地理科学  2018 , 38 (6): 972-978 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.06.017

Orginal Article


谢福鼎, 姚娆

辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院,辽宁 大连 116029

A Feature Selection Strategy for Hyperspectral Images Classification Based on GANBPSO-SVM

Xie Fuding, Yao Rao

College of Urban and Environment, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, Liaoning, China

中图分类号:  P237

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)06-0972-07

通讯作者:  通讯作者:姚娆。E-mail:12770574@qq.com

收稿日期: 2017-06-12

修回日期:  2017-08-4

网络出版日期:  2018-06-20

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41771178,61772252)、广东省数学与交叉科学普通高校重点实验室开放项目资助





为了在保持对目标检测和分类分析所需信息的同时,降低高光谱影像的维度,提出了一种混合优化策略的特征选择方法。该方法将遗传算法和二进制粒子群优化算法融合成一种新的混合优化策略(GANBPSO),自动选择最优波段组合,同时优化分类器支持向量机(RBF-SVM)的参数,以提高分类器的分类性能。为了说明所提出方法的有效性,采用了在高光谱分类中广泛使用的Indian Pines(AVIRIS 92AV3C)数据集进行测试。结果表明所提出方法(GANBPSO-SVM)能够自动选择包含最多信息的特征子集以保证分类精度,而不需要预先设置所需要的特征子集数量,本方法与传统方法相比具有更好的分类效果。

关键词: 高光谱影像 ; 特征选择 ; 粒子群优化 ; 支持向量机


Rich spectral information from hyperspectral images can aid in the classification and recognition of the ground objects. Currently, hyperspectral images classification has already been applied successfully in various fields. However, the high dimensions of hyperspectral images cause redundancy in information and bring some troubles while classifying precisely ground truth. Hence, this paper proposes a hybrid feature selection strategy based on the Genetic Algorithm and the Novel Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (GANBPSO) to reduce the dimensionality of hyperspectral data while preserving the desired information for target detection and classification analysis. The proposed feature selection approach automatically chooses the most informative features combination. The parameters used in support vector machine (SVM) simultaneously are optimized, aiming at improving the performance of SVM. To show the validity of the proposal, Indian Pines(AVIRIS 92AV3C) data set which is widely used to test the performance of feature selection techniques is chosen to feed the proposed method. The obtained results clearly confirm that the new approach is able to automatically select the most informative features in terms of classification accuracy without requiring the number of desired features to be set a priori by users. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve higher classification accuracy than traditional methods.

Keywords: hyperspectral images ; feature selection ; Particle Swarm Optimization ; Support Vector Machine


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谢福鼎, 姚娆. 基于GANBPSO-SVM的高光谱影像特征选择方法[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(6): 972-978 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.06.017

Xie Fuding, Yao Rao. A Feature Selection Strategy for Hyperspectral Images Classification Based on GANBPSO-SVM[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(6): 972-978 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.06.017



在高光谱影像中选择最优波段组合的问题实质上是特征选择并组合优化的过程,其中粒子群算法(PSO)和遗传算法(GA)目前都被广泛应用于高性能优化搜索中,可以快速找到高维空间中的最优解问题[8,9,10,11,12,13]。GA是由Holland等人开发的一种随机搜索算法,模拟Darwin的进化论的自然选择与Mendel的遗传学的生物进化过程的寻优算法[8]。不同于传统搜索算法,GA从问题的潜在解集即种群开始搜索,所有问题的解即带有特征的个体构成种群。通过选择、交叉、变异等运算生成子代并继续进化,最后收敛于适应度最高的染色体,得到问题的最优解[9,10]。GA具有广泛寻优能力;PSO具有精度高、收敛快等优点。但是在GA中,如果染色体没被选择来进行配对,那么这个个体就失去了这个染色体所包含的信息,因此GA没有在种群进化的过程中考虑个体自身的发展。而PSO会陷入“早熟”收敛,因为:1) 当粒子收敛于全局极值和个体极值时,并不能保证这是局部最优点[12];2) 粒子之间的信息流动很快,容易产生类似的粒子,导致多样性的缺失[13]


