suzhou as Examples[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(5): 747-754 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.05.012



1 研究方法及评价指标

1.1 研究方法的选择

目前,空间量化分析主要有SD法、主成分分析法、聚类分析法。其中,SD法多用于测度使用者对物质环境特征感知[15,16]、主成分分析法主要用来提取影响公共空间质量或满意度的主导因子[17,18];聚类分析法则适用于评价模型较成熟的空间研究[19, 20]。影响公共空间活力的因素不仅包括物质要素,还包括众多社会和政治因素[21]。公共空间活力具有多因素、模糊性及主观性特征,对其定量评价需要有一种将空间物质属性和社会属性关联一起的综合评价方法[22]。AHP-模糊综合评价法,不仅可以有效地分析活力因子目标体系层次间的非序列关系、综合测度专家和居民的判断和偏好,而且可以使用语言变量代替数值变量进行活力特征的定量分析。对于公共空间活力评价,AHP-模糊综合评价法要明显优于SD等上述3种方法。

1.2 公共空间活力因子的构建

1) 活力因子的选取。Gehl、Jacobs等人指出,使用者人次及其活动的多样性是城市公共空间活力的源泉[23,24]。公共空间活力的影响因子不仅包括空间形态、尺度等物质因素,而且包括使用者的社会因素。为了合理构建公共空间活力因子的指标体系,以“中国知网”为平台,对2002~2016年公共空间相关研究文献进行检索和筛选,得到80篇文献,统计这些文献中公共空间活力影响因素出现的频次。在此基础上,结合公共空间活力内涵,从物质环境、社会活动和文化活动3个方面选取影响城市安置社区公共空间活力的12项因子:空间可达性、功能多样性、空间安全性、空间尺度感、环境适宜性、活动设施完善度、自发活动强度、组织活动强度、维护管理水平、使用者空间情感、文化设施完善度、节庆活动强度。

2) 评价体系的构建。采用AHP方法,建立同一层级因子的两两比较判断矩阵。于2016年3~4月邀请100位安置社区居民参与各个指标的数据采集,经判断矩阵计算,得出比较指标的相对权重和各层因子的权重。依据权重的总排序,剔除选择概率较低或难以获取的因子,最终确定环境活力、社会活力和文化活力3个维度8项因子的评价指标体系(图1)。

图1   安置社区公共空间活力评价指标层次结构

Fig.1   The hierarchical structure of the evaluation index of the community public space

3) 指标权重的确定。邀请30位专家和50位居民对评价指标进行两两判断,采用标度给出相对重要性比,得到判断矩阵。在Yaahp 10.6软件平台上进行计算,生成模型和评价指标权重(表1)。计算结果通过一致性检验,才能验证可信度。当指标数量n≥3时,一致性计算公式为:


式中, CR为随机判断矩阵的一致性指标; λmax为最大特征根; RI为平均一致性指标。计算结果显示,一致性CR均小于0.1,说明评价指标权重一致程度在容许范围内,可以用其标准化特征向量作为社区公共空间活力各指标的权向量。

表1   公共空间活力因子权重

Table 1   Weight coefficient of public space vitality factors



2 安置社区公共空间活力特征分析

2.1 研究对象的选取


表2   调查样本基本概况

Table 2   Survey interview samples




2.2 数据获取及评价

1) 数据获取。于2016年3~4月和2017年3月,分别选取工作日、休息日两个时间段,采取随机每栋一户的抽样方法,对上述6个案例社区居民开展问卷调查,共发放问卷600份,回收整理后获得有效问卷568份,有效率94.7%。采用国际通用的5级李克特量表,对公共空间活动场所的使用强度、满意程度、维护水平等,从高到低分别赋值。

2) 数据验证。用SPSS 22.0的可靠性分析功能对问卷可信度进行检测。在剔除降低量表整体可靠性评估项后(如职业、户籍所在地),得到一个由居民基本情况和空间活力评估项目组成的测量变量,对有效问卷收集的数据进行Cronbach’s a信度系数评价,6个社区的问卷评估Cronbach’s a系数均高于0.6的最低标准,说明调查数据具有较高的可靠性和稳定性。

3) 评价结果。按模糊评价法进行数据矩阵和相应指标权重向量计算,最终计算出3种模式安置社区的公共空间活力因子目标层、因子层的活力度与关注度得分(表3)。

表3   3类安置社区公共空间活力指标得分

Table 3   Index score for public space vitality of three types’ resettlement community



2.3 公共空间活力特征分析

1) 不同安置模式的活力特征比较。详见下述:

