地理科学  2018 , 38 (7): 1079-1088 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.07.009


宓泽锋, 曾刚

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心/城市与区域科学学院, 上海 200062

Logistics Linkage Pattern, Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Under Different Scales

Mi Zefeng, Zeng Gang

School of Urban and Regional Science, Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

中图分类号:  F503

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)07-1079-10

通讯作者:  通讯作者:曾刚,教授。E-mail:gzeng@re.ecnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-06-2

修回日期:  2017-08-14

网络出版日期:  2018-07-20

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFC0502701)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(41071093,41371147)资助





借助从货运网站上抓取的2015年水路货运、公路货运、铁路货运、航空货运OD数据55 623条,基于物质流的视角,采用回归分析,对长江经济带物流联系现状及其影响因素进行了研究。研究发现:长江经济带货运网络总体上呈现东部发达、西部落后格局,阶梯状发展特征显著,上海龙头作用显著,省会城市地位突出。从影响因子来看,空间尺度越大,规律性越强。航空货运受地区间物流服务能力和基础设施差异的深刻影响,而水路货运主要受地区间转运能力差异影响、陆路货运受多种要素综合影响显著。为助推长江经济带综合立体交通走廊建设,建议东、中部地区注重发挥不同运输方式的协同作用,着力提升区域运输效率。对地形崎岖的西部地区而言,应合理开发和搭配水运和少数空运中心,改善交通区位。

关键词: 长江经济带 ; 物流联系 ; 货运网络 ; 转运能力


Typically speaking, logistics is an important way to the flow of basic elements, and its linkage specifically reflects the “flow space”. This article describes the logistics connection pattern of the Yangtze River economic belt, and quantitatively studies the influencing factors of logistics, obtaining 55 623 OD data of waterway freight, road freight, rail freight and air freight from the freight professional websites in 2015. Conclusions are as follows: 1) Airway freight is the most active in the western provinces, because it is less affected by underlying surface elements. While in the cross-regional linkage, the feature performed by the east-west linkages among big cities is extremely significant. The waterway freight network is the most developed in the eastern area (especially in Jiangsu), followed by the central region, and the western waterway freight network is still in the initial stage of low-intensity link. Compared with the first two freight network, the overall land freight network is well developed which has formed the pattern of the capital city as the network center. Moreover, the eastern region has begun to develop into multi-center network model. 2) Each mode of logistics linkage is affected by different factors. For example, airway freight is influenced by the difference of inter-regional logistics service capacity and infrastructure, which is more likely to make contact with the greater gap between the cities. Waterway freight is mainly affected by the difference of inter-regional transport capacity. The contact form of “Weak transport capacity of the city: strong transport capacity of the city” is extremely obvious. In general, land freight has the most obvious effect of all aspects, which is the result of comprehensive impact of the various elements. 3) In the provincial scale, it is not obvious of the influence from the various factors due to the distinct conditions of each province. Overall, the larger the scale, the stronger the regularity of the impact of the various aspects, the logistics will reflect.

Keywords: the Yangtze River Economic Belt ; logistics linkage ; freight network ; transport capacity


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宓泽锋, 曾刚. 不同尺度下长江经济带物流联系格局、特征及影响因素研究[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(7): 1079-1088 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.07.009

Mi Zefeng, Zeng Gang. Logistics Linkage Pattern, Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Under Different Scales[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(7): 1079-1088 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.07.009





1 指标选取依据及数据来源

本文聚焦物流网络,拟刻画长江经济带不同货流方式的网络特征,并从经济发展水平、物流服务能力、转运能力、基础设施、开放度、资源依赖度、距离等7个方面入手,分析物流网络形成与发展的影响因素。由于缺乏官方货流OD数据,本文借助大数据方法,从水陆联运网、唐翼网上货运系统、绿蚂蚁物流服务平台、12306网站货运系统中分别抓取水路货运、航空货运、公路货运和铁路货运数据,共得到货运OD数据55 623条。