基于以上讨论,本文提出了一种GA和PSO相结合的混合优化策略(GANBPSO),这种混合优化算法由二进制粒子群优化算法(NBPSO)首先进行特征子集的搜索,针对粒子群的“早熟”问题,通过使用GA进行改善[15]。利用离散型GANBPSO混合优化算法完成特征子集搜索的同时,以连续性PSO对SVM参数进行同步优化。为了说明所提出方法的有效性,本文选取了在高光谱分类中广泛使用的Indian Pines数据集进行实验,结果表明,通过该方法可以获得比传统分类方法更优的分类结果。

1 粒子群优化算法

1.1 经典的粒子群算法

粒子群算法(PSO)是由Kennedy等[11]开发的一种智能寻优算法,模拟鸟群等群体中个体之间的协作和信息共享来觅食的行为,每个潜在解都看作是D维搜索空间上的一个没有体积的粒子(点),每个粒子以一定的速度向适应度高的位置飞行,所有的粒子根据自身和同伴的飞行经验在解空间中搜索最优解,粒子i的第d维 ($1\leqslant{d}\leqslant{D}$)的速度用vid表示,位置用xid表示,它经历过的最好位置记为pibest,所有粒子经历过的最好位置记为pgbest,对每一代,通过迭代更新速度和位置找寻最优解。首先粒子通过(1)式产生速度[11]





1.2 二进制粒子群算法(BPSO)






1.3 新的二进制粒子群优化算法



式中, vid1vid0别表示粒子i的第d维的位置变为1或者0的概率,更新规则为:



式中, did,11did,21did,10did,20是根据局部最优值pibest、全局最优值pgbest而变化的临时值,w是惯性权重, did,11did,21did,10did,20的更新规则为





式中,r1r2是[0,1]之间的随机值,c1c2是不变参数学习因子。当pibestpgbest为0时, did,10did,20为正值, vid0增加; did,11did,21为负值, vid1减小。反之,当pibestpgbest为1时, vid0减小, vid1增加。通过这种方式,在粒子更新的过程中考虑了前一时刻的状态,粒子某一位变为1或0的方向也能保持下去,因此取得了良好的优化效果。粒子位置的更新公式为:


式中, x̅id表示xid在二进制下的取反,rid是在[0,1]区间的随机数。

2 基于GANBPSO-SVM的特征选择与分类




图1   粒子编码

Fig.1   Particle’s encoding





1) 首先采用NBPSO算法,根据式(5)和式(8)对粒子的特征掩码部分的速度和位置进行更新。再根据式(2)对粒子的SVM参数部分进行更新。

2) 计算每个粒子的适应度,按照适应度从大到小排序,选择适应度高的前N/2优选粒子直接进入下一代,后N/2粒子进行GA的交叉和变异操作。

3) 将这2次更新后分别得到的N/2粒子重新组成下一代种群。


3 实验及结果分析

本文采用AVIRIS传感器获取的美国印第安纳州测试地(Indian Pines)的高光谱影像数据[20]进行了试验,该数据共220个波段,空间分辨率为20 m,图像大小为145×145,波长覆盖范围0.4~2.5 μm。除去水汽和噪声吸收较为明显的波段,剩下的200个波段用于特征子集的选择和分类研究。该数据包括16个地物类型,每个类别随机选取10%的标记样本作为训练集,剩下的作为测试集(见表1)。图2分别为50、17、27波段合成的伪彩色图和测试影像的参考图及包含的各类地物像素数[21](其中白色部分为背景,在分类的过程中剔除)。

表1   训练集和测试集

Table 1   Number of training and test samples



图2   高光谱数据集(a)和相应的参考数据(b)

Fig.2   Hyperspectral datasets (a) and the corresponding reference data (b)

