地理科学  2018 , 38 (10): 1699-1706 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.014

Orginal Article


张苏文, 杨青山

1.东北师范大学地理科学学院,吉林 长春 130024

The Core-Periphery Structure and the Growth Stage of Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration

Zhang Suwen, Yang Qingshan

1.School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, Jilin,China

中图分类号:  TU982.2

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)10-1699-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:杨青山,教授。E-mail:yangqs027@nenu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-01-5

修回日期:  2018-04-25

网络出版日期:  2018-12-12

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41771126)资助






关键词: 城市群 ; “核心-外围”结构; ; 模糊综合评价法 ; 哈长城市群


The growth of urban agglomeration has periodical characteristics and regular pattern, and it develops unevenly in spatial structure at beginning stage, which manifests a core-periphery structure. Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration is one of the key urban agglomerations that is listed in state-level urbanization planning, so it is of great significance to analyze its spatial structure and measure its growth stage for the practical works. From the perspective of the core-periphery theory, this article divides Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration into the core area and the peripheral area, then the article uses fuzzy comprehension evaluation method to set up the evaluation index system and the evaluation index standard to evaluate the growth degree and stage of Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration. Finally, the article discusses the strategic policies for constructing Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration. The result of the research indicates that the growth of Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration has the characteristic of 3-core-periphery spatial structure. The core area includes 22 districts and the peripheral area includes 83 districts and counties. Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration is in the later stage of its embryonic growth stage and urban system is immature. The core area is mainly agglomeration while radiation effect is not strong. The industrial structure in the peripheral area is characterized by convergence, the inter-city accessibility and informatization level are low, the infrastructure is not developed enough, and the development of the export-oriented economy is not sufficient. Regional development in the urban agglomeration is uneven. It is necessary for the core area of Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration to continue to strengthen Harbin and Changchun as regional central cities and enhance the construction of the central cities. It is also necessary for the peripheral area to be deeply involved in their core area’s economy, improve connectivity with central cities, strengthen regional cooperation, and promote coordinated regional development.

Keywords: urban agglomeration ; core-periphery structure ; fuzzy comprehension evaluation method ; Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration


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张苏文, 杨青山. 哈长城市群核心-外围结构及发展阶段判断研究[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(10): 1699-1706 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.014

Zhang Suwen, Yang Qingshan. The Core-Periphery Structure and the Growth Stage of Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(10): 1699-1706 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.014




1 研究区概况与研究方法

1.1 研究区概况

哈长城市群位于东北地区腹地,南邻辽中南城市群和京津冀城市群,北、东邻俄罗斯远东地区和朝鲜半岛,西邻蒙古国和俄罗斯东西伯利亚地区,由陆路和航空可便捷联通欧洲、北美地区,是中国东北地区对外开放的重要门户。该区域是中国重要的老工业基地和最大的商品粮基地,煤炭、石油、天然气、金属等矿产资源禀赋条件良好,已形成以汽车、装备、能源、石化、农产品加工、医药等为主的现代工业体系,边境贸易、国际物流等服务业快速发展的开放型经济体系初步形成。本文研究的哈长城市群空间范围依据国家批复的《哈长城市群发展规划》划定的范围,包括10个地级市,1个自治州(延边朝鲜族自治州),63个县(含县级市),以及10个地级市的42个市辖区,共计105个县区级研究单元。该城市群国土面积32.31万km2,总人口4 711万人,城镇人口2 043万人,2015年GDP为24 836亿元,第一、二、三产业生产总值所占GDP比重分别为13.04%、44.04%和42.92%[21,22]。与中国十大城市群的发展主要指标相比,哈长城市群的土地面积较大,但是人口规模和GDP都处于末位,与国内发达的城市群之间的差距明显(表1)。

表1   2015年中国十大城市群与哈长城市群对比

Table 1   The comparison of top 10 Chinese urban agglomerations and Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration in 2015




1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 核心区和外围区划分

本文对核心外围区域划分主要根据城市群内经济发展水平和空间联系的差异性。在确保指标的科学性和可获取性前提下,选取城市化率、人口密度、经济密度、人均GDP、第二产业占GDP比重、第三产业占GDP比重以及公路网密度等7项指标对哈长城市群进行核心区和外围区划分。根据城市群发展规律,核心区为人口和经济社会要素密集、发展水平相对领先的地域,一般情况下应同时具备如下条件:城市化率60%以上,人口密度300人/km2以上,经济密度1 000万元/km2以上,人均GDP 50 000元/人以上,第二产业占GDP比重50%以上,第三产业占GDP比重45%以上以及公路网密度7 000 km/104km2以上。本文主要参照以上标准,也考虑到哈长城市群发展水平相对落后的现实,将具有4项及以上指标同时满足条件的研究单元判定为具有核心区特征的区域。由于城市群核心区要达到一定的人口和经济规模并能够承担区域中心城市功能,所以哈长城市群核心区判定在上述7项指标判定的基础上,还设定了以下3个原则:一是在空间形态上,核心区为连片的具有核心区特征的空间单元;二是每个核心区空间单元总人口在100万人以上;三是每个核心区空间单元的GDP在2 000亿元以上。基于以上原则和标准,最终划定出哈长城市群核心区,余下则为外围区。