1.1 指标选取及依据




表1   物流联系及影响因素指标

Table 1   Index selection of logistics linkage and its influencing factors






式中, GDP表示当年国内生产总值; Q表示开放度; X表示当年出口额; M表示当年进口额。

资源型城市由于煤炭等大宗货物输出量巨大而常常成为物流输出地[26]。2002年国家计委宏观经济研究院课题组提出了4种资源型城市的判定方式[30] 采掘业产值占工业总产值的比重在10%以上; 采掘业产值规模,对县级市而言应超过1亿元,对地级市而言应超过2亿元; 采掘业从业人员占全部从业人员的比重在5%以上; 采掘业从业人员数在10 000人以上。符合其中任何一条标准,就可认定为资源型城市。以上4方面均在衡量城市对资源的依赖程度,基于数据的可得性,本文选取“采矿业从业人员占全部从业人员的比重”这一指标来表示城市的资源依赖度(表1)。


陆路货运由公路货运专线数量和铁路货运专线数量归一化后加权得到。总体而言,城市间货运专线数量越多,则货运联系越强;考虑到长江经济带内部联系货运量小于长江经济带总货运量,因此用长江经济带总货运量乘以内部货运联系占总联系的比重来表征长江经济带内部联系货运量;通过第 i条城市间联系的公路货运量和铁路货运量相加,得到第 i条城市间联系的陆运联系值(如“上海-南京”为第1条城市间联系,“上海-无锡”为第2条城市间联系,110个城市共形成5 995条城市间联系)。公式为:


式中, Li为第 i条城市间联系的陆运联系值; a表示长江经济带内部公路货运专线数占以长江经济带内城市为起点的总公路货运专线数的比重; b表示长江经济带内部铁路货运联系量占以长江经济带内城市为起点的总发货量的比重; HFV代表长江经济带公路总货运量, RFV代表长江经济带铁路总货运量; Hi表示第 i条城市间联系的公路货运专线数, H表示以长江经济带内联系的总公路货运专线数; Ri表示第 i条城市间联系的铁路专线数, R表示长江经济带内联系的总铁路货运专线数。查询《中国统计年鉴(2016)》[31]得到长江经济带九省二市2015年的公路货运量 HFV和铁路货运量 RFV分别为1 315 546万t和52 399万t;查询《中国交通年鉴(2016)》[32]中的“国家铁路行政区域间货物交流表”,表中记录有各省发送和到达的货运量数据,计算得到长江经济带内部运输的铁路货运量占长江经济带铁路发送总货运量的76.7%,因此 b=0.767;由于尚缺乏行政区间公路货运交流的官方发布数据,因此用“绿蚂蚁物流服务平台”中搜索到的长江经济带内部联系的公路货运专线数量(17 021条)占以长江经济带为起点的公路货运专线数量(42 337条)的比重来表示公路内部货运联系的比重,得到 a=0.402

1.2 数据来源

航空货运数据来源于中国南方航空运营的唐翼网上货运系统,该网站发布各航空公司的每日货运班次。由于该系统仅能查到当日及之后1月的货运航班数据,故笔者根据长江经济带内各机场三字码查询了2015年10月1~31日各机场间的航班信息,选择直达班次,共搜索到2015年10月份7 482条货运航班数据。

公路货运专线数据来源于深圳市禾嘉科技有限公司旗下主要网站“绿蚂蚁物流服务平台”。该公司主营业务为物流搜索服务,于2015年11月获得中国物流与采购联合会科技技术奖,至2015年12月份已收录有7 000多家物流企业提供的物流线路。在该平台上能搜索到各物流公司发布的始发地、目的地、时刻、单价、预估总价等物流专线数据,为本文提供了丰富的公路货运信息。本文数据搜索时间为2015年11月30日,共搜集到长江经济带110个地级市之间货运专线数据17 021条。