3.1 实验参数


3.2 精度评价


3.2.1 总体分类精度




3.2.2 Kappa系数





表2   KC统计值与分类效果对应关系

Table 2   Classification quality associated to the Kappa statistics value



3.3 实验评价


3.3.1 基于不同分类器的对比分类实验


表3   不同分类器200个波段下的分类精度

Table 3   Classification accuracy by different classifiers in the original hyperspectral image



表4给出了优化SVM参数前后的分类试验结果对比结果。采用GANBPSO进行特征选择后,最终得到的适应度最大的粒子中,长度为200的特征子集二进制串中位长为1的个数是44,即得到了44个特征子集组合,最后2维所对应的最优参数组合中Cγ分别取241.616 9和8.196 1。优化后,波段数从200降到44,大大降低了高光谱影像的维度。并且在选择特征子集的同时,SVM的参数Cγ也得到了优化,相对于事先指定参数值的SVM的分类,精度也从81.80%提升到85.56%。显然,经过GANBPSO方法优选子集和优化SVM参数后,不仅能剔除冗余子集得到优选特征子集组合,还能优化SVM分类器的性能,大幅度的提升了分类精度。

表4   特征选择和SVM参数优化前后的分类精度

Table 4   Classification accuracy of SVM parameters optimization



3.3.2 基于不同特征选择算法的对比分类实验

PSO和GAPSO都是常用的寻优算法,在高光谱影像的特征选择中得到了广泛的应用。为了验证本文特征选择方法相比传统特征选择方法具有更好的效果,本实验分别采用PSO[15]、HGAPSO[15]和本文提出的GANBPSO三种不同的特征选择方法(3种方法均为各类随机选取10%的训练样本)基于SVM进行分类,将3次优选出来的特征子集的分类精度进行比较,训练集和测试集如表1所示。图3中的(b) (c) (d)分别显示了PSO-SVM[15]、HGAPSO-SVM[15]和GANBPSO-SVM的可视化分类结果。从表5可以轻易看出,对200个原始波段进行特征选择后分类结果相对于原始波段均有不同程度的提高,而本文提出的GANBPSO算法的精度优于其他2个算法,说明GANBPSO算法能得到更优的特征子集组合,并在优化SVM分类器参数的同时,提高了分类器的性能,达到了较好的分类精度(表5)。

图3   分类结果对比
a.参考数据; b. PSO- SVM分类结果(10%训练样本); c. HGAPSO- SVM分类结果(10%训练样本); d. GANBPSO-SVM(10%训练样本)分类结果; e. GANBPSO-SVM(20%训练样本)分类结果; f. GANBPSO-SVM(50%训练样本)分类结果; g.GANBPSO-SVM(80%训练样本)分类结果

Fig.3   Comparison of the classification results

表5   基于SVM的不同特征选择方法的分类精度

Table 5   classification accuracy by different feature selection algorithms based on SVM



3.3.3 不同比例训练样本数的分类结果


表6   基于GANBPSO-SVM的不同比例训练样本的分类结果

Table 6   Classification accuracy based on GANBPSO-SVM under different proportions of the training samples