1.2.2 评价指标体系的构建



表2   城市群发展阶段评价指标体系及权重赋值

Table 2   The evaluation index system and the index weight assignment of the growth stage of urban agglomeration

外部联系水平0.13实际利用外资(近3 a平均)(亿美元)0.0381


1.2.3 评判标准的设定

目前,国内外对城市群发展阶段的界定标准不统一。本文借鉴前人研究成果[26,27,28,29],指标的界定标准主要参考陈群元等人的研究结论[17],赋值区间部分参考姚士谋[14]和刘荣增对城镇密集区发展阶段判定指标标准[16],制定了哈长城市群发展阶段的评判指标标准(表3)。根据哈长城市群的实际情况,本文将“人口密度”和“实际利用外资(近3 a平均)”这二项指标的评判标准作了适当调整。根据城市群发展阶段判断评价赋分方法的相关研究,分值区间90~100分为稳定发展阶段,80~90分为趋于成熟阶段,60~80分为快速发育阶段,低于60分为雏形发育阶段。

表3   城市群发展阶段的评判指标标准

Table 3   The evaluation index standard of the growth stage of urban agglomeration

实际利用外资(近3 a平均)(亿美元)<2020~5050~80>80


2 结果分析

2.1 哈长城市群核心区与外围区


图1   哈长城市群核心-外围区划分

Fig.1   The division of core-peripheral area of Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration


表4   哈长城市群核心区与外围区主要指标对比

Table 4   Main indexes between the core area and the peripheral area of Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration



2.2 哈长城市群发展阶段判断分析


表5   哈长城市群发展阶段指标体系及分值

Table 5   The index system and the value of the growth stage of Harbin-Changchun urban agglomeration

实际利用外资(近3 a平均)





3 结论与启示




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The Structures Systems of Urban Agglomerations (SSUAs) in China are the spatial and synthetic polymers coupled organically by Urban Agglomerations with different development degrees, grades, political relationship, formative reasons and spatial locations through various flows of substance, power, information and knowledge. Based on the synthetic analysis of the SSUAs at home and abroad, it is found out that world SSUAs are in the process of formation, the functions with different grades for Urban Agglomerations are fabricating profoundly now through new international division of labor and region, and at the same time, although Urban Agglomerations are in the incipient phase as a whole, they are the most vigorous strategic strong point and growth pole with the greatest potential in the economic development framework in the future, and they will dominate the economic development orientation in China. The paper identifies three grades according to the calculating results using of model subject to the index of development degree for Urban Agglomerations in China. The first grade group constitutes Urban Agglomerations on the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and of capital Metropolitan Coordinating Region. The second grade consists of 11 Urban Agglomerations in Shandong Peninsula, Chengdu and Wuhan metropolitan coordinating regions. The third grade group is composed of 14 Urban Agglomerations in the central Yunnan Province and the north Tianshan Mountains. Further analyses indicate that there are great differences among the 28 Urban Agglomerations, but such differences are reasonable to some degree. They have showed some characteristics of regional heterogeneities including different development phases, non-equilibrium in overall distribution, regularities in regional heterogeneous pattern, distinct disintegration and heterogeneity in inter-conglomeration. Based on the above analyses, the paper suggests that future studies should focus on the theoretical studies of the multi-dimension, regularity and phase subject of the SSUAs in China, enhance studies on the differences in heterogeneity and competitiveness in the formation and development of the SSUAs and reinforce research on their internationalization, globalization and dynamic monitoring.

[Fang Chuanglin, Song Jitao, Zhang Qiang et al.

The formation, development and spatial heterogeneity patterns for the structures system of urban agglomerations in China