铁路联系数据来源于中国铁路局12306网站中的货运班列平台,包括快运货物班列156条线路和直达货物班列362条线路。将货运线路货运吨数和编组数量按比例赋权重,一列火车载重量换算为600 t,同一线路上的长江经济带内数据均视为存在联系。

水路货运数据来源于江苏物润船联网络股份有限公司运营的“水陆联运网”中的水运“云货源”平台。江苏物润船联网络股份有限公司是中国首家上市的水陆联运第四方智慧物流公司,而“云货源”则是为大众提供发布水运需求的平台,发布包括起运港、卸货港、货物种类、货量、时间等在内的需求信息。平台共记载了从2015年1月1日至10月8日共30 602条长江水运需求信息,真实地反映了在市场层面上长江沿岸各城市的水运地位和水运联系强度。



各地级市物流园区数量从56 114物流查询网中搜索得到,该网站建设是郑州市人民政府网便民服务合作项目,由郑州物流广告有限公司主办,河南省物流协会协办,是国内知名的物流查询平台。该网站提供了精确的地级市物流园区数量信息。笔者共搜索到长江经济带地级市内的物流园区521个。


2 不同空间尺度下物流联系特征


2.1 航空货运联系差异显著


图1   2015年长江经济带内不同尺度下3种货运方式联系的空间格局
a、b、c为长江经济带内空运、陆运、水运联系; d、e、f为三大区区内空运、陆运、水运联系; g、h、i为省内空运、陆运、水运联系

Fig.1   The spatial patterns of three freight transports of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in different scales, 2015

2.2 陆路货运联系相对均衡

陆路货运联系网络是3种运输联系网络中最发达的网络。 省内尺度上,中部、西部省会城市均对省内地级市有极大的吸引力,是省内陆运货物的集散中心,星芒状网络特征显著。而东部地区浙江、江苏两省的省内陆运网络最为发达,各地级市间联系极为紧密,陆路货运联系四通八达。区域尺度上,中部、西部地区形成了以省会城市为中心的强联系网络,省会城市一方面在省内起到中心作用,另一方面也是与省外联系的窗口,是省内外货物集散中枢;“南京-上海-杭州-宁波”及沿线城市组成的“Z”字形区域是东部地区陆运核心区,沪浙苏皖四省(市)陆运网络发展水平差别不大,是长江经济带内货物流动最密集的地区。 长江经济带内部陆运网络中,上海发挥着龙头作用,各省会城市地位重要,形成了以东部上海、中部武汉、西部成都和重庆为区域中心,其它省会城市为副中心的货运网络格局(图1)。

2.3 水路货运联系东强西弱

水路货运网络依托长江,水运节点城市均临近长江。 省内水运中,东部省内部水运联系最为发达,中部省份次之,而西部省份落后。其中,江苏省水运网络位居榜首,南京、扬州、淮安、镇江、苏州、无锡、常州、徐州、南通是重要的水运节点,水运网络密度大;湖北省仅次于江苏排名第二,武汉是中部水运枢纽,与黄石、黄冈、宜昌、咸宁等地级市的水运联系紧密;安徽省排名第三,合肥、蚌埠、亳州、铜陵等地级市水运联系较强;浙江省内水运则只有杭州、宁波、台州之间具有一定强度的联系;其它省份省内水运联系不多。 从三大区区内水运联系上看,仍呈现出东部紧密、西部松散的格局,东部4省(市)水运联系网络发达,呈现出多中心结构特征;中部3省水运联系不多,仅湖北省内水运网络联系较多,3省之间的联系较少;西部4省(市)内水路货运网络很少。 从长江经济带内水运联系来看,东部地区对中、西部地区具有极强的吸引力。中西部地区重庆、武汉、长沙、南昌等省会城市与东部地区城市货运联系紧密,武汉、重庆区域枢纽作用突出(图1)。