(1) 环境活力特征。评价结果显示,3类安置社区公共空间环境活力平均得分为2.98;原址安置社区环境活力度>异地安置社区环境活力度>就近安置社区环境活力度。

在空间可达性(U1)方面,原址安置、就近安置社区的公共空间可达性得分较高,并远大于异地安置社区的公共空间可达性得分。究其原因,调查发现,阳山花苑和莲花社区是由原十几个行政村拆迁合并而形成的“超级社区”,由于社区空间尺度过大,造成公共空间可达性整体较低。原址安置和就近安置社区规模较小,公共空间多在5~10 min步行范围之内。


(2) 社会活力特征。评价结果显示,3类安置社区公共空间的社会活力平均得分为2.85;就近安置社区社会活力度>原址安置社区社会活力度>异地安置社区社会活力度;在自发活动强度等3个因子层中,异地安置社区的活力度都最低。


(3) 文化活力特征。评价结果显示,安置社区公共空间的文化活力平均得分为2.33;就近安置社区文化活力度>异地安置社区文化活力度>原址安置社区文化活力度。


2) 因子的活力度和关注度匹配类型。基于因子活力度和关注度定量评价,将公共空间活力因子划分为4种匹配类型:“低关注-高活力”“高关注-高活力”“低关注-低活力”和“高关注-低活力” (图2)。在本案例研究中,“低关注-高活力”因子有“空间可达性”“环境适宜性”和“活动设施完善度”3项;“高关注-高活力”包括“自发活动强度”和“文化设施完善度”2项因子;“高关注-高活力”包括“维护管理水平”和“节庆活动强度”2项;而“集体活动强度”则为“低关注-低活力”因子。总体来看,因子活力度和关注度匹配关系大致符合“高关注-低满意”或“低关注-高满意”西方社区理论[26]

图2   公共空间活力因子的活力度和关注度匹配

Fig.2   The matching range of intensity and attention of the public space vitality factors


3 城市安置社区公共空间活力营造策略


3.1 今后安置社区随机分房模式的改进


依据前文分析结论,在其它变量不变的情况下,以行政村及以下社会单元的安置社区,其公共空间的社会活力明显高于跨村组建的安置社区。换而言之,安置社区内原有部分社会关系的存续对公共空间的社会活力产生着潜移默化的影响。这说明:对于公共空间活力提升,社区公共空间背后的社会属性比其物质属性更为重要。但另一方面,合理配置公共空间又需要集中社区达到一定人口规模。然而,现有许多行政村的人口规模达不到许多公共物品配置的门褴。在安置社区规划与建设中,如何解决公共空间的规模效益与原有“熟人社会”规模较小之间的矛盾?笔者建议未来拆迁安置社区适宜采用“村内小集居+跨村大聚居”的安置模式,具体操作如下:① 以原有行政村,甚至以原有生产小组(队)为基本集居单元。②基于安置社区内部道路的分割,将社区虚拟分割成若干居住地块。③基本集居单元与社区居住地块间进行一一匹配。④ 在匹配的居住地块内,实行抓阄的随机分房模式。这种安置模式的优点在于:通过“村内小集居”维系原有“熟人社会”群体社会边界,增加邻里交往的可能性,提升公共空间活力,减缓进城居民生活方式转型的阵痛;“跨村大聚居”发挥人口规模效益,为多种类型的公共空间配置提供必要条件。

3.2 现有安置社区公共空间差别化改造


1) 重点强化“高关注-低活力”公共空间活力因子。积极回应社区居民对公共物品和服务迫切需求,不仅是社区治理的重要内容,而且是衡量公共空间配置效率最重要的标尺。“高关注-低活力”表征社区居民需求但实际又是很欠缺的一种公共空间状态。改善这类公共空间对提升整体社区公共空间活力往往起到“事半功倍”的效果。在社区改造资金约束下,应重点强化对“高关注-低活力”的公共空间活力因子的提升,加速社区社会关系重建。

2) 持续提升“高关注-高活力”公共空间活力因子。“高关注-高活力”是对亟需完善但现实活力较高的公共空间状态的表征。尽管此类公共空间活力较高,但在物质环境、管理方式上还有许多需要完善或优化的地方。对这些“高关注-高活力”公共空间活力因子的提升,可进一步提高公共空间质量。

3) 继续加强“低关注-高活力”公共空间活力因子。“低关注-高活力”是对社区居民满意度较高又充满活力的公共空间状态的表征。这类公共空间软硬设施较完善,对维持社区公共空间活力起着重要作用。如继续投入大量资金进行改造,空间使用的社会效益边际递减,容易造成资金的浪费。因而,对此类公共空间活力因子应保持持久的维护和管理。

4) 渐进提升“低关注-低活力”公共空间的活力因子。“低关注-低活力”是对社区居民关注低和缺少活力的公共空间状态的表征。某一公共物品关注度低不一定意味着该公共物品不重要。如在本研究的案例中,“低关注-低活力”因子是指“集体活动强度”因子。渐进式推动社区集体组织发育是社区治理现代化的一个内在要求。因而,对“低关注-低活力”公共空间活力因子也应采用渐进式改造方式。