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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2005.05.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Structures Systems of Urban Agglomerations (SSUAs) in China are the spatial and synthetic polymers coupled organically by Urban Agglomerations with different development degrees, grades, political relationship, formative reasons and spatial locations through various flows of substance, power, information and knowledge. Based on the synthetic analysis of the SSUAs at home and abroad, it is found out that world SSUAs are in the process of formation, the functions with different grades for Urban Agglomerations are fabricating profoundly now through new international division of labor and region, and at the same time, although Urban Agglomerations are in the incipient phase as a whole, they are the most vigorous strategic strong point and growth pole with the greatest potential in the economic development framework in the future, and they will dominate the economic development orientation in China. The paper identifies three grades according to the calculating results using of model subject to the index of development degree for Urban Agglomerations in China. The first grade group constitutes Urban Agglomerations on the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and of capital Metropolitan Coordinating Region. The second grade consists of 11 Urban Agglomerations in Shandong Peninsula, Chengdu and Wuhan metropolitan coordinating regions. The third grade group is composed of 14 Urban Agglomerations in the central Yunnan Province and the north Tianshan Mountains. Further analyses indicate that there are great differences among the 28 Urban Agglomerations, but such differences are reasonable to some degree. They have showed some characteristics of regional heterogeneities including different development phases, non-equilibrium in overall distribution, regularities in regional heterogeneous pattern, distinct disintegration and heterogeneity in inter-conglomeration. Based on the above analyses, the paper suggests that future studies should focus on the theoretical studies of the multi-dimension, regularity and phase subject of the SSUAs in China, enhance studies on the differences in heterogeneity and competitiveness in the formation and development of the SSUAs and reinforce research on their internationalization, globalization and dynamic monitoring.
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The urban agglomerations in Northeast China group grew up in the special historical period, under a special economic background, and its unique structure and function has been the regional labor division of the old industrial bases in Northeast China, even controled the economy development in Northeast China. According to the connotation of urban agglomeration, cities group and urban agglomeration group, this paper pointed out there currently exist objectively three large urban agglomerations, namely, urban agglomerations of Central Southern Liaoning, Central Jilin and Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar in Northeast China. According to the formation, development process and the present situation, Central Southern Liaoning has already developed into a mature urban agglomeration, while Central Jilin and Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar are still in intermediate stage of urban group development. Thus it has been formed a spatial structure with'an agglomeration and two groupsn Northeast China. By the analysis on the urban extroversion meritorious energy and urban flows intensity in three large urban agglomerations in Northeast China, it was found that there is not any city location quotient for the main extrovert service of the urban agglomeration being greater than 1. And their development levels were lower than that of domestic advanced urban agglomeration. The future development should focus on urban agglomeration organization structure, network development pattern, function division and complementary, development relationship coordination, etc., and further control and optimization are needed. Central Southern Liaoning should strengthen the benefit mechanism and efficiency mechanism when the heavy industry and equipment manufacturing continuously develop; Central Jilin should consolidate industrial relation, sticking to the development of automobile industry and emerging industries; Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar should lay emphasis on resources-substitute industry and emerging industries.

[Wang Shijun, Song Yang,

Feng Zhangxian et al

.Pattern and progress of large urban agglomerations and urban flows intensity in Northeast China. Science Geographic Sinica, 2011(3):287-294.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The urban agglomerations in Northeast China group grew up in the special historical period, under a special economic background, and its unique structure and function has been the regional labor division of the old industrial bases in Northeast China, even controled the economy development in Northeast China. According to the connotation of urban agglomeration, cities group and urban agglomeration group, this paper pointed out there currently exist objectively three large urban agglomerations, namely, urban agglomerations of Central Southern Liaoning, Central Jilin and Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar in Northeast China. According to the formation, development process and the present situation, Central Southern Liaoning has already developed into a mature urban agglomeration, while Central Jilin and Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar are still in intermediate stage of urban group development. Thus it has been formed a spatial structure with'an agglomeration and two groupsn Northeast China. By the analysis on the urban extroversion meritorious energy and urban flows intensity in three large urban agglomerations in Northeast China, it was found that there is not any city location quotient for the main extrovert service of the urban agglomeration being greater than 1. And their development levels were lower than that of domestic advanced urban agglomeration. The future development should focus on urban agglomeration organization structure, network development pattern, function division and complementary, development relationship coordination, etc., and further control and optimization are needed. Central Southern Liaoning should strengthen the benefit mechanism and efficiency mechanism when the heavy industry and equipment manufacturing continuously develop; Central Jilin should consolidate industrial relation, sticking to the development of automobile industry and emerging industries; Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar should lay emphasis on resources-substitute industry and emerging industries.
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[22] 吉林省统计局. 吉林统计年鉴2016[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社,2016.

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[Jilin Statistical Bureau.Jilin statistical yearbook. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2016.]

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[23] 国家统计局城市社会经济调查司. 中国城市统计年鉴2016[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2016.

[本文引用: 1]     

[National Bureau of Statistics of China. China city statistical yearbook. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2016.]

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[24] 国家统计局农村社会经济调查司. 中国县域统计年鉴2016[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2016.

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This article summarizes the characteristics of urbanization development and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China, analyzes the relation of urbanization and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China by applying the mutually prompt law of urbanization and industrialize, the law of the changes of industrial structure and the law of urbanization development, and discusses the reasons of forming this relation. Finally, this article puts forward harmonious strategy on the relation of urbanization and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China. that is, promoting harmonious development of urbanization and industrial structure by optimining industrial structure, building the reasonable urban system and improving the level of infroastructure.

[Yang Qingshan, Li Hongying, Mei Lin.

Relation of urbanization and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2004.03.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article summarizes the characteristics of urbanization development and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China, analyzes the relation of urbanization and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China by applying the mutually prompt law of urbanization and industrialize, the law of the changes of industrial structure and the law of urbanization development, and discusses the reasons of forming this relation. Finally, this article puts forward harmonious strategy on the relation of urbanization and the changes of industrial structure in Northeast China. that is, promoting harmonious development of urbanization and industrial structure by optimining industrial structure, building the reasonable urban system and improving the level of infroastructure.