3 物流联系的影响因素


3.1 共线性检验

在进行长江经济带省内和三大区内的数据回归时,笔者分别剔除了“省内-省外”联系和“区内-区外”联系的数据,共获得长江经济带内110个地级市5 995条相互联系数据、三大区区内1 978条联系数据以及省内648条联系数据。


表2   共线性检验表

Table 2   Collinearity check list


注: VIF后缀的带、区、省分布代表长江经济内、三大区区内、省内三个空间尺度的VIF值。由于相关性检验数据较多,表中仅列出长江经济带内自变量之间的相关性。实际测算中,其余两个空间尺度自变量间相关性均小于0.6;**、***表示P<0.05、P<0.01。


3.2 回归结果分析


表3   不同尺度下3种货运方式的回归结果

Table 3   Regression results of three freight methods in different scales




从单个因素的影响来看: 人均GDP差值在陆运、空运回归模型中总体显著为负,说明陆运、空运联系多在经济发展水平相近的地区间进行。在较为发达的陆运网中,邻近城市或同一地区内的城市间陆运联系占据主导地位;在较为稀疏的空运网中,长江经济带内大城市间联系占据主导地位,大城市与中小城市间的航空货运联系较少。而城市间经济发展水平差异对水运网络影响并不显著。物流服务能力弱的地区倾向于和服务能力强的地区形成空运、陆运联系。受长江水系发达程度影响,水运联系多发生在服务能力相近的地区之间,东部地区水运网络发达,具有多中心结构特征,省会城市优势不明显;而在中部、西部水运落后地区,重庆、武汉等区域中心城市地位突出。物流园区差值的回归系数整体上为正,说明物流转运能力对于空运、陆运、水运均极为重要,转运能力弱的地区倾向于与转运能力强的地区发生联系。基础设施建设差值的回归系数在三大区内和长江经济带内的各种货运联系中都显著为正,说明基础设施建设对于跨省货运联系影响显著,地级市优先与省外基础设施完善的地级市形成货运联系。采矿业从业人员占比差值的回归系数显著为负,说明“资源型城市-非资源型城市”之间的货运联系占长江经济带中货运总体联系份额极少,对整体影响不大。除空运联系外,开放度差值的系数显著为正,说明“内向型城市-外向型城市”之间的货运联系极为密切,货流从内向型城市流向外向型城市,再通过外向型城市连接外部城市的现象极为普遍。而在空运联系中,由于空运联系主要发生在“外向型城市-外向型城市”之间,开放度影响不显著。距离对于空运联系影响不显著,空运联系对距离变动的反应不敏感。陆运联系中距离的回归系数显著为负,表明发达地区的邻近联系远多于跨区域联系;水运联系中距离的回归系数显著为负,长江经济带中尚未形成紧密的东西向水运联系。主要是因为东部地区水运网络发达,而中、西部地区落后(表3)。


表4   3种货运方式的特征总结

Table 4   Characteristics of three freight methods



4 结论及建议




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2004.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines international urban systems from the standpoint of international air traffic flows and analyzes the patterns of international air passenger and cargo flows within and among the Asian, European and American regions. After evaluating the international air network structures in 1982 and in 1998, the degree of ‘hub-ness’ for prospective hub cities from 1982 to 1998 is clarified by a basic gravity model composed of GDP, population and distance introducing city-dummy variables. The results reveal that Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore in Asia, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam in Europe and New York and Miami in the US are strengthening their positions as international hubs.
[6] Huggins R, Izushi H, Prokop D et al.