4 结论与讨论

1) 通过对原址、就近和异地3类城市安置社区的公共空间活力评价和特征比较,发现:尽管异地安置社区公共空间的设施完备、类型多样,但是其公共空间的社会活力度最低。这说明,对于公共空间活力影响,公共空间背后的社会属性比其物质属性更重要。

2) 依据公共空间因子活力度与关注度匹配状况,将公共空间活力因子划分为“高关注-低活力”“高关注-高活力”“低关注-高活力”和“低关注-低活力”4类关系。这种划分方法对现有社区公共空间的改造具有普适性的指导意义。

3) 基于 “社会-空间”的关联互动,提出安置社区公共空间活力的提升策略:对于今后安置社区建设,应采用“村内小集居+跨村大聚居”的安置模式。对于已建的安置社区,可根据公共空间因子活力度和关注度的匹配关系,划分公共空间改造的优先级,采用差别化的改造策略。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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https://doi.org/10.1080/13574809808724418      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Following decades of both planned and market‐driven decentralization of cities and city‐regions, urban policy makers are now extolling the virtues of the compact city. The model which is held up as a good example is that of the traditional European city which is relatively dense and fine‐grained. The model that is no longer considered sustainable (economically and socially as well as environmentally) is the sprawl, strip or edge city, more often than not planned around the automobile. One question is the extent to which this European model of the good city transfers to the UK context. The author would argue that a number of engrained attitudes to city planning (and indeed city life) persist which together might undermine attempts to stimulate more active and culturally confident cities. Nevertheless, if we are to have more active and better cities, we need to know how best to manage, develop and design them. This paper argues that the city is a phenomenon of structured complexity. Good cities tend to be a balance of a reasonably ordered and legible city form, and places of many and varied comings and goings, meetings and transactions. What might appear to some as disorder is very often simply the everyday rhythm of city life. In the absence of such activity, cities can lose their urbanity and eventually become suburban in character. The large part of this paper contains an exposition of the principles of good city form, activity, street life and urban culture. That is to say, urbanity itself. By reference to a number of cities, the intention is to show that it is perfectly possible to plan for and design the active city.
[7] 邹晴晴, 王勇, 李广斌.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(7): 829-838.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.07.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zou Qingqing, Wang Yong, Li Guangbin.

Network structure optimization of public space in new concentrated communities based on SNA

. Progress in Geography, 2016, 35(7): 829-838.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.07.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[8] Banerjee T.

The future of public space: Beyond invented streets and reinvented places

[J].Journal of the American Planning Association, 2001, 67(1):9-24.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944360108976352      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Patricia Melvin's painting depicts a common use of public space—a street fair—in New York City, possibly the most public city in the U.S. Are such uses of public space becoming events of the past in America? Are we destined to withdraw further into cyberspace as the popularity of the Internet expands? Will the only public spaces left be commercially invented ones? These and other related questions are examined by Tridib Banerjee in this Longer View, with a focus on what role planners can play in determining the future of public space. The artist lives and works in New York City. Her primary medium is oil paint and her cityscapes, done en plein air, capture moments in the rapidly changing urban environment. Her work can be viewed at http://www.newyorkartworld.com. We worry these days that public space, indeed the public realm, is shrinking. This essay examines the underlying causes of such discontent, in the context of historic and recent transformations in social values and public ethos. Seemingly, three major trends—privatization, globalization, and the communications revolution—will continue to shape the future demand and supply of public space. Planners must anticipate the effects of such trends, but also focus on the concept of public life, which encompasses both private and public realms. The article concludes by reviewing the role that planners may play in advancing the cause of public space and the opportunities and initiatives for the future.
[9] 叶超, 谢瑜莺.


[J]. 地理科学,2015,35(12):1585-1590.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ye Chao, Xie Yuying.

Power and Space: A new cultural geographical interpretation on Cancer Ward

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(12):1585-159.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 刘云刚, 仵明霞.


[J]. 地理科学,2016,36(12):1834-1842.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Yungang,Wu Mingxia.

Rural urbanization and territorialization in the Pearl River Delta: A case study of Jiu-shui-keng village in Guangzhou City

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(12): 1834-1842.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] Németh J, Schmidt S.

The privatization of public space: Modeling and measuring publicness

[J]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2011, 38(1): 5-23.

https://doi.org/10.1068/b36057      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Privately owned public spaces are frequently criticized for diminishing the publicness of public space by restricting social interaction, constraining individual liberties, and excluding undesirable populations. This study empirically determines whether, as is commonly believed, privately owned public spaces are more controlled than publicly owned spaces. To frame our empirical work, we propose a conceptual model that identifies publicness as the interaction between the ownership, management, and uses/users of a space. We then examine the management dimension using an observation-based index to assess spatial management paradigms in publicly and privately owned spaces. We find that the use of the private sector to provide publicly accessible space leads to increased control over use, behavior, and access. Furthermore, while both publicly and privately owned public spaces tend equally to encourage public use and access, managers of privately owned spaces tend to employ more features that control behavior within those spaces. More specifically, spatial control in privately owned spaces is normally achieved through the use of surveillance and policing techniques as well as design measures that ode spaces as private. Important findings are presented for planners, policy makers, and others concerned with the future of publicly accessible spaces.
[12] 王勇, 李广斌.