4 结语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Recent developments in remote sensing technologies have made hyperspectral imagery (HSI) readily available to detect and classify objects on the earth using pattern recognition techniques. Hyperspectral signatures are composed of densely sampled reflectance values over a wide range of the spectrum. Although most of the traditional approaches for HSI analysis entail per-pixel spectral classification, spatial-spectral exploitation of HSI has the potential to further improve the classification performance-particularly when there is unique class-specific textural information in the scene. Since the dimensionality of such remotely sensed imagery is often very large, especially in spatial-spectral feature domain, a large amount of training data is required to accurately model the classifier. In this paper, we propose a robust dimensionality reduction approach that effectively addresses this problem for hyperspectral imagery (HSI) analysis using spectral and spatial features. In particular, we propose a new dimensionality reduction algorithm, GA-LFDA where a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based feature selection and Local-Fisher's Discriminant Analysis (LFDA) based feature projection are performed in a raw spectral-spatial feature space for effective dimensionality reduction. This is followed by a parametric Gaussian mixture model classifier. Classification results with experimental data show that our proposed method outperforms traditional dimensionality reduction and classification algorithms in challenging small training sample size and mixed pixel conditions.
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The particle swarm optimizer (PSO) is a stochastic, population-based optimization technique that can be applied to a wide range of problems, including neural network training. This paper presents a variation on the traditional PSO algorithm, called the cooperative particle swarm optimizer, or CPSO, employing cooperative behavior to significantly improve the performance of the original algorithm. This is achieved by using multiple swarms to optimize different components of the solution vector cooperatively. Application of the new PSO algorithm on several benchmark optimization problems shows a marked improvement in performance over the traditional PSO.
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Summary: This paper present the hybrid approaches of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with Genetic Algorithm (GA). PSO and GA are population based heuristic search technique which can be used to solve the optimization problems modeled on the concept of Evolutionary Approach. In standard PSO, the non-oscillatory route can quickly cause a particle to stagnate and also it may prematurely converge on suboptimal solutions that are not even guaranteed to be local optimum. In this paper the modification strategies are proposed in PSO using GA. Experiment results are examined with benchmark functions and results show that the proposed hybrid models outperform the standard PSO.
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This paper addresses classification of hyperspectral remote sensing images with kernel-based methods defined in the framework of semisupervised support vector machines (S3VMs). In particular, we analyzed the critical problem of the nonconvexity of the cost function associated with the learning phase of S3VMs by considering different (S3VMs) techniques that solve optimization directly in the primal formulation of the objective function. As the nonconvex cost function can be characterized by many local minima, different optimization techniques may lead to different classification results. Here, we present two implementations, which are based on different rationales and optimization methods. The presented techniques are compared with S3VMs implemented in the dual formulation in the context of classification of real hyperspectral remote sensing images. Experimental results point out the effectiveness of the techniques based on the optimization of the primal formulation, which provided higher accuracy and better generalization ability than the S3VMs optimized in the dual formulation
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A new feature selection approach that is based on the integration of a genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization is proposed. The overall accuracy of a support vector machine classifier on validation samples is used as a fitness value. The new approach is carried out on the well-known Indian Pines hyperspectral data set. Results confirm that the new approach is able to automatically select the most informative features in terms of classification accuracy within an acceptable CPU processing time without requiring the number of desired features to be set a priori by users. Furthermore, the usefulness of the proposed method is also tested for road detection. Results confirm that the proposed method is capable of discriminating between road and background pixels and performs better than the other approaches used for comparison in terms of performance metrics.
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https://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2012.2227934      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this letter, a kernel-based contextual classification approach built on the principle of a newly introduced mapping technique, called Hilbert space embedding, is proposed. The proposed technique, called contextual support vector machine (SVM), is aimed at jointly exploiting both local spectral and spatial information in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) by collectively embedding a set of spectral signatures within a confined local region into a single point in the RKHS that can uniquely represent the corresponding local hyperspectral pixels. Embedding is conducted by calculating the weighted empirical mean of the mapped points in the RKHS to exploit the similarities and variations in the local spectral and spatial information. The weights are adaptively estimated based on the distance between the mapped point in consideration and its neighbors in the RKHS. An SVM separating hyperplane is built to maximize the margin between classes formed by weighted empirical means. The proposed technique showed significant improvement over the composite kernel-based SVM on several hyperspectral images.
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https://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2012.2236818      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This letter presents a novel semisupervised method for addressing a domain adaptation problem in the classification of hyperspectral data. To overcome the influence of distribution bias between the source and target domains, we introduce the domain transfer multiple-kernel learning to simultaneously minimize the maximum mean discrepancy criterion and the structural risk functional of support vector machines. Then, the pairwise binary classifiers are merged as the multiclass classifier for solving the classification problem in hyperspectral data. Both bias and nonbias sampling strategies are introduced to evaluate the robustness of the proposed method against the spectral distribution bias. The results obtained from real data sets show that the proposed method can achieve higher classification accuracy even with cross-domain distribution bias and provide robust solutions with different labeled and unlabeled data sizes.
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