Network evolution and the spatiotemporal dynamics of knowledge sourcing

[J]. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2015, 27(7-8):474-499.

https://doi.org/10.1080/08985626.2015.1070538      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Knowledge accessing from external organizations is important to firms, especially entrepreneurial ones that often cannot generate internally all the knowledge necessary for innovation. There is, however, a lack of evidence concerning the association between the evolution of firms and the evolution of their networks. The aim of this paper is to begin to fill this gap by undertaking an exploratory analysis of the relationship between the vintage of firms and their knowledge sourcing networks. Drawing on an analysis of firms in the UK, the paper finds some evidence of a U-shaped relationship existing between firm age and the frequency of accessing knowledge from certain sources. Emerging entrepreneurial firms are found to be highly active with regard to accessing knowledge from a range of sources and geographic locations, with the rate of networking dropping somewhat during the following period of peak firm growth. For instance, it is found that firms tend to access knowledge from sources such as universities and research institutes in their own region less frequently when they experience peak turnover growth. Overall, the results suggest a complex relationship between the lifecycle of the firm and its networking patterns. It is concluded that network-related theory and policy needs to take greater account of the likelihood that network formation and utilization by firms will vary dependent upon their lifecycle position.
[7] Boschma R, Frenken K.

The spatial evolution of innovation networks: A proximity perspective

[M]//Boschma R, Martin R. The handbook of evolutionary economic geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010: 120-135.

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Bathelt H, Glückler J.The relational economy: Geographies of knowing and learning[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

[本文引用: 1]     

[9] Balland P A, Belso-Martínez J A, Morrison A.

The dynamics of technical and business networks in industrial clusters: Embeddedness, status or proximity?

[J]. Economic Geography, 2016, 92(1): 35-60.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00130095.2015.1094370      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[10] Bridge G.

Mapping the terrain of time—Space compression: power networks in everyday Life

[J]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1997, 15(5): 611-626.

https://doi.org/10.1068/d150611      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper I seek a more comprehensive mapping of the experienceof time - space in late modernity. I develop Massey's critiqueof the work of Harvey and Jameson in their reading of time - space compression as a socially uniform experience of disorientation. Buildingon Massey's notion of 'power geometry' I integrate discussions of time - space with an application of different understandings of power(from traditional political philosophy, Marxism, and poststructuralism)and their manifestations -- in latent-power conditions, socioeconomicnetworks, actor networks, 'local' interpersonal relations, and the networkspaces of subjectivity. Rather than being posited as irreconcilable conceptions, these versions of power and their articulations can be seen as initialcoordinates in the mapping of the complexities of the experiences of timeand space in late modernity.
[11] Derudder B.

Mapping global urban networks: A decade of empirical world cities research

[J]. Geography Compass, 2008, 2(2): 559-574.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00102.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This survey article reviews the harvest of empirical world cities research since its formal inception about a decade ago. Taylor's (1997) delineation of 'the problem of evidence' in this literature is used as a cue to assess the merits and inadequacies of recent empirical studies. To get a handle on the literature as a whole, a taxonomy of empirical approaches is developed. Major features of the dominant approaches in general and some important studies in particular are discussed. This discussion is thereupon used to analyse the extent to which these studies have managed to construct meaningful measures of transnational inter-city relations. This analysis reveals that significant steps have been taken, but some new points of attention can be raised, such as the lack of suitable theoretical reference points in some recent empirical studies and the disproportionate focus on a relatively narrow range of formal economic processes.
[12] Taylor P J, Catalano G, Walker D R F.

Exploratory analysis of the world city network

[J]. Urban Studies, 2002, 39(13): 2377-2394.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2014.06.067      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Drawing on previous specification and measurement of the world city network, this paper develops an exploratory research design using principal components analyses. Multiple solutions are used to explore the structure of a matrix defined by 123 cities and 100 global service firms in which the cells indicate the value of the firm's office in that city. Principal components analysis produces clusters of cities based upon similar profiles of service firms. Using 13 separate analyses, the main finding is a prime structure consisting of Outer cities, US cities, Pacific Asian cities, Euro-German cities and Old Commonwealth cities. Other secondary structures are also found. The end-result is a new geography of globalisation as indicated by configurations of the world city network.
[13] Jin F, Wang C, Cao Y et al.