[J]. 城市规划, 2011, 35(7): 54-60.

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[Wang Yong, Li Guangbin.

Functional transformation and spatial restructuring of rural settlements in southern Jiangsu: A case study of Suzhou

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URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[13] 王勇,李广斌.


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Fission and regeneration: The transformation of rural public space and its mechanism in Southern Jiangsu

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[14] 李培林.


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[Li Peilin.

The end of village: A study of villages in city

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[Wang De, Zhang Jun, Cui Kunlun.

Study of city perception based on SD method: A case study of Taizhou, Zhejiang

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[Gou Aiping, Wang Jiangbo.

Evaluation of street space vitality based on SD method

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[Zhang Fan, Qiu Bing, Wan Changjiang.

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[Ren Xuehui, Lin Xia, Zhang Haijing et al.

The spatial evaluation of urban residential suitability in Dalian

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[19] 赵倩,王德,朱玮.


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[Zhao Qian, Wang De, Zhu Wei.

Evaluation of quality of living space in city: A case study of Yangpu district, Shanghai

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Measuring the public realm:A preliminary assessment of the link between public space and sense of community

[J]. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 2000, 17(4):344-360.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban planners are vitally interested in the role, meaning, and use of public space. The recent trend toward building neighborhoods and towns according to the doctrine of new urbanism — a movement which seeks to promote sense of community by adhering to certain principles about the physical arrangement of space — brings the debate about the use of public space and its effect on social life to the forefront. New urbanism stresses the need to resurrect a more civic focus in town planning principles via the provision of public space (Kunstler, 1996; Hochstein, 1994), a view based on the premise that the value of public gathering places in generating a sense of community is paramount (Boyer, 1994; Hoyden, 1995).
[22] 赵红伟,诸云强,侯志伟,.



https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.08.008      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhao Hongwei, Zhu Yunqiang, Hou Zhiwei et al.

Construction of geospatial metadata association network

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https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.08.008      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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“Unconscious society of semi-Acquaintance”: A research of peasants’concentrated residential area in the process of new urbanization: Take Pingchang community in Zhenjiang of Jiangsu Province for example

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[26] Galster G.

Identifying the correlates of dwelling satisfaction: An empirical critique

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 1987, 19(5):539-568.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916587195001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This article represents a critique of empirical studies that have beenbased on the actual-aspirational gap approach to residential satisfaction. The reexamination of this theory suggests that empirical specifications should be disaggregated by household type and allow for nonlinear relationships between residential context and their associated levels of satisfaction. A multivariate regression analysis of dwelling satisfaction that employs such an appropriate specification is estimated for various strata of a 1980 sample of Minneapolis homeowners. Results provide strong support for the disaggregated, nonlinear modeling approach and, by implication, opens questions with much prior empirical work in the field.
[27] 陈秋晓, 侯焱, 吴霜.



https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.03.008      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Chen Qiuxiao, Hou Yan, Wu Shuang.

Assessment of accessibility to urban parks in Shaoxing city from the perspective of opportunity equity

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https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.03.008      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[28] Pasaogullari N, Doratli N.

Measuring accessibility and utilization of public spaces in Famagusta

[J].Cities, 2004, 21(3):225-232.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2004.03.003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Public spaces have a central role, both physically and functionally, in urban planning and development. Many urban theorists state their significant role as one of the principal components of a healthy urban setting. This is in addition to their functional role, when they increase a sense of community when intensive social interaction takes place in these areas. However, recently, they have started to lose significance, when they are neglected in the urban planning process, or when existing spaces are lost. Additionally, accessibility and utilization of these areas decreases, since public spaces are neglected in urban planning and development processes. In this study, public spaces are assessed in terms of accessibility and utilization, regarding the effects of rapid urban growth on their physical and functional structure. This study first evaluates the significance of public spaces in an urban setting; second, determines the variables effective in terms of their accessibility and utilization; third, assesses the factors affecting the accessibility and utilization of public spaces through a questionnaire survey on the role of public spaces in social interaction, and concludes with an evaluation of the results and suggestions for further research.
[29] 王勇, 李广斌.


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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9493.2012.01.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Yong, Li Guangbin.

Rural spatial transformation and its risk based upon “separation of time and space” theory in Southern Jiangsu Province

. Urban Planning International, 2012, 27(1):53-57.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9493.2012.01.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