Progress of research on transportation geography in China

[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(8):1067-1080.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-016-1316-x      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

As an important branch of human geography, transportation geography has experienced three periods of evolution: foundation, systematization, and rapid development of the discipline. It has gradually become a relatively mature discipline. During the period 1930– 1980, the development of transportation geography consisted mainly of the publication of theoretical texts. During 1980–2000, it gradually became a systematic discipline. Since the start of the 21 st century, transportation geography has focused mainly on exploring the impacts of transportation on socio-economic development. Currently, studies on transportation geography have led to significant developments in a number of areas, including transportation theory, facility distribution and planning, transportation flows and network analysis, evaluation of transport modes, transportation planning, and simulation and assessment of urban transportation. Such studies have also enriched human geography research, provided a wider geographical overview and elucidated the development mechanism of transportation, as well as helped to understand the impacts of transport development on socio-economic systems. Some findings obtained by geographers have been widely used in transportation geography and related fields, including the four basic laws of transportation generation, the hub–spoke mode of transport organization, the subordinating and guiding functions of transportation on socio-economic development, regional transport dominance measures, accessibility measures, and spatial organization of port systems.
[14] 褚艳玲, 宫之光, 杨忠振.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(3):335-341.

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[Chu Yanling, Gong Zhiguang, Yang Zhongzhen.

The spatial pattern of China air cargo transportation in 21st century

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(3):335-341.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[15] 王成金, 程佳佳.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(6):803-812.

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[Wang Chengjin, Cheng Jiajia.

Spatialpattern of expressway network accessibility and evolution in China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica,2016,36(6):803-812. ]

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] 王姣娥, 焦敬娟, 金凤君.


[J]. 地理学报, 2014, 69(12):1833-1846.

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[Wang Jiao’e, Jiao Jingjuan, Jin Fengjun.

Spatial effects of high-speed rails on interurban economic linkages in China

.Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(12):1833-1846.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[17] 王成金, 程佳佳, 马丽.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(11):1441-1448.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Chengjin, Cheng Jiajia, Ma Li.

Spatial organization pattern of the Yangtze River integrated transport corridor

. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(11):1441-1448.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] 王伟, 王成金.


[J]. 地理学报, 2016, 71(10):1752-1766.

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[Wang Wei, Wang Chengjin.

Spatial evolution of coal transportation of coastal ports in China

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(10):1752-1766.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] 陈明星, 陆大道, 龚颖华.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(7):965-972.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Chen Mingxing,Lu Dadao,Gong Yinghua.

The pattern and regional type of China’s ‘new normal’ from the view of economic geography

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(7):965-972.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 邹辉, 段学军.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(9):1408-1417.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zou Hui, Duan Xuejun.

Pattern evolution of economy-environment coordinated development in the Changjiang River Economic Belt

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(9):1408-1417.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] 李群, 赵嵩正.


[J]. 财贸经济, 2005(6):61-65.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Li Qun, Zhao Songzheng.

Analysis on the mechanism of resource mobility and regional economic development

. Finance & Trade Economics, 2005(6):61-65]

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] 王鑫磊, 王圣云.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(12):1583-1590.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.12.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Modern logistics industry plays a pivotal role in driving economic development in the central region of China. Thus, establishment of a scientifically proven logistics network would have a significant impact on the spatial pattern of economic structures of the region. A capacity assessment system is introduced for the logistics network in central China, evaluation analysis is conducted to acquire a comprehensive logistics capacity index value for each unit area in the study, and the hub cities of different levels are identified in the network. Then, the time cost of transportation from a node to a logistics center is calculated using weighted average travel time. Based on the potential model, the coverage areas of the hub cities are determined, leading to the layout of the hub-and-spoke logistics network for the region. This study indicates that the logistics network has already been formed in central China, with Wuhan as the first-level hub, Changsha, Hefei, Zhengzhou, Nanchang, Taiyuan as second-level hubs, Wuhu and other nineteen cities as third-level hubs, and the rest of prefecture-level and county- level cities as peripheral cities. In terms of the impact of the logistics network on central China, the coverage areas of the network match well with the administrative boundaries of the provinces, and nodes are closely tied to hubs. However, problems remain on issues like unbalanced development of the logistics network among the areas and loose connections between the areas.

[Wang Xinlei, Wang Shengyun.

The hub-and-spoke logistics network system in Central China based on road and railway transportation cost

. Progress in Geography, 2012, 31(12):1583-1590.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.12.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Modern logistics industry plays a pivotal role in driving economic development in the central region of China. Thus, establishment of a scientifically proven logistics network would have a significant impact on the spatial pattern of economic structures of the region. A capacity assessment system is introduced for the logistics network in central China, evaluation analysis is conducted to acquire a comprehensive logistics capacity index value for each unit area in the study, and the hub cities of different levels are identified in the network. Then, the time cost of transportation from a node to a logistics center is calculated using weighted average travel time. Based on the potential model, the coverage areas of the hub cities are determined, leading to the layout of the hub-and-spoke logistics network for the region. This study indicates that the logistics network has already been formed in central China, with Wuhan as the first-level hub, Changsha, Hefei, Zhengzhou, Nanchang, Taiyuan as second-level hubs, Wuhu and other nineteen cities as third-level hubs, and the rest of prefecture-level and county- level cities as peripheral cities. In terms of the impact of the logistics network on central China, the coverage areas of the network match well with the administrative boundaries of the provinces, and nodes are closely tied to hubs. However, problems remain on issues like unbalanced development of the logistics network among the areas and loose connections between the areas.
[23] 李国旗, 金凤君, 陈娱,.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(5):629-637.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Li Guoqi, Jin Fengjun, Chen Yu et al.

Spatial patterns of logistics industry based on a geographic analysis of hotness degree

. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(5):629-637.]

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[24] 谢守红.


[J]. 经济经纬, 2008(2):68-70.

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[Xie Shouhong.

A study on the export-oriented economic development of Chinese cities

. Economic Survey, 2008(2):68-70.]

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[25] 郭建科, 韩增林, 王利.


[J]. 地理研究, 2012, 31(10):1849-1860.

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[Guo Jianke, Han Zenglin, Wang Li.

The spatial system of freight extrovert service function of central cities in China

. Geographical Research. 2012, 31(10):1849-1860.]

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[26] 张新林, 赵媛.


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2016, 31(10):1611-1623.

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[Zhang Xinlin, Zhao Yuan.

Rethinking of connotation and constituent elements of resources flow based on spatial perspective

. Journal of Natural Resources, 2016, 31(10):1611-1623.]

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[27] 王成金.


[J]. 地理学报, 2008, 63(2):135-146.

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[Wang Chengjin.

Spatial organizational network of logistics company in China

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2):135-146.]

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[28] 曾刚. 长江经济带协同创新研究:创新·合作·空间·治理[M]. 北京:经济科学出版社, 2016:248-249.

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[Zeng Gang.Research on regional innovation cooperation of Yangtze Economic Zone. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2016:248-249.]

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[29] 李远. 政策导向与外向型经济发展[M]. 北京: 中国经济出版社, 2006.

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[Li Yuan.Policy guidance and the development of export-oriented economy. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 2006.]

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[J]. 宏观经济研究, 2002(11):37-39.

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[Research Group of the State Planning Commission.

Definition and classification of resource-based cities in China

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[31] 国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴(2016)[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2016.

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[National Bureau of Statistics.China statistical yearbook for regional economy (2014). Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2015.]

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[34] 国家统计局. 中国城市统计年鉴(2016)[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2016.

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[National Bureau of Statistics.China city statistical yearbook (2016).Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2016.]

[本文引用: 1]     